Any help with willpower?

I basically suck at willpower right now. I did great the first 3-4 mos. Now I've lost it again. I just give in. The best I got today was I reduced my sirloin from an 8oz to a 6oz. Then went and got icecream. I've been over my cal goal 4days straight! Ugh. Any tips?


  • ingasmile2
    ingasmile2 Posts: 43 Member
    If you need motivation just look at that profile pic!! You don't want to lose all that progress! Just get back on the wagon so to speak and keep making those small changes every day! They add up.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Could you be over restricting? Sometimes with a bit more calories to eat you're able to fit in a little more food, which could include moderate quantities or foods you love to eat
  • What worked for me was to take some time and DECIDE what I WANTED. We always get what we want. If you WANT extra sirloin and you WANT ice cream and you WANT to eat above your calorie goals you will. No one can make us comply with our plan except ourselves, and we need a compelling reason to DO that when there are other COMPETING WANTS there which won't get you to your health goals. There came a time when my progress was completely stalled by my own doing where I had to make a decision. Do I want the yummy food or do I want health? In MY world and in MY life those two things could not co-exist peacefully LOL.

    You can do this, but only YOU can DO this. =) Hope that helped! You are capable of AMAZING THINGS, and a complete health TRANSFORMATION is ONE of them! Go girl!
  • jhill515
    jhill515 Posts: 1
    I understand the feeling all too well; I struggle, make some progress, then something comes up and I'm back to square one again. This morning, I read an interesting article about will power, and I admit it was thought provoking:

    Just remember, falling down isn't something to punish yourself for. It's when you choose to not get back up that you've really failed.
  • pamelas9
    pamelas9 Posts: 29
    I looked at your food diary. Good news, I really don't think willpower is the problem.

    I think it's breakfast. Every day you have gone over, your breakfast has been carb heavy, and basically no protein.

    You control your lunch, but by dinner I can see that you are throwing in the towel (probably ravenous, or with someone who is not watching their food?).

    For the next few days - try to eat an egg or some other protein rich food at breakfast, try not to eat more than one carb heavy side at each meal, because carbs make the cravings. Also, if you go out to dinner, order what you like and ask for a box right away. Cut every single portion in half and pack it up, then go about your dinner. At the end of the day IF you have calories and IF you are hungry eat some, otherwise its a great tasting lunch for the next day.

    As far as the ice cream, it happens. BUT, you did have calories to spare going in, if you had chosen just a scoop of ice cream I think you would have stayed on target.
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    I like to remind myself that what I'm doing is healthy and good for me, and that I don't need that [ice cream] or whatever your weakness is. I also like to remind myself that if I eat junk, I'm going to feel like junk. But, even if you accidentally give in, you can always bounce back and get right back on the diet/lifestyle that you chose for yourself.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I did the same thing. I had a great 120+ day streak, lost almost 20 pounds and then I missed a day of logging. For some reason, losing that streak made me mad and I just went AWOL!
    It took another 2 months, but I finally started a competition with money with some of my co-workers because I was desperate for a reset! Winning the competition isn't make or break, but it gave me the inspiration to start logging again. It is early still, but the competition lasts 4 weeks so I hope to be back down my 20 pounds (instead of 11, UGH) and back on track.
    Just spice it up a bit somehow, find some renewed inspiration or exercise you find fun...anything!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    For me, it's all about the pause. I have eaten so much, so blindly in the past. Impulsive, compulsive with an edge of panic. Here's what I try to do now. I say to myself, "If you want to go all out on eating, you have to sit for 15 minutes and do nothing. You have to wait. You have to try, if you can, figuring out if it's physical hunger or emotional hunger." A lot of times that 15 minute waiting time is all I need to slow down the runaway train. If I want to indulge, that's fine, as long as I stay aware and accept that it's my decision. If it's about strong emotions that want relief, usually the 15 minutes helps be calm down and do something else (something that distracts, but not food).