My god, it's everywhere...



  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Sodium actually protects you from the devil!!!!
    Funny, I actually read a report that stated that, for people whose arteries are kinda clogging up with animal fats slowly over the years, excess sodium will actually help keep those arteries from hardening as fast and lessens the risk of ischemic strokes (caused by clogged up arteries and vessels). And the inverse is true, apparently. Those who eat very little or no animal fat should not ingest excess sodium, since that increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke (caused by blood leaking out of blood vessels into, say, the brain cavity). So in a sense, sodium does protect [some of] you from the devil.
  • MindyM80
    MindyM80 Posts: 41 Member
    anything that is not prepared freshly at home is loaded with sodium.
    Yikes! heres to puffy ankles.
  • MissKriss3
    MissKriss3 Posts: 117 Member
    Sodium is delicious, its my favorite flavor mmm
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Drink more water and work up a good sweat daily...problem solved.
    Since I'm too lazy to have to sweat daily just so I can eat lots of sodium-laden foods, I'd rather just cut back on sodium. Easy peasy. Some of us just don't like to sweat, especially daily.

    Good to know....but im in favor of working within the system. Its all about options to me.
  • pinkgardens
    pinkgardens Posts: 6 Member
    I agree. I had no idea how much sodium was in food that is supposed to be "healthy".
  • mochakochalatte
    mochakochalatte Posts: 15 Member
    It really is the worst!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Sodium is great, it makes me drink more water.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sodium. Only two days on here and calories, fat, fiber, protein is good, I can sustain this.
    But wow, sodium. I had no idea I was eating so much, and how so heavy in breads!
    Time to change grocery shopping habits.
    Yeah, one of the first things I learned was that I could pretty much forget anything that requires a can opener. There must be something in the canning process because it seems like everything in a can has high sodium content.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Ermegerd. Sodium and sugars aren't the debil.

    Sodium actually protects you from the devil!!!!

    I thought that just worked for demons?
    Isn't that garlic salt?!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I agree. I had no idea how much sodium was in food that is supposed to be "healthy".
    Healthy is relative.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Ermegerd. Sodium and sugars aren't the debil.

    Sodium actually protects you from the devil!!!!

    I thought that just worked for demons?

    You have to throw it over your left shoulder.

    Garlic salt repels vampires with hypertension.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I solved my sodium problem rather easily.

    I removed it from my diary. Now I don't see that big red number any more.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Only two days on here and calories, fat, fiber, protein is good, I can sustain this.
    But wow, sodium. I had no idea I was eating so much, and how so heavy in breads!
    Time to change grocery shopping habits.

    Thank you myfitnesspal, opened my eyes.

    I'm under in sodium 5 out of the 7 days a week. basically anything you dont make yourself is going to have sodium. It sucks but I know its just water weight if the scale goes up because of it
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    Only two days on here and calories, fat, fiber, protein is good, I can sustain this.
    But wow, sodium. I had no idea I was eating so much, and how so heavy in breads!
    Time to change grocery shopping habits.

    Thank you myfitnesspal, opened my eyes.

    You aint attacking my macros a little down the road, but the sodium thing floored me also....
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Sodium was the first thing I was shocked by when I started using MFP. Pretty much anything I eat out of a box or pre-package will blow up my sodium number for the day. It's easy enough to stay hydrated and drink that off, but still, it was an eye opener for me to.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    Wait, is sodium the enemy now?
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Wait, is sodium the enemy now?

    No it's not the enemy. I just don't like the bloat I get from too much of it. I do enjoy me some salt mmmm Cocktail sauce
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Wait, is sodium the enemy now?

    Yes. Sodium is the enemy. All sodium are terrorists.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    You know what else is everywhere?



    Seriously, unless you have a medical reason to, don't demonize sugar/sodium. K? K.