Bkfast help

I am finding it dificult to eat a nutritious, whomesome breakfast in the morning. I am told that I should eat a large breakfast, but I dont have time to make anyting because I have to be at work at 6am. So I usually eat cereal and thats it. any suggestions that have worked for you?


  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    1 bagel thin, 1/4 cup egg beaters, 1 veggie sausage patty. ready in the microwave in about 45 seconds! I also like yogurt with granola. good luck :)
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    I eat a medium banana and a bagel thin with whipped cream cheese
  • pcallahan1976
    Breakfast should be a decent sized meal. I agree with Claudia007. The bagel thins are as much as a multi-grain English muffin and you're getting more!!! Egg beaters or even egg whites are good and the veggie or turkey sausage. YUM! It will satisfy you in the morning and get you started with a enough food to get you going!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Lately, I have been doing oatmeal with 1tsp honey, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 1 egg white. It only takes a few minutes and you can cook it in the microwave while you're doing other things like drying your hair, then when the oatmeal is cooked, add the honey, cinnamon, and egg white and stir stir stir until the egg is cooked.

    You could also just have something small like a piece of toast with a slice of tomato or half of a bagel with some peanut butter, maybe with a banana on the side. I don't think you HAVE to eat a large breakfast, just get something so your body isn't starving.
  • MamboGyrl
    MamboGyrl Posts: 16 Member
    I make things ahead of time. For example hard boiled eggs (& when organic the yolks are FANTASTIC for us). I keep them in the cartons (marked "HB"). I take them to work in my lunch bags so when I AM hungry (at 8am) I have it with a small fat & small carb. This may not sound appealing, but I LOVE 3 oz of chicken in the morning.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    This morning I had a whole wheat English muffin with 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter. It doesn't sound like much but it kept me full for quite a while! The peanut butter offers a ton of protein. If you want to add something else, maybe a glass of low-fat milk just to bring it full circle.

    The other breakfast I usually eat is a packet of Kashi Go-Lean oatmeal and a Dannon Light and Fit Carb & Sugar Control yogurt. I'm pre-diabetic so I figured this is better than regular yogurt - I haven't tried Greek yogurt yet.
  • thammond46
    My wife and I make veggie egg white omellets every Sunday, Basically we make about (5) 18 Packs of eggs add some tomato, peppers, onions, brocolli and a dash of cheese and then put the eggs in a cake pan and bake it. Then we measure out the portions and put them in tupperware for the week. It takes elss than 2 minutes to heat up breakfast.. Tanks care of Monday through Friday pretty effectively.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Cereal is fine as long as you're making a smart choice. I love Kashi Go Lean Crunch because with milk, I'm getting a decent amount of protein & fiber. Add in a hard boiled egg (do it ahead of time and then it's quick to just grab it out of the fridge & say, eat it on your ride to work) and you have a perfectly balanced meal!

    Also... a fried egg takes what, 5 minutes? This morning I had a Thomas 100% whole wheat english muffin with a fried egg and a slice of swiss cheese. I wrapped it in foil and ate it on my drive to my friend's house.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    oatmeal is quick and filling, hardboiled egg whites,,You should boil them a day before so u can grab go , and banana
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Oatmeal with raisins or other fruit in it. Or 1 egg omlete with a splash milk, bit of ham, cheese and a ton of veggies. You can prep the veggies and cut ham, and mix w/ egg and milk the night before and keep in fridge overnight. then you just pop it on the stove in the morning. It will be done in a jiff.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I make fruit shakes in a blender every morning. You can even make them the night before as a grab and go thing. I use a banana, dole frozen strawberries or mixed fruit, blueberries, and milk. Sometimes I put some yogurt in it if I want it thicker. This is how I get my fruits and dairy in. Sometimes I make 3-4 slices of butterball turkey bacon with it at 25 calories a piece & not nearly as much fat as regular. Instead of the bacon you can also pair the shake with a bagel thin and a tablespoon or two of any flavor of the 1/3 less fat cream cheese. Sooooooo good.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Anything you can prep the night before will make breakfast a lot easier. I'm a zombie in the morning. Definitely hardboiled egg. For oatmeal, if you save your glass jars from jam and salsa type foods, you can put the oatmeal in the jar to go. I like that better than a Tupperware box since the jar lids screw on snug. I also get various types of cheese (swiss & gouda are my fav at the moment) and pre-cut them into 1oz blocks. That way I don't have to guess how much I had to eat. I also pre-weigh my almonds so they are serving controlled and easy to take on the go. My friend makes her fruit smoothies in batches and freeze them; then she transfers one unit of them to the fridge the night before and it's ready to have in the morning. No loud blender noises in the morning, and no blender to clean everyday.

    One thing I learned since I started dieting is that I function better if I munch throughout the day. So if you can't stomach a lot of calories at breakfast or you only have 15 minutes to eat, you can eat a little "at breakfast time" and then munch a bit more after you get to work (hopefully that's feasible for your job).
  • eklugman
    eklugman Posts: 20 Member
    I work at 5 am and have to be out of my house by 4 am. I have been making quick instant steel cut oats from Trader Joe's with a small handful of orange flavored cranberries. I add them to the oats as soon as I put them in, and it flavors the oatmeal, so no need for honey or sugar! I have a very very active job, and this helps keep me full through the morning rush at work. The total cook time is 5 minutes, and I just throw it in a bowl and eat it half way through my drive to work, b/c I'm not always hungry right away.
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    I eat some fage greek yogurt with kashi almond flax go lean crunch mixed in with a touch of honey. It's really good! Sometimes I will eat a hardboiled egg too along with that or some fruit.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hard boil some eggs. Two eggs are only about 160 calories but the protein stays with you for a while. I like to have eggs ( I usually scramble them but hard boiled would be really easy for you to grab and run!) I eat two eggs and then about a half hour later I eat some fruit. If I dont have time I just buy those pre-cut packages and have that. The sugar in the fruit keeps me from wanting anything sweet and if I start eating the fruit before I feel hungry, I dont seem to want to eat til lunch.