Vegetarian Meal Plan

I have been a vegetarian for a long time, but I've gotten lazy with my meal planning lately. Unfortunately, I've been eating a lot of pasta and frozen food. This has caused me to gain back nearly half of the weight I've lost.
Does anyone have a good vegetarian meal plan that works for them? What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Basically, what works for YOU?


  • Zohar94
    Zohar94 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi pescotarian here.
    I do not plan my meals but i eat bread or yoghurt in the morning. bread, soup, salad, egg, or vegetables in the afternoon. in between i eat froot and i snack too much :p and in the evening i eat veggies with rice/pasta/somethingelse or soup and after that i eat fruittttt.
    for me it works to eat lots of veggies and fruit but i really love veggies and i love to cook so maybe not the best example O:)
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Instead of frozen food, I eat a lot of stir fries, because they're pretty much instant. Especially when you buy the pre-chopped bags - making them yourself makes no sense for one person, I find. Add some noodles or rice and whatever protein you like - eggs, tofu, cashew nuts, etc - and you have a quick, filling, and low-calorie meal.
  • breakfast: Personally, I like a really high fiber breakfast, like a bowl of fiber one bran, or oats with a bit of almond milk. Then a banana or med apple
    lunch: a cup of vegetable or lentil soup with a big colorful salad will fill you up, and you can add a veggie burger for extra protein (boca makes 70 calorie ones!) or a slice of whole grain bread. a good lunch would a bowl of equal parts quinoa/black beans with salsa
    dinner: tofu stir fries with minimal oil over brown rice (or bulgur). alternatively, black bean and low fat cheese quesadilla with corn tortillas, a large baked sweet potato with sauteed kale mm
    snacks: 6 oz greek yogurt with berries and honey, carrots with hummus, an oz of raw almonds
    :) good luck!
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    I'm pescatarian too but I don't eat fish every day.

    I'm also gluten free so I rarely eat a lot of bready stuff.

    A typical day for me is:

    GF Granola, almond milk and fruit for breakfast
    Big salad with quinoa or tuna for lunch
    Big salad or veggies with tofu, baked fish or legume for dinner

    snacks I eat protein bars like nugos, chia squeeze or
    chia pudding, nuts, cut raw veggies, seasonal fruit, etc.

    Hope that helps! My diary is open if you wanna check it out.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I've been roasting vegetables with a bit of olive oil. It's really satisfying.
  • RawIndian
    RawIndian Posts: 90 Member
    I have a smoothie for breakfast & Lunch, a fruit snack and a cooked meal for dinner.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    Whole foods plant based vegan-type diet (no oil, no refined crap like flour or sugar).

    BREAKFAST. Either a bowl of 1 diced Granny Smith APPLE, 1 diced BANANA, and 1/4 cup of walnuts OR 1 bowl of steel cut OATS, (made with half cococut/almond MILK, half WATER) and 1 diced APPLE or BANANA. Around 400 cals.

    LUNCH. Lately, been enjoying a cucumber sandwich. 2 slices of whole grain TOAST, each with a teaspoons of homemade Engine 2 HUMMUS as a spread, 1/4 CUCUMBER, 2-3 slices TOMATO. Eat with leftover side from previous evening or a KALE salad with 1/2 AVOCADO squished in. This is a hefty sandwich that will leave you feeling rather satisfied. Around 500 cals total.

    DINNER. Mixed green SALAD with BALSAMIC VINEGAR. ENTREE - RED BEANS & BROWN RICE with green onion slices, or Baked SWEET POTATO and GREEN BEANS, or WILD RICE and BLACK BEAN TACOS (on CORN TORtILLAS and served with fresh PICO DE GALLO).

    Try the menu section of ENGINE 2. You'll come up with some great recipes.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    I used to be vegetarian (ovo lacto) and here's what worked for me.

    Breakfast: 2 small or medium eggs (scrambled or over easy) with one or two slices of Dave's killer bread. That bread is organic, high in fiber, and absolutely delicious.

    Then I'd exercise, after which I would blend strawberries, blueberries, a banana, and almond milk with ice to make a cold smoothie.

    For lunch and dinner: I would alternate between salads, fruit salads, homemade veg chili, and boca or garden burgers. With the salads, they usually had lettuce and spinach with tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, olives, and a homemade dressing that consisted of olive oil, lemon, garlic ,and parsley.

    Snacks: pistachios, almonds, fruits, veggies, or pita with hummus.

    At night, when my dad would come home, we would walk together. So I usually exercised twice a day.

    Hope this helps.

    This same diet also worked well when I was eating lean meat, white chicken, and fish. Portion control and exercise are the keys.

    Edit: I've never liked cereals or oatmeal or anything related, so if you're not ovo or lacto, you may enjoy cereal or hot cereal. I hear they are healthy and packed with fiber. Also, I hate milk, but love cheese. Vegan cheese is easy to find now a days. Instead of milk, I tend to switch around between almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk as long as they are sugar free or unsweetened.