Any other students trying to be healthier and lose weight?

I have put on 3 stone while at university due to laziness and living out eating whatever i want, need motivation and people to show up on my timeline doing exercise to make me want to do exercise.

Anybody got any tips on how i can control myself and get the energy to exercise while doing a degree and having a part time job? and anybody want to be friends so I can see your progress.
(sounds creepy sorry)

Thanks :D


  • lisa8x9
    lisa8x9 Posts: 14
    I'm in the same boat as you! I'm a student and during the summer, it's easier to eat healthy and exercise (except not as much now because I've been working), but during the school year I get stressed so I eat more and exercise less. Though, what I try to do is put one dance or exercise class in my schedule so it forces me to work out! I've also had luck with exercising more on the weekends or in the evening, depending on my free time during the week (but I knew people who liked to work out in the mornings) and trying to meal plan in advance. Plus, where I go to school, there is a lot of places around for quick healthy food which is a bonus.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I worked full time while pursuing both BA and MBA.
    It was hard to be healthy but I managed.

    Some tips-
    If you can cook healthy and pack your healthy snacks that really helps.
    For eating out, I like to survey the area and have a short list of healthy food options when I'm in or around campus.

    As for exercise, manage your time well, put things into "buckets" and assign time in advance for workouts no matter how many deadlines you have.

    Schedule time for rest.
    You have to get rest or it all flies out the window. With hectic schedule, choose reasonable time slots in advance and do something relaxing like TV or listening to music.