Starting Raw Vegan :)



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hello everyone :). My name is Naomi. I am 23 years old and I have been overweight my entire life. I have been yo-yoing with weight for the past couple of years, but I believe I have found the solution. As of January first I decided to be Vegan for ethical and moral reasons, but in doing so I became a carboholic. Not to mention it quickly became an excuse for me to eat whatever vegan junk foods I could find. BUT, as of today I am starting a raw vegan diet 3-4 days out of the week. Only fresh fruits and veggies :). I can't go wrong there lol. So, here's to a new start!!!!! <3

    Just to be clear fruits and veg ARE carbohydrates. Therefore eating only fruit and veg you will be taking in only carbohydrates. This is not a good plan for avoiding carbohydrates.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    That's exactly what I said..... and eating animal products might be the 'easiest', but it's not the healthiest or kindest to the environment. You can be compassionate and still get enough protein. Humans can live perfectly healthy lives independent of using animals as a food or nutrient source. The benefits of veganism far outweigh the cons. Yes, you have to live a more structured lifestyle and plan your meals out, you have to get acquainted with the nutritional content of your food... but anyone on this website should be well aware of that and should be doing it anyway. Knowing how to read a nutrition facts label, and keeping tabs on the macronutrients you're getting or not getting, and adjusting accordingly. Those are the keys to success.

    As far as protein goes....... One word. Beans.

    Or if you want more words.... Peas, kale, quinoa, nuts/seeds, nut butter, almond or soymilk... :) There are a lot of foods out there.

    it's a myth that the vegan diet is healthier than an omnivorous diet. Humans are omnivores. A vegan diet that imitates the nutrient profile of a balanced omnivorous diet can be healthy, although you still need to supplement vitamin B12 and it's a good idea to supplement some other vitamins as well, and iron (the non-haem form of iron found in vegetables is not so easily absorbed by the body as haem iron (i.e. from meat))....

    also, humans needed an industrial level of technology before veganism was even an option, due to the fact that it's extremely difficult to get enough protein from plants only without modern intensive agricultural methods and the ability to transport food around the world. Both of these things increase someone's carbon footprint. Without this, and vitamin and iron supplements, humans actually do need animal protein for survival. Veganism is something that's possible because of advanced technology, and it's debatable whether it's more ethical than meat eating, on account of the larger carbon footprint.

    Anyway, vegan for ethical reasons I have no issue with, providing people are taking care to get all the nutrients their body needs. Claiming that it's nutritionally superior to an omnivorous diet is what I disagree with. Also, I have been vegan in the past. And vegetarian. And eating chicken and fish but not red meat. And you know what diet I feel healthiest eating? One that includes lots of red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy and fresh fruit and veg (and other foods in moderation, but those are the ones I consider staples). If I had to pick what I consider the most essential components of those, I'd go for red meat, fruit and vegetables.

    This is everything I was thinking, but written much more thorough and clear than I would have. :flowerforyou:

    On a personal side note--I've never seen a vegan (plant-based or raw, for that matter) reach protein numbers upwards of 100g without vegan protein powder or some other type of supplement.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    luckily though they have found out most people overeat protein and it turns out you don't need nearly as much, so it is now easier to get enough protein through vegetable sources

    Overeat protein for what? Losing weight, bulking, or maintaining? Because the recommended protein numbers are different depending on what you're doing. And who is "they"?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Don't let people tell you that being vegan isn't healthy. There are a lot of people who will tell you that your body NEEDS animal proteins. They are just uneducated. Fruits and vegetables as well as whole non-enriched grains provide your body all the nutrients it needs. Avoid overdoing it on the sugary fruits... but raw vegetables and fruits are so very very good for you. You'll feel full and have more energy than you'll know what to do with! :)

    Being veg is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, humanity, and the planet. Good job. <3

    The body doesn't need animal protein, but it does need protein. Unfortunately, eating animal products are the easiest way to fill that macro.

    luckily though they have found out most people overeat protein and it turns out you don't need nearly as much, so it is now easier to get enough protein through vegetable sources

    Overeat protein for what? Losing weight, bulking, or maintaining? Because the recommended protein numbers are different depending on what you're doing. And who is "they"?

    My guess is the China study. Its the one debunked study that vegans love to quote because it claims a link between animal protein and poor health. Of course its been debunked time and time again and never reproduced but hey, who needs reproducible or scientific consensus when you have one study that validates your claims of your ethical way of life being also healthier.

    If anything most people undereat protien and if you are only eating fruit and veg not only are you going to be calorically starved and insulin spiked through the roof with your sugar-only diet but you will have basically no protein and your body will have to consume your muscle for amino acids. Really a horrible idea to eat only fruit and vegetables.
  • RealtyGoddess
    RealtyGoddess Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome! You'd be surprised how much stuff you can have and how wonderful it makes you feel. I've done it.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hey, from an ethical perspective I can respect veganism but don't confuse being vegan with being on a diet and don't assume that being vegan somehow makes you healthy, it really doesn't. Going pure fruit and veg would be a horribly imbalanced diet and the opposite of healthy, you need protein, you need fat. There are vegan options for that, there is no reason to avoid them.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    Haters sure do keep hating.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Haters sure do keep hating.

    wait, so giving people nutritional advice that might prevent them from getting a deficiency disease is hating now.....?

    No-one said don't be vegan. They said make sure you're getting the nutrients your body needs while being vegan, and calling out some of the vegan propaganda promoting unhealthy versions of the vegan diet that are lacking in essential nutrients and can potentially make people ill.
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    I love how I feel after being on a plant based diet after 6 months and do try to eat at least one raw meal a day.
    Having so much energy is great motivation to work out so it's win win! :happy: