Kickstart ideas

esheepie Posts: 23 Member
I have a few questions for those who have a better idea than I do.

1. What time do you find it easiest to work out?
2. How long are you working out?
3. What do you eat prior to working out?
4. What are your goals and why?

My goal is to lose 30-35lbs and maintain my weight. I am overweight, and I am tired of not feeling comfortable in my own skin. I started working out back in September, in the comfort of my home, because I did not have a gym buddy. I felt like if I could work on my consistency at home for a month, then I can move on to the gym. That was a failure when the time I used to work out was invaded, and I never found a new time to do so. I completely fell off of my horse. I want to get back on there, and make myself stick to my goal so that I may reward myself with good health and satisfaction with me.

Where do everyone get those fitness pal weight tracker banners? I would like one!


  • Kaye_Marie
    Kaye_Marie Posts: 15
    1. Depends on what workout I'm doing. I find it easier to workout (t25, insanity, etc.) in middle of the day. I'm a stay at home mom so I have the time to do that! Mornings are hectic, and night times are my relax time. So usually after lunch I get a workout in. If I'm going for a walk or a run or rollerblading, I prefer to go in the evening. After supper. Around 7-8ish.

    2. I work out for at least 30 minutes! (Or do you mean how long have I been working out?) I've only been working out (again) for a few weeks now.

    3. I don't normally eat right before a work out, unless I had breakfast. Then I wait a while. After working out I eat my lunch, or a snack, depending on what time it is.

    4. I have many goals. I have small goes inside my bigger goals. I want to lose at least 50 lbs all together.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Welcome! This post should be required reading:
    Where do everyone get those fitness pal weight tracker banners?

    To have it appear at the bottom of your forum posts:
  • esheepie
    esheepie Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you, editorgrrl!

    Kaye_Marie, I mean time wise. I had a coworker that used t25 and it was great for her to start with.
  • Kaye_Marie
    Kaye_Marie Posts: 15
    Thank you, editorgrrl!

    Kaye_Marie, I mean time wise. I had a coworker that used t25 and it was great for her to start with.

    T25 is great! I started insanity, but the workouts are so long, and sometimes I don't have the time and sometimes honestly I don't feel like working out for over an hour. So I started doing T25, 25 minutes is plenty for me!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I wake up every day between 5 and 530, have a piece of fruit (usually apple or banana) with a tbs nut butter and coffee and then I work out at about 630 or 7. I have been doing T25 and am currently in Gamma phase. Before that I was doing P90X3, did T25 before that... I mostly do Beachbody home fitness programs. PPs are right, 25 minutes of T25 is legit.

    My goals right now are to tighten up my diet as much as I can and to get as strong and smashy as I can. I have been maintaining weight for more than a year now, so now I want to just get more and more bad *kitten*. I ran a half marathon this spring and want to run two more this fall.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I have a few questions for those who have a better idea than I do.

    1. What time do you find it easiest to work out?
    2. How long are you working out?
    3. What do you eat prior to working out?
    4. What are your goals and why?

    My goal is to lose 30-35lbs and maintain my weight. I am overweight, and I am tired of not feeling comfortable in my own skin. I started working out back in September, in the comfort of my home, because I did not have a gym buddy. I felt like if I could work on my consistency at home for a month, then I can move on to the gym. That was a failure when the time I used to work out was invaded, and I never found a new time to do so. I completely fell off of my horse. I want to get back on there, and make myself stick to my goal so that I may reward myself with good health and satisfaction with me.

    Where do everyone get those fitness pal weight tracker banners? I would like one!

    1. I usually work out in the middle of the night after work. I'm already close to the gym and I don't have to be anywhere, so it's ideal.
    2. I work out until I'm done. I usually do a StrongLifts workout, followed by some cardio. Depending on how I'm feeling that might be a long walk on the treadmill while watching Netflix on my phone, or something shorter and more active, like the lateral elliptical for 20 minutes.
    3. I don't eat anything special before or after a workout, but I do make very sure I've hit my protein goal for the day, and supplement with a shake if needed.
    4. My goal is to reduce size and bodyfat, not necessarily scale weight, and to increase strength and definition.

    As for the weight ticker, go to your profile and you'll see it and can personalize it. If you want it to show on your forum posts, go to Community - Message Boards and in the blue menu at the top of the threads list, you'll see "settings." Hit that and make sure there's a check mark in front of "Show your MyFitnessPal ticker below each of your forum posts"