Calling all 5'3" and 150 ish lb ladies



  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I'm 5'2 1/2, 155 lbs and I have 1370 calories a day before exercise calories. With exercise calories I eat about 1600-1650 calories.
    Current end goal weight 136 (overall end goal weight 115-120). I eat 5-6 times a day.
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    HEyy :) glad to find a little group of people in the same boat as me! I'm 5'3 1/2 to 3/4. I weigh about 163 now. I was 190 when I started last January. My goal weight is my pre-pregnancy weight of 110. I eat about 1200 to 1300 calories a day. Sometimes when I just NEED food I eat 1400 calories ( this is of course when I'm not being bad :blushing: lol) If i eat more then 1500 or 1600 or more i tend to gain weight personally. It kinda sucks. But I work out like every day, and I just got Zumba! LOVE it. <3:heart:
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    HEyy :) glad to find a little group of people in the same boat as me! I'm 5'3 1/2 to 3/4. I weigh about 163 now. I was 190 when I started last January. My goal weight is my pre-pregnancy weight of 110. I eat about 1200 to 1300 calories a day. Sometimes when I just NEED food I eat 1400 calories ( this is of course when I'm not being bad :blushing: lol) If i eat more then 1500 or 1600 or more i tend to gain weight personally. It kinda sucks. But I work out like every day, and I just got Zumba! LOVE it. <3:heart:
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I'm 5'4 and currently weight 67.2 kgs (148 lbs) I started at 165 lbs about 3 months ago.

    I get 1200 cal a day without excerise. I did hit a plateau for a couple of weeks and then gained over Xmas and since then its just been coming off steadily.

    I don't feel hungry on 1200 calories and I allow myself cheat meals. I don't track weekends because I'm never sure what my plans are.

    One thing that has helped me a lot is not drinking :grumble: but i drank a lot between Xmas and new years so just trying to let my body detox itself at the moment. :glasses:

    oh and Goal weight is 135lbs at the moment (62 kgs)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I'm 5'2.5" and 152.1 lbs as of this morning.

    I have my base calories set to 1270 a day. I tend to burn around 300-500 calories a day working out, but I rarely eat back more than 100 of those calories. I've found I won't lose weight if I eat too much and I won't lose if I'm under 1200. So I eat on average 1300-1350 calories a day. Eating back exercise calories has never worked for me. I'm looking to get to 135-140 as my goal weight, since under 141 is a healthy BMI. It's been a bit slow losing for the past 2 months, but I'm sticking to my plan.
    Listen to this lady she's one smart cookie! :tongue::heart:
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    These posts are SO inspirational! It's amazing to know there are so many others in the same situation as mine.

    I'm 5'4, 55 years old, sedentary job. My highest weight was 168. I'm now at 155, working my way back to 125. Last year I worked with a registered dietician who advised 1500 calories to lose weight, 1800 to maintain. MFP set me at 1200 which is way too low. I'm trying to do 1350-1400 now. I've only been here a week, but I'm very inspired. I'd like to see this "group" stick together.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Sorry, what was I thinking? I'm 5'3" (I was 5'4" in high school, and I still can't get used to the fact that I've shrunk)!

    Sweet Princess, how did you do those projected photos? They're fabulous!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    These posts are SO inspirational! It's amazing to know there are so many others in the same situation as mine.

    I'm 5'4, 55 years old, sedentary job. My highest weight was 168. I'm now at 155, working my way back to 125. Last year I worked with a registered dietician who advised 1500 calories to lose weight, 1800 to maintain. MFP set me at 1200 which is way too low. I'm trying to do 1350-1400 now. I've only been here a week, but I'm very inspired. I'd like to see this "group" stick together.

    Great idea! We should make this a "group" where we can support each other through ups and downs in life and on the scale. I love the idea. Knowing other people are in the same boat as I am in is really wonderful thing to keep in mind on the hard days!

    I have changed my calorie goal from 1 lb a week loss to .5 lb per week so my calories are 1520 and that feels much better. I gained over the holidays (up to 160 :sad: ) and now I am back down to 157. I weigh in on Fridays and I hope to see a big loss!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'd love to stick it out with you ladies!! I pretty much weigh myself every day, helps me stay on track for some reason. I don't count any losses until Tuesdays though.

    I got a 3 mile run in this morning, cleaned while dancing, and I have an arm and ab workout planned for tonight with some friends. Busy busy day! I'm so happy I've been able to convince my 4 year old he needs quiet time the past couple of days! I need it! :)
  • I fit into this category! I'm 5'3" and currently 137 (62.5kg). I've been there for a month now and it's so frustrating! I've just started adding more variety and intensity to my workout regime, and changing up my eating habits a bit, so it will probably take a little longer for my body to react to the changes and break through this plateau. Any support I could get in the meantime would be great :) The first 8lb fell right I'm in the middle of my healthy weight range it's like my body has just said "No more!". I really want to get down to 123 (56kg)...guess I'll just keep pushing on!

