Confessions of a closet eater....



  • 6. Would I feed this to a kid as a everyday meal/snack?
    This is so very true! I no longer keep things like "fruit" snacks, Capri Sun, or Lunchables in my house. I never took the time before to read the nutrition labels on that stuff. YIKES!

    Thanks for your honesty about something that a lot of us struggle with
  • shawnaisaacs
    shawnaisaacs Posts: 2 Member
    Wow...holy negative body image.
    Ugh yes.

    ANYTHING will make you FAT if you EAT TOO MUCH!

    For those of us who struggle with closet eating (compulsive eating, etc.), it's hard to "]earn to make things fit and eat what you like within moderation." Anyone who dismisses a person who talks about compulsive eating has NO IDEA what it's like.

    Me? I ate two huge bowls of ice cream yesterday. Felt guilt and beat myself up both times. Still, that wasn't enough after the first bowl in the afternoon to keep me from the second bowl at night. As much as I don't want to, it's truly difficult to fight the compulsion.

    Thanks for the great post OP
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Wow...holy negative body image.
    Ugh yes.

    ANYTHING will make you FAT if you EAT TOO MUCH!

    Stop with the food hating. Learn to make things fit and eat what you like within moderation.


    I disagree that anything will make you fat if you eat too much. It would be REALLY hard to get fat by eating too many healthy, green vegetables as an example.

    For those of us who struggle with closet eating (compulsive eating, etc.), it's hard to "]earn to make things fit and eat what you like within moderation." Anyone who dismisses a person who talks about compulsive eating has NO IDEA what it's like.

    Me? I ate two huge bowls of ice cream yesterday. Felt guilt and beat myself up both times. Still, that wasn't enough after the first bowl in the afternoon to keep me from the second bowl at night. As much as I don't want to, it's truly difficult to fight the compulsion.

    Body image is an entirely separate issue. I told my wife the other day that my only goal in two years of trying to lose weight is to feel comfortable with my shirt off at the pool or out mowing my lawn. She said (wisely), "That's a mental thing. You're choosing right now to not feel comfortable regardless of losing weight." She was right. But I've grown up being told by society that I'm fat because my BMI is "obese," that I wore "husky" clothes growing up, etc. It's hard to set years and years of that aside and feel good about your body.

    OP...great post. Thanks for bringing a humorous look to a real struggle.

    I am glad to know i have support :heart: :heart:
  • gbel1975
    gbel1975 Posts: 86 Member

    I am glad to know i have support :heart: :heart:

    You brought a unique look to what is a real problem for me. I don't know that it will stop me from the chips, ice cream, etc., but it's a start. If I can even ask myself three of the questions you posed and it stops me once a day from eating something I shouldn't then it's a good start.

    So far, today's been good. I hope to keep it that way.'s truly a day-to-day thing for many of us, me thinks.
  • gbel1975
    gbel1975 Posts: 86 Member

    19. Do you think any hot female celebrity would want to endorse this?

    I will say, that I likely won't ask myself this since I'm a guy. :)

    But I will ask myself, "Do you think Hugh Jackman would want to endorse this?"

    Yes, I have a man-crush on Hugh. I'm not too proud to admit it.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Hugh is AMAZING!!!
  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    I am in love with this list!

    As for your critic there, some people have no home trainin and don't know any other way to be besides rude.
  • notamoment
    notamoment Posts: 190 Member
    Wow...holy negative body image.
    Ugh yes.

    ANYTHING will make you FAT if you EAT TOO MUCH!

    Stop with the food hating. Learn to make things fit and eat what you like within moderation.


    Thats obviously the reason she made the list...
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member

    19. Do you think any hot female celebrity would want to endorse this?

    I will say, that I likely won't ask myself this since I'm a guy. :)

    But I will ask myself, "Do you think Hugh Jackman would want to endorse this?"

    Yes, I have a man-crush on Hugh. I'm not too proud to admit it.

    There's nothing wrong with man-crushes on Hugh, Paul Newman, or Clint Eastwood. Or Alton Brown.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member

    2. Has anyone ever gotten fat from eating to much of this ... or diabetes?? (Yes, you stupid)

    You can become overweight from eating too much of anything. You don't get diabetes from eating one certain type of food.
  • scorrea2
    scorrea2 Posts: 72 Member
    This list is perfect. Closet eating is one of my biggest habbits that I'm trying to break.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    17. Is this the last _______ I will ever see?

