Maintaining, sort of...wish this was easier.



  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    What you are describing is the beginning states of an ED. You need to be honest with your Dr so they can help you. There is healthy and there is skinny, please choose the former over the latter.
    I agree, hiding that you're underweight is the flip side of hiding that you binge. I guess the most important thing is to realize these self-image issues are driving you to be unhealthy. If you can't, a therapist or an honest discussion with your doctor might put you on the right path. If you can, maybe confiding in family or a close friend or a blog here is enough. Hope you get yourself back on track to a healthier you!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you're 5'5" (as your profile says), perhaps your body is telling you you need to weigh a bit more?

    I'm 5'6" and 130-135.

    Yes, I'm 5'5" as stated on my profile. I thought I was 5'4" (last measured at age 14) but was recently measured this year and they confirmed I was 5'5" :laugh:
    Well, best of luck. I stand by my concern that your weight will be hard to maintain when it's 20ish pounds less than what it probably wants to be. But again, best of luck.

    A woman who is 5'5" should be 115 at the least to be healthy. Your goal is unrealistic if you want maintain and be underweight. I'm extremely surprised your doctor didn't mention this. Also, a gain of about 5-8 lbs shouldn't put you up a size if you really weight lift. There are women who actually gained 10lbs, but lost a pant size because of weight lifting. is being a size 1-2 really that big of a deal?

    When going to the doctor I always wear clothes that put me well into the healthy weight range, I don't disclose my true weight to my doctor. Then she would really dismiss my concerns about weight gain. The extra water weight I put on from my occasional over eating does not cause my clothes to not fit. I just don't feel or look as thin as I want. Maintaining at 105-110 I believe is the best range for my body. I have a small frame and any weight gain shows right away.
    Massive red flags here. I would go to your doctor and tell her the truth, accepting that she may (and rightly so) be concerned with your weight. Be honest and get the help you need. Take care of your son's mother. :flowerforyou:
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    :laugh: I'm all kind of messed up, I know this. Nothing I can't handle, just weighs on my mind alot thats all. I'v talk to my husband about it, he just tells me I need to quit stressing about it. Haha, easier said then done. And the reason I don't want my doctor to know my true weight is b/c I wanted her to give me something that would help curb my appetite or help with the over indulging or stressing out about my weight 24/7. She told me my weight is fine & that I just need to continue what Im doing. Geezzzz...face palm!! :huh:

    Anyway, I hear what ya'll are saying. Working on fixing these issues. Thanks again :flowerforyou:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    First, lots of people change that much from salt.

    Second, you know overeating makes you feel lousy. It helps me to eat more modestly when I think about whether eating will really make me feel GOOD or if I'm just eating from habit. A little is good. More is not always better.

    Third, as a food lover, a small amount of really flavorful, fantastic food is SO much more satisfying than a lot of food that is only okay. Go for quality and flavor. Often that's healthy. Sometimes it's not. That's okay.

    Good luck!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I just went through the past two weeks in your diary, and it looks like you're netting under 1000 calories most days. I'm assuming that you overate by a good margin on days that you didn't log. This kind of behaviour, combined with what you describe as "obsessing" may be pointing to a problem with your perception of yourself rather than your weight. I highly advise seeing a therapist if at all possible, as theses types of behaviors tend to lead people down the road to disordered eating. Your current weight is underweight for your height, and your body is trying to tell you that.

    Congrats on all the success that you've had! Don't let this undo all of it! Considering eating at your maintenance calories and using strength training to recomp. You may gain pounds, but your overall body shape will be much firmer and stronger. You won't blow up like a balloon, I promise.

    This is wisdom.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I just looked at your diary, please - please eat more than 1000 calories a day. And if you over-eat don't punish yourself the next few days by eating less.
  • danfeldman494
    danfeldman494 Posts: 18 Member
    I know it's very difficult, as a guy I am going through similar stuff as you. I always obsess over my weight and what I'm eating - I'm always worried about gaining weight, eating too much, etc.

    What I can tell you is that your perception of yourself is probably inaccurate. When you think you're getting "fat", you're really not. Maybe what you think is an ideal weight range for you is a bit too low, and hence your body is trying to get you to a healthier weight range.

    I like to think of these as "vanity pounds". It's the extra few pounds that we think that we need to lose in order to reach perfection - to look like the people in magazines. The problem is that trying to lose those "vanity pounds" doesn't really make us any happier or healthier, and can actually make us less healthy. Think about it - is a few pounds really worth the constant anxiety.

    There are other things in life that matter besides achieving physical perfection. I'm sure that your husband thinks that you are beautiful. Realize that a few pounds is probably not noticeable to anyone besides yourself.

    Focus on eating whole, healthy foods. Focus on your health, not the scale. And most importantly, be happy.

    Best of luck to you!

  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I have a long ways to go and I have been here many times before, but I am trying to adjust my way of thinking this round and I really think it's the ticket for me. Maybe it will be something for you to consider.

