What do you eat for breakfast?

Choobey Posts: 78 Member
I want to know what people eat for breakfast that keeps them full. I started doing cross and I gained a few pounds! I realized yesterday what the problem was, my normal breakfast is not filling me up enough and it is making me eat like a horse when I get back from boot camp after work!

Yesterday, I had a chicken biscuit sand which (normally drink a veggie/fruit shake). I continued to eat like I normally do for the rest of the day. When I got home from cross fit, I was not a crazy starving person like I normally am! I was totally satisfied eating a small dinner.

What I want to know is what do you eat for breakfast that keeps you full?


  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours, so I usually just have oatmeal at around 8am, and then some fruit at around 10am...I try to keep it simple :P
  • betty_2010
    betty_2010 Posts: 44 Member
    I have either a protien bar or shake plus a fruit smoothie and a piece of fruit between8.30 and 11am before lunch.

    Eggs are good in the morning boiled or scrambled
  • stephb130181
    stephb130181 Posts: 56 Member
    I have porridge most mornings, with either banana or strawberries cut up into it. I eat that about 7.30am and I find that fills me up for the morning. I have an apple about 11am, but could quite easily go until Noon before needing to eat again.
  • Choobey
    Choobey Posts: 78 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours, so I usually just have oatmeal at around 8am, and then some fruit at around 10am...I try to keep it simple :P

    Normally I do that, but I realized that I do not think its working for me. I am going to see how I feel today, I went back to my original shakes. Test day #2 :)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    What's your calorie goal, out of curiosity?

    I typically don't eat breakfast until after noon. Eggs, avacado, onion, tomato, cheese scrambled is something I really like. Bacon, too when I have some. Greek yogurt with fruit is pretty good too. Something with a decent amount of protein and fats tend to keep me more satiated
  • Ladydrake12
    Ladydrake12 Posts: 45 Member
    An apple with crunchy peanut butter and coffee. Yum!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i dont eat unti a few hours after i wake up though the week, and usually have a banana

    weekends is 2 eggs with a slice of toast
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    Eggs! Most days I have eggs with 1/2 an avocado if i have, and a fruit. But I also eat every 2-3 hours so depending on how much I eat for breakfast I'll have a small to medium snack after that.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I eat 2 scrambled eggs, a couple pieces of bacon or 1 piece of sausage, and coffee at work.

    At home I usually eat 1 or 2 eggs over hard on a high fiber english muffin with a piece of swiss cheese, or, I eat high fiber oatmeal.
  • Choobey
    Choobey Posts: 78 Member
    What's your calorie goal, out of curiosity?

    I typically don't eat breakfast until after noon. Eggs, avacado, onion, tomato, cheese scrambled is something I really like. Bacon, too when I have some. Greek yogurt with fruit is pretty good too. Something with a decent amount of protein and fats tend to keep me more satiated

    My calorie goal is 1200. During the week I get up for work at 5:15AM and drink a shake on my way to work at about 6:30AM. Around 9:30AM I am getting hungry and will eat a piece of fruit or something. Then I am starving by 11:30AM and eat lunch then. I try to eat a small snack around 2PM so I can get through boot camp. I think eating the more filling breakfast set me up for the day, but I do not want to eat high fat, high cholesterol, etc. foods.
  • andibenoit
    andibenoit Posts: 71 Member
    1/4 c egg whites and 1 whole egg, scrambled with toast and real butter.... or oatmeal protein pancakes
  • low_esteem23
    low_esteem23 Posts: 31 Member
    eggs usually fill me for a good chunk of the day. I'm trying something new this week but usually i like to have an eggwhite omelet filled with a meat and veggies with a meat on the side.
  • tattooedillini26
    tattooedillini26 Posts: 48 Member
    I usually do eggs...sometimes it's scrambled with a side of fruit, sometimes over easy with toast...this morning I took 1 cup of hash browns, some turkey sausage, and eggs and scrambled it all together with fat free cheese, that will definitely keep me full for a while
  • RageEight
    RageEight Posts: 14 Member
    i dont eat unti a few hours after i wake up though the week, and usually have a banana

    Similar for me. I drink some water when I wake up. Have an apple around 10am, a smoothie around 11:30 or noon. Although if I wake up an am hungry, then I'll have that apple right away. I'm generally just not hungry early on.
  • yallllah
    yallllah Posts: 35 Member
    What's really worked for me is rearranging my eating patterns. It takes about a week (or two, if your body is stubborn), but I've pushed breakfast from 7:30am to 9:30 by just eating 15 minutes to 30 minutes later every day. It means I eat at my desk and that I have to pack both breakfast and lunch, but so far it's been ace for keeping hunger pains away. And I'm not adding any meals, so no need to "find room" for extra snacks or calories.

    Don't know if it will work for you, but could be an option. :)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    What's your calorie goal, out of curiosity?

    I typically don't eat breakfast until after noon. Eggs, avacado, onion, tomato, cheese scrambled is something I really like. Bacon, too when I have some. Greek yogurt with fruit is pretty good too. Something with a decent amount of protein and fats tend to keep me more satiated

    My calorie goal is 1200. During the week I get up for work at 5:15AM and drink a shake on my way to work at about 6:30AM. Around 9:30AM I am getting hungry and will eat a piece of fruit or something. Then I am starving by 11:30AM and eat lunch then. I try to eat a small snack around 2PM so I can get through boot camp. I think eating the more filling breakfast set me up for the day, but I do not want to eat high fat, high cholesterol, etc. foods.

    No wonder you're hungry. You've got 9 lbs left to lose, why are you setting yourself up for 2 lbs a week loss? Pick a less aggressive goal. Something like .5-1lb a week loss. With less to lose, you need to lessen your deficit or you could risk muscle loss.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with fats. Fats are good for hormone control and overall health..
    Have you read this?

  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    I skip breakfast and eat all my calories between noon and 8pm.
  • cunardly
    cunardly Posts: 2
    Im usually up at 4 in the morning and find it most beneficial to start with a protien bar I use pure protien brand.. at around 8 I eat a fruit anything except bananas... when I get off at 9 I'll cook 2 eggs and have a slice of low calorie bread with some fruit and 4 oz fat free milk that usually does it for me. that usually holds me till I get off work at my other job in the late afternoon or early evening
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Oatmeal oatmeal oatmeal oatmeal.

    Check out theoatmealartist.com for some great recipes :)
  • heatherblack6
    heatherblack6 Posts: 4 Member
    I go with the EAS myoplex lite protein shake pre-gym & then once i get to work I eat an english muffin with peanut butter. Typically holds me until my mid morning snack at 11 or so.