Going off Paxil - Weight Loss

Hello everyone,

I've been on Paxil for about 3-4 months now and noticed I literally ballooned while on it. Granted, I will take responsibility where it was due. I am a grad student and didn't eat healthy as I should have... but now I am back on track and have realized Paxil does things that disturb me - such as complete exhaustion, low libido and weight gain.

I was wondering if anyone had experience with going off Paxil, how long it took to loose the weight and any advice.

**Please -- Don't come in here snarling at me that "it wasn't the drug". We could argue for HOURS about that, just looking for personal experiences.


  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    no one has a comment?
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Medication can certainly hinder weight loss along with overeating. Coming off of medication could screw up your hormones as well. The time length varies by person because the dosage differs from person to person. You should consult with your doctor and get a referral to an experience dietitian to help you create a weight loss plan that works with your medication.
  • Angel_Cake25
    Angel_Cake25 Posts: 48 Member
    Luckily I am only coming off 10mg, so a very small amount. I have lowered it to five today and gonna do that for a week before going lower, then completely off it. Years ago, I went off Effexor and dropped 20lbs within a few months.
  • babyyoda5
    Hi, First off, if there is any other drug you can get on, do it. Please research going off Paxil. I recently went off and it was very difficult. I researched Paxil and the Dr.'s just don't have the info on withdrawels like they should.
    I gained only about 5 pounds, but since I have been off of Paxil, the weight is coming off and I am not even trying. Although, I do exercise and go to gym on a regular basis.
    I went on Paxil 8 years ago, only 10mg. (my grandmother had passed) I did not really need it anymore and I was tired of not having emotions. Just please research it, before you stay on it very long.
    On the weight gain, I have read than many people do gain a lot.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I actually lost a lot of weight on Paxil. I no longer had any desire to eat. I also had no desire for other important things - bedroom related. And because of that I decided to quit that medication, I had some terrible side effects from weaning off that medication. It did something strange to my nerves which stayed with me for years. I wish you a lot of luck and hope that this med isn't as harsh on you as it was on me.