    While I am definitely watching the scale as I go, what I am trying to do is focus on my health overall, and taking care of my body in the best way possible. I feel that if I do this, then the weight loss will happen – maybe not super fast, but whatever. I am focused on eating as many whole foods as possible, for example, drinking lots of water, and getting plenty of exercise. I want to be strong and treat my body like a temple. I want to feel comfortable, and I want to live a long, happy life.

    I have a tendency toward obsessiveness about food. I have had issues all my life and I am really trying hard to hit a balance. The most important thing is the overall view – not only the weight loss.

    It would be helpful to get some therapy – I know I would love to! There are online therapists you can work with now, have you looked into that?
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    I have a long ways to go and I have been here many times before, but I am trying to adjust my way of thinking this round and I really think it's the ticket for me. Maybe it will be something for you to consider.

    While I am definitely watching the scale as I go, what I am trying to do is focus on my health overall, and taking care of my body in the best way possible. I feel that if I do this, then the weight loss will happen – maybe not super fast, but whatever. I am focused on eating as many whole foods as possible, for example, drinking lots of water, and getting plenty of exercise. I want to be strong and treat my body like a temple. I want to feel comfortable, and I want to live a long, happy life.

    I have a tendency toward obsessiveness about food. I have had issues all my life and I am really trying hard to hit a balance. The most important thing is the overall view – not only the weight loss.

    It would be helpful to get some therapy – I know I would love to! There are online therapists you can work with now, have you looked into that?

    Yes, my doctor told me about online therapists, must be something new. I have looked into it, still doing research on it. Thanks for the kind words.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    I know it's very difficult, as a guy I am going through similar stuff as you. I always obsess over my weight and what I'm eating - I'm always worried about gaining weight, eating too much, etc.

    What I can tell you is that your perception of yourself is probably inaccurate. When you think you're getting "fat", you're really not. Maybe what you think is an ideal weight range for you is a bit too low, and hence your body is trying to get you to a healthier weight range.

    I like to think of these as "vanity pounds". It's the extra few pounds that we think that we need to lose in order to reach perfection - to look like the people in magazines. The problem is that trying to lose those "vanity pounds" doesn't really make us any happier or healthier, and can actually make us less healthy. Think about it - is a few pounds really worth the constant anxiety.

    There are other things in life that matter besides achieving physical perfection. I'm sure that your husband thinks that you are beautiful. Realize that a few pounds is probably not noticeable to anyone besides yourself.

    Focus on eating whole, healthy foods. Focus on your health, not the scale. And most importantly, be happy.

    Best of luck to you!


    Your probably right about my perception of myself. Everybody tells me how thin I am & to stop losing weight, when all I see is fat. And for the record, Im not trying to lose anymore weight, just trying to maintain around 105-110, which I am. I do eat healthy most of the time & I love how exercising makes me feel, so I will continue to do these things. I just need to learn to stop obsessing about it so much.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I can relate to what your going through to some degree. It's helped me tremendously to up my calories and keep them more consistent day to day. The cycle of weekend woes is not good, and it's really hard to prevent them when you're too restrictive during the week. I maintain a fairly low weight for my height (under 110 at 5' 2") and still allow for some treats on the weekend, just nothing too crazy. It does help to remember how crappy it feels to wake up bloated and miserable. I really hope you can find a way to be healthy and happy.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Unless I am crazy, OP lost 55 or so pounds from when she joined, according to her profile, in July 2013, and November (she doesn't put year, but assumed 2013), so 55 pounds in 4 months. I guess it's possible, but that seems like a huge amount to me. I've lost 12 pounds (and I realize everybody is different) since 05/18, and I am sure much of that was just water, so I expect my losses to drop off some over the next few months and probably won't come near losing 55 pounds in 4 months.

    I hope, OP, you are being safe in your weight loss/maintaining plans. I think you look fantastic though and you should just enjoy life now that you are thinner.

    I know its hard to stop thinking of it. I think of losing 24/7, and constantly about what food I am going to eat, calories int his or that, it is driving me batty, honestly and I am only a month into it. Not so much with cravings, but just constantly thinking about calories. I don’t feel that is a healthy way to live for ME. I wake up, weigh myself. eat, weigh myself, pee/poop, yup weigh myself. Shower, yup, weigh myself like a shower will somehow magically melt off pounds. It is becoming just all too crazy for me.

    Before I ate 2 (what I considered small) baked potatoes, not weighed, sorry, but it took me probably half an hour to find an entry I liked in the database to add it. They all are so different from one another. I couldn't decide if they were small or medium potatoes, so just went with the larger so I don’t underestimate my calories. This to me is just nutso. I have 2 jobs, 3 kids I have to feed, house to care for, etc. a boatload of animals, and I know you all do too of varying degrees, but it all seems just a bit obsessive to me. I think it hurts my weight loss too in some aspects.