    This is mine. Why do I feel like I have to eat it all at once or over the course of just a few days?!

    I need this one. I get into this fricken survival instinct mode and consume it all out of fear itll be gone forever.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Wow...holy negative body image.
    Ugh yes.

    ANYTHING will make you FAT if you EAT TOO MUCH!

    Stop with the food hating. Learn to make things fit and eat what you like within moderation.


    For those of us who struggle with closet eating (compulsive eating, etc.), it's hard to "]earn to make things fit and eat what you like within moderation." Anyone who dismisses a person who talks about compulsive eating has NO IDEA what it's like.
    Why assume that someone who has learned to eat all foods in moderation, or advocates eating all foods in moderation, has no experience with compulsive eating or negative body image? There are lots of folks here who have struggled with this stuff, and learned a lot about how to do things differently.
    Me? I ate two huge bowls of ice cream yesterday. Felt guilt and beat myself up both times. Still, that wasn't enough after the first bowl in the afternoon to keep me from the second bowl at night. As much as I don't want to, it's truly difficult to fight the compulsion.
    Just one little tip: try working on the guilt/beating yourself up part first. That's a big part of the problem.

    OP: I commend you for trying to work on your issues; I'm not 100% sure you're going about it in completely the best way. Individual foods aren't "bad" and individual foods aren't to blame for you gaining weight. I can only speak from my own experience, but I never managed to seriously lose weight until I started loving myself and respecting my body. I wasn't able to approach having a halfway decent relationship with food until I started accepting that I like eating food, that there's nothing wrong with that and forgiving myself when I over-ate. Food isn't bad. Being hungry or having an appetite isn't bad. You're not bad for enjoying foods that are high in fat/sugar/salt. You're not bad because you have learned to use foods to cope with unpleasant emotions.

    Maybe try working on different coping strategies for the emotions you find unbearable, and changing the habits you currently have. For me, it was habit to reach for food when I felt sad/bored/anxious. It's hard to just give that up without a new habit to take its place, so I had to work on incorporating new, healthy habits instead of over-eating.

    (By the way, I think nos 16 & 17 are great questions to ask!)
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    Good post, sometimes you need a little humor to help your mood and the way you look at things.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    And now I want to eat a whole bag of chips.
  • I totally identify with this post! I try not admit it but with my relationship being long distance I'm not always 100% truthful about what I've had for dinner. It's so easy to just say "Oh I had a salad" while you're shoving pizza or whatever your guilty pleasure is into your mouth :embarassed:

    But I love this list- regardless of any one who's criticizing it. I think and agree that the list helps you come to a conclusion as to why it is that you're wanting whatever treat you're having and helping you refocus on what your priorities are and why you're choosing to either Have or not to have that cadbury creme egg :wink:

    Because let's be honest I didn't get fat from eating one piece of candy. And I won't gain all of the weight I have lost over the past 2 years by eating one either.

    :flowerforyou: Thank you for this post
  • chasingdreams18
    chasingdreams18 Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah, there is always a critic.... Of course i struggle with negative body image... DUH.
    I have 75lbs to show me I havent been taking care of me :drinker:
    However, I find humor helps me express myself and get it all out there.
    I love posting my feeling....even when they are achievements. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you ladies!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart:

  • mi2mina
    mi2mina Posts: 24 Member
    this is great i copied and pasted it !! and printed it out. Hopefully this helps me too...not so much of a closet eater but a binger ....not super bad but i do....
  • kisstheheavens
    kisstheheavens Posts: 23 Member
    it helps me if i just dont include it on my shopping list. like if i dont bring it in my home then i wont eat it. as far as going out (dinner / six flags/ beach) i understand what you mean. it all takes self control.
    The amount of money you would spend on junk food, just put it aside and buy a new workout outfit
  • Kaye_Marie
    Kaye_Marie Posts: 15
    This is great! I actually think most of these when I'm trying to convince myself not to eat something.

    It's funny. People are taking it way to seriously!