    Edited to add: I lost the first 8lb by eating between 800-1200 calories. I've suffered an eating disorder since I was 13 and joining MFP really flared it up again. I started to obsess over getting my calories as low as possible...don't do it people! I spoke at length with my husband and a trusted friend and gradually started eating the full 1200 plus my exercise calories. That could be another reason for my plateau - the good ol' starvation mode saga! So now I've set my goals to lose 1lb a week and I have a calorie limit of 1330. I'm just trying to trust MFP and do what it says!
  • Daily calories: 1200

    End goal weight: 119

    Height: 5' 2 1/2"

    I started at exactly 150 before mfp...and then started mfp at 148 or something like that...I am now 138.8 and working on getting into the 120's!!! I am really wanting to be 119, but I will be happy for 125! I also found that if I drink alot alot alot of water during the day this helps me lose more.. and I have been working out on p90x the last 2 weeks and the weight hasn't came off as fast as when I would just cut calories, but I do know that is muscle so ...Show me them abs!!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I have 2 kids also!
    How exactly were you able to convince your 4 year old he needs quite time? Lol
    Please share your secret! :love: Actually, better yet, just send me a clone of yourself!

    I too have had that struggle. Good for you for realizing your issues and for taking action! Having healthy support is a really important part of getting past this and I am here if you ever need to talk :flowerforyou: (or type).

    Should we pick a weigh in day and a name for our group and start a new thread for ourselves? Post challenges? Or keep it casual?
    What do you gals think?
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    I am 5" 4" and 47 yo and started MFP at 152.2.
    My calorie limit is set at 1270 before exercise and I am losing pounds.
    I have also set a goal of walking for at least 1 hour per day so that ups my calorie limit usual to 1500 cal and I think that helps.
    I cut out white sugar and that also seems to help.
    1800 calories seems like a maintance number. You may have to toggle your calorie limit though a little bit higher then MFP recommends for your body.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    I love that we have a group. I love reading everyone's goals and realizing that they're within about 5 pounds of my goals. I'm new here so I don't know that there's a way to create a group other than to respond to a post like this and then it will show up in your "My Topics" section of the community page. Anyway, I find it amazingly helpful to work alongside other people my height who are trying to get to the same weight I am. In the end, we can create an amazingly short version of the Rockettes!
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I am 5'2" and I started MFP at 150. I am down 5 pounds now. :happy: My goal is to get down to 120 or 110. We'll see how I like it when I get there. :tongue:

    Right now my calorie limit is 1200 a day to lose 1.5 pounds per week.
  • Im 5'4 and 154! Can I join the group! I hope so! My goal weight is 120! I've been trying to loose weight if anyoen has any tips please help! I'm looking for more mfp friends please! Thanks
  • vaavamom1
    vaavamom1 Posts: 136 Member
    I am 5' 3" and weigh 150,can i join the grp food log is open.i am open to suggestions,pls anything to lose the 20 lbs.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Jenn ~ I have no idea, but I will enjoy it while it lasts! In fact, he is the one asleep right now and his 2 year old brother is the one fighting it...grrr

    I'm up for whatever! What kind of challenges are you thinking? I'm not a member of any group that does challenges, so that might be fun! I'm not creative enough to think of a new name for our group though LOL

    Cando ~ haha, short version of the Rockettes! LOL I love it!

    Welcome to the new ladies! Everyone is different and it takes a lot of trial and error, being patient is key!

    We just got a family membership at the Y yesterday, so I went in for a fitness test. I scored superior on my VO2 Max test! I'm so happy to know that at least my heart is healthy. Now if I could just get my body fat down to 25ish I think I'd be happy. I think it said 31% when I was there. I am going to start a weight lifting program in addition to all the crazy cardio I already do to see if it will help me over this hump. I've been between 140-145 since March of last year. I would really like to be 130-135.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just got back to work after my afternoon lunch time walk. It started to rain hard about half way through, and now I look like a wet dog. But I would rather be healthy and look a little frizzy and disheveled than be unhealthy but look smooth and gorgeous.
    Anyway, just wanted to check in and cheer you all on! Of course EVERYONE is welcome (even 5'4" gals :laugh: ). My weigh in day is tomorrow and I have been very strong to stay away from the scale all week long. I can get kinda crazy if I weigh everyday, so thought I would give once a week a try. I can't weight to see if the scale drops! Anyone else want to post their progress with me? If so, great. If not that is okay also.

    SW: 186
    CW: 157
    GW: 130

    Have a great day!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I'm 5'3 and weigh 166 currently. My heaviest was 172-174 according to a dr's scale that always weighs heavy.
    I have been a member here almost 3 months and lost 3-5lbs. I'm fed up b/c all people I have sent to MFP have lost more pounds in way less of time I've been here.
    I have been going to Curves for past 5 years and started there at 155.1/2. Then at my lowest in summer 2007 I got to 141 and 28.%% body fat. Due to meeting my gf. :)<3 I have been doing there Curves smart since 2008. My membership is up next month and its time to move onto another gym b/c Curves just isn't cutting it. Yes I have more muscle the I did 5 years ago but I just can't seem to lose anything.

    SW input on MFP 1st week: 169
    CW: 166.5
    GW: 140-130 depending on body fat percentage/muscle and how I look and feel for my shape (medium built w/ broad shoulders)
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