    Just be careful, and try to love yourself.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Another idea is to throw out your scale. Literally stop weighing yourself. Don't let it be your mood decider. I could have days where I felt so thin, then would weigh myself and find my weight was up, and it would immediately upset me. Now I wake up on days feeling thinner than usual and I just enjoy it! ;) There are also days I wake up feeling fat, but not weighing myself just tells me, I'll eat healthier today, and not worry about it. It is so mental.

    Seriously, and this is coming from someone who used to be exactly your size, I look 10000x better a little heavier (more muscle, less cellulite) then I did skinny at 105 pounds. In retrospect, I wish I had that revelation years ago. I am so much happier and healthier now, and bonus...I still wear the size 0 clothes!!!
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    You are right in thinking you might need psychological help. I'm going to be awfully blunt, it sounds like you could have an eating disorder. Or - at the very least - disordered eating behavior. At your height, 107 sounds awfully tiny. When I was under what seems to be my body's natural weight, I was hungry all the time, too. Even now, I think about food a lot. To the point of obsession. The more nourished I make myself, the less I think about food. But at one point, it was literally all I could think about. Down to planning my meals hours in advance. Drooling over them before I even made them. I'd finish breakfast, and plan dinner! I went through this during both my binge eating/compulsive eating days and during recovery from restriction. I won't ask how you got to 107, as that might be something you don't want to talk about, or perhaps you did it the relatively healthy way of 1200 calories and exercise, maybe you even did it on 1600 calories and exercise. I don't know. But I will say that if you restricted too heavily (less than 1200) or if you did 1200, this reaction your body is having is not abnormal, and it could ease in due time if you gain a few pounds back.

    Something that has helped me is exactly what another poster suggested. Throwing out the scale. I even removed my current weight from MFP. The weight listed is the weight I was back in February. I had updated it, but deleted it. When I get around scales, that's what triggers my obsession with restriction, which triggers my (far more than) healthy appetite. See, I have battled EDNOS. (Which is OEFEDor something like that now) It is common for those of us who do to go through periods of binge eating, restriction, over exercising, etc Another thing that has helped has been browsing the MFP forums. Seeing that it's normal to be 125, 145, 135 lbs etc. As for someone our height, those weights are preferable.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member

    Your probably right about my perception of myself. Everybody tells me how thin I am & to stop losing weight, when all I see is fat. And for the record, Im not trying to lose anymore weight, just trying to maintain around 105-110, which I am. I do eat healthy most of the time & I love how exercising makes me feel, so I will continue to do these things. I just need to learn to stop obsessing about it so much.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    This kind of disordered body perception is part of anorexia nervosa. Please stop thinking about getting a therapist and just do it.
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    Just wanted to second the posters who said your goal weight range sounds low. I'm 5'4" and my goal range is 125-130. That's a healthy, athletic body for me. And clothes shopping is fun at that weight. If I go lower (I did a few years ago) friends start asking me if I've been sick. Definitely not the impression I want to create!

    I know every body is different, and you put a high value on being a size zero, so my goal range will probably never work for you. Just saying maybe a little higher weight than 105-110 would be better for your height. And if that idea causes you a lot of anxiety, talking to a counselor really does sound like something worth doing.
  • nicki_lynne
    nicki_lynne Posts: 55 Member
    Same here. At 5'3", I'm happy around 125 plus or minus a few pounds. I've gained 8 lbs over the last few weeks and I look better than I ever have.
  • nicki_lynne
    nicki_lynne Posts: 55 Member
    Same here. At 5'3", I'm happy around 125 plus or minus a few pounds. I've gained 8 lbs over the last few weeks and I look better than I ever have.

    opps, I meant 2 months.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    After a binge I usually give it one week before I step on the scales again. This is because I don't want to see a big gain and then go into craizy restriction mode. I am also maintaining an underweight size for the same reasons: small frame + I like how it looks on me. I stopped at this weight because I was afraid to go lower. Health is more important than looks. I know how hard it is to maintain a low weight, you have to always keep an eye on the scales; It is not a very happy way of living.
    Those weight ranges are more of a guideline based on statistics. If you go a few pounds over or under the healthy zone you don't suddenly have an ED or develop heart disease.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    After a binge I usually give it one week before I step on the scales again. This is because I don't want to see a big gain and then go into craizy restriction mode. I am also maintaining an underweight size for the same reasons: small frame + I like how it looks on me. I stopped at this weight because I was afraid to go lower. Health is more important than looks. I know how hard it is to maintain a low weight, you have to always keep an eye on the scales; It is not a very happy way of living.
    Those weight ranges are more of a guideline based on statistics. If you go a few pounds over or under the healthy zone you don't suddenly have an ED or develop heart disease.

    I like you, you understand. :flowerforyou: You know how hard it is to maintain a low weight. It's not b/c we want to be able to say we weigh a certain amount, but b/c we look good at or around a certain weight. And having a small frame makes it even harder to feel good about your body b/c any little weight shows. :sad: I started weighing myself only once a week now cause the weight fluctuations were driving me insane!!