how do u handle eatin at a buffet?



  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    As you're looking at it, start at the right (or the end cart). The end is where they put the high dollar stuff. If you load up at the beginning, you're just getting the cheap stuff and playing into their game.

    Salads, breads, pastas, etc really defeat the purpose of a buffet. You need to start with the crab legs, shrimp, and other fancy stuff.

    And wear a pair of reliable elastic waisted pants.


    Or some stretchy yoga pants!

    OMG this thread is cracking me up!
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    I always walk the buffet and look at what they have available. I try to stay with salad, shrimp, chicken . and steamed veggies. That way if I want to sample some desserts I feel I can.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I don't like buffets - I have a problem with a gazillion peoples' hands being around food I'm going to potentially eat.

    If I have to go, I:

    1. take one trip up
    2. concentrate on fruits and veggies
    3. salads - use either low cal or the oil and vinegar at the end of the buffet line

    It's best to walk up and 'scan' the buffet first to see what you will take before you go up 'cold' - decide ahead of time what you're gong to eat and take small portions, no over-flowing plate.
  • NettaB25
    NettaB25 Posts: 35 Member
    EASY... I dont go to buffet's. I always hated them for some reason. If I go for some type of work related activity (which isn't often) I stick to salads and a Roll.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Eat salad or low cal veggies first until you are nearly full, then eat some protein.
  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    Eat a lot of salad with little to no dressing. Then a small piece of meat and starch
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Eat salad or low cal veggies first until you are nearly full, then eat some protein.

    NO. That's just ridiculous and a total waste of money.
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    I don't, ever.
    I prefer quality over quantity.
    The former is not found at buffets.

    What he said...
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    As you're looking at it, start at the right (or the end cart). The end is where they put the high dollar stuff. If you load up at the beginning, you're just getting the cheap stuff and playing into their game.

    Salads, breads, pastas, etc really defeat the purpose of a buffet. You need to start with the crab legs, shrimp, and other fancy stuff.

    And wear a pair of reliable elastic waisted pants.


    Or some stretchy yoga pants!

    OMG this thread is cracking me up!

    I forgot vegetables. You need to avoid those as well. Just empty filler on buffets, but not as bad as the bread and salad (roughage).
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I generally will stick with buffets earlier in the day and then not eat for the rest of the day. I also won't eat anything before it so it is the only meal of the day. I like the full feeling I get and it lasts the entire day.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    My husband loves this one chinese buffet but I am lucky as they have a lot of fresh fruits. So my first plate is always a ton of kiwi and strawberries. As kiwi's are kinda expensive so I don't stock them at home, and plus makes me feel like I am getting my money's worth at the buffet. Then I found they have a good tilapia. Yes it is covered in butter and old bay but meh I can deal with that as buttery fish is better then half the chinese food options around the place. I grab some chicken on a stick and other protein based things with less sauce that I like and I call it a day. This is normally my breakfast and lunch for the day as well.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I anticipated this problem with our Mid-summer celebration last weekend (and next).

    I had coffee for breakfast and coffee for lunch, and walked a few miles.

    That set me up with 1,900kcal available (when my goal was 1,600.)

    I estimated my partaking to be 3,000kcal, it's a religious holiday (6/21/14 solstice), I have to (and want to!) drink the horn of mead!

    Some how, must have been the magic mead horn, (or blistering hot sauna weather) I came out of the next day DOWN 0.2 lb.

    I don't know. That's what I do.

    When I know I'm going to have a big one, just skip breakfast and lunch, and exercise before hand to up your allowance.

    And just be mentally OK with "I'm going over today, I'll be OK if I gain 4 lb or less, it's my fault, I'll be bloated, too much sodium and drinking, but that's OK. I have the rest of my life to make up for it."

    It's only a few times a year.
  • amw1919
    amw1919 Posts: 74 Member
    Unless you think it would be really weird, slip a measuring cup and food scale in your purse.

    I would not be ashamed...
  • dcarter1020
    dcarter1020 Posts: 73 Member
    I thank the Lord that I am blessed with an extreme aversion to buffets. I think it's all the people mooing around and touching everything. The sucky part is my husbands family LOVES them. Our typical place is Pizza Ranch, so I stick to salad bar and maybe a few pieces of pizza. That's it. I would keep it to salad bar, protein and maybe a starch? Either way, buffets are an easy place to go over in calories so don't stress about it too much. Hope that helps!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I start with the tail. Oh wait I think that’s how I eat an elephant. But I’m sure it’ll work for both.

    Do you eat like that every day? I seriously doubt it. Will it set you back years? I doubt it. So maybe just let yourself go a little, indulge yourself for once, just don’t go cray-cray.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    One word. Don't.
    If you have to. Salad only.
    I live in a casino town with lots of buffets. No thanks.
    If I must, a taco salad is what I choose.

    What if the buffet doesn't have taco salad; then what? THEN WHAT?!?!?

    Eat whatever you want. Use portion control, it's super effective!!

    Commercial salads are generally less "healthy" (whatever that means) than the "good stuff" on a buffet.

    Salad eaters are fooling themselves. For example

  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I eat at buffets once a year, and I eat like 4-5 plates. It's one day. If you think you're going to have an iron hold on your intake every single day for the rest of your life, you're fooling yourself. Live it up at the buffet, just don't let it turn into 6 days of gorging.
  • likehemingway
    likehemingway Posts: 37 Member
    I eat at buffets once a year, and I eat like 4-5 plates. It's one day. If you think you're going to have an iron hold on your intake every single day for the rest of your life, you're fooling yourself. Live it up at the buffet, just don't let it turn into 6 days of gorging.

    This. If you're on a vacation, just enjoy. Don't restrict because you're scared. Enjoy in moderation.
  • IoveIy
    IoveIy Posts: 27 Member
    I have changed my whole mindset towards buffets. I used to always over indulge in the past, but now, I look at it as an opportunity to be able to better control how much I am eating.

    Typically, I'll only have some sort of salad anytime when eating out because it is both a healthy option and easily trackable on MFP. :)

    My best tip is to resist temptation and stick with a healthy option and reasonable portion. Eating against your diet will be enjoyable for the amount of time it takes to devour the food, but the guilt will kick in right after and you'll have only prolonged your goal. That's what I always tell myself.

    IMO, I don't like to have any cheat days because it's like taking a few steps back from your goal.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I don't, ever.
    I prefer quality over quantity.
    The former is not found at buffets.
    In some particular locales, like Las Vegas and Reno, buffets are treated as a loss leader, and operated with the understanding that getting people in with good food will give them the opportunity to play. So the buffets there are generally very good quality food, and a good quantity of food. As a simple example, when I was working i nthe main kitchen at one, we'd put out about 600# or so of prime rib in an average day. This wasn't standing rib roast, which is the name of the actual cut, but was prime quality rib roast, hence named Prime Rib.

    Also, casinos at least purchase in such high amounts that they're getting high quality product for what the indie chinese buffet down the street pays for mediocre product.