Almost a month of diet and exercise and no change

It has almost been a month since I joined this site and started controlling my calorie intake and exercising, yet I see absolutely no change at all. Starting to lose hope :(


  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I looked at your diary. You're either:
    1. Not logging consistently, or
    2. Not eating enough to fuel your body.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    A month is not long at all, considering this is a change you must commit to for life.

    Patience, and weigh/ measure everything that you consume.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring your foods and liquids? Logging accurately? You have quite a few holes in your diary.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You're logging everything you eat? Including condiments, cooking oils, veggies, cheat days, etc? Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing your portion sizes? Most people can be off in their estimates by a whole lot when they eyeball portions. Measuring cups are better, but a food scale is always going to be the most accurate.

    And make sure that you've calculated your calorie goals appropriately. Remember that these are just estimates. You may need to play around a little to find what works best for you.

    If you're exercising and eating back your earned exercise calories, be sure that you're using accurate estimates of your burn. MFP and gym machines have a tendency to overestimate certain activities, which can cause you to eat back more calories than you need to. Even a heart rate monitor isn't 100% accurate. If you're eating those extra earned calories it might be a good idea to eat only 50-75% of those.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You're giving the IIFYM movement a bad name. Try harder :(
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    First, are you sure you have a realistic goal? Are you using the recommended settings from MyFitnessPal?

    Second, are you sure you're logging everything you eat? Try being as accurate as humanly possible for 6 weeks and, so long as your goal is reasonable, you'll start to see the weight come off.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Looking at your diary your calorie goal is very low and you are filling it on chocolate and crisps which wont help fuel your body.

    You need to eat more and spend your calories better. Also some of the mood will be high in sodium such as the crisps and the soup.
  • AcademicusMaximus
    Don't lose hope! Weight loss is very easy! Its just something you have to chip away at. Honestly you should have lost at least 2 pounds if you are weighing yourself accurately and creating a caloric deficit.

    you may have to face the fact that you have only exercised and ate enough to be hitting maintenance calories. And you may need to make more changes to create a deficit.

    I agree with everyone else, track your food more carefully this way your time hasn't been wasted and after a month you should at least know that XXXX amount of calories is what I need to maintain weight, so I have to go UNDER that (or exercise more) to lose.

    Good luck