40+ and fighting the good fight



  • LaGondaVeal
    LaGondaVeal Posts: 11 Member
    Just turned 50 in May. Also struggling. Doesn't come off like it used to. Goes back easily enough. lol Got to get it under control. Only going to get harder. Add me if you want.
  • I'm 46 and definitely a sugar/carb addict. Bad knees are finally forcing me to get serious about losing weight. Anyone who needs encouragement and support, feel free to add me!
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    HusseyCD, I agree and is that aerial silks you are doing in that pic; that is awesome! I did some pole dancing for fitness for a few years and was really wanting to try some hoops and silks too eventually but I got bored and started working out from home, and I started loving lifting and some different kind of results.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Thanks MamaFunky, I appreciate it. You look great in your pic btw, and do t you just hate when people say you look fine? We all have areas of improvement regardless of our shape/size.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    HusseyCD, I agree and is that aerial silks you are doing in that pic; that is awesome! I did some pole dancing for fitness for a few years and was really wanting to try some hoops and silks too eventually but I got bored and started working out from home, and I started loving lifting and some different kind of results.

    It is aerial silks! I also do pole and Lyra! Love it! My instructor is 45 too, btw. ;-)
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Cyd, as that saying goes, we are women, so we probably never be happy. I mean I remember when I was in HS, and what you said reminded me of this, that I didn't eat for three days, I mean nothing, God I don't know how I did it? Then when I went to eat I puked, lol I think I was just north of 100 lb, but I thought I was HUGE, lol I think for our age we're rockin' it and all we can be is better than we were yesterday, definitely better than that girl in HS;)
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Haha, that is awesome. I have a pole in my garage. I may get back on and see if I can still pull off a butterfly, lol
  • crystyntx
    crystyntx Posts: 10
    Turning 47 in Sept.. It's been a struggle, but finally seeing results. Just have to stick to it. Eat right and exercise.. Good luck everyone!! :wink:
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    55 here. Honestly? I think this has been the easiest, most satisfying weight loss of my life. Why? Because I didn't expect to lose it easily. I didn't think eating nothing but apples for a week would change my body. I've been steady at about a half pound a week, even with months of travel, for over a year. Weight lifting was a total surprise...I like it, what? I feel like I'm in a good, healthy place and I'm darned proud of it. Good luck to all of us!
  • be_AL
    be_AL Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds like you already know what to do :)
  • 48 here.... And did someone say carbs and sweets??? Where?? Yep, it's a struggle. Feel free to add me - any of the 40+ posters! :smile:
  • br0hammer
    br0hammer Posts: 81 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • MariadfdCruz
    MariadfdCruz Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I am turning 45 years old in October. I got a child with 39 years old and I gained a lot of weight then (around 20 kg). I have been struggling to get my old weight back, which I kept almost all my life (except another period of 2/3 years when I had my 1st child). So, I have been constantly on diet for more than 5 years. This time I want to achieve my goal and maintain the weight. It is so hard after 40s. I think keeping the weight gets harder: 20s is easy, 30s you need to be careful, 40s you really have to fight. 50s? I was told it is extremely hard.

    Feel free to add me.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    How funny, I was going to create a 40s+ thread! I'm 40 and have 28 pounds more to lose. I'm married, have 4 kids and post daily. I'm exercising 6-8 hours per week and love it. I'm gonna do it this time!

    All - please feel free to add me so we can join together in our weight loss journeys!
  • cyndiee1
    cyndiee1 Posts: 24
    I'm 46 and it is definitely a whole different ball game to manage your weight and health as you age. Glad for any 40+ friends to work through it together with :)
  • cyndiee1
    cyndiee1 Posts: 24
    I get the same 'you don't need to lose weight' comments. It is not about the lbs on the scale, but about where my healthy zone is and I'm not there yet. Heading in the right direction and feel great compared to how I did about a year ago and don't want to go back there.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    48 here.
    I don't have 6 pack abs, but I probably have the flattest belly I've had in my life.... now if I were to get rid of my Moe's Chips and Vodka on the weekends I'm sure I could get there.... but do I want it THAT bad? LOL

    Two young kids (4 and 6) A full time job, my own busines, a husband and 'life'. If I can do it, anyone can!

    Feel free to friend me if you want to add more.

    I was certainly "Skinny fat" before. Its hard to lose when everyone says "Oh you look fine"..... it was my cholestoral numbers that said "You are NOT fine on the Inside!" I'm an older mom, I need to take care of myself and be here as long as possible for my kids. So, I'm changing!

  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    ^^^ and after 1.5 years, my cholestoral went from 'dangerous' to 'ok' now working on 'great' ! ! !
  • 19steph88
    19steph88 Posts: 30 Member
    44 and always willing to add new MFP friends for support (and TO support). Lost 15 lbs 2 years ago here but let it all creep back on. Trying AGAIN...
  • daly72
    daly72 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a newbie here and I'm 41 yrs old. I want to lose 40 lbs. :blushing:
  • joflo723
    joflo723 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi all! My first day here. 42 years young and I've been successful in the past on Weight Watchers and also Livestrong (using myplate), BUT...I took a break from working out and counting calories, plus my thyroid has gone completely cuckoo this year (Graves Disease), so, due to the above reasons, I've put back on about 18 lbs that I'm ready to unload. I am excited about getting started again and look forward to chatting with everyone here!

  • Yarasil
    Yarasil Posts: 20 Member
    Getting closer to 50 than 40. In my mind I feel 30 though!

    Feel free to add me.
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    Definitely add me. Im 44 and I totally agree...its so much harder than it use to be, but I am going to beat it lol
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Just turned 45! As long as I log in my food on MFP and run I am holding my own.
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I am 42 and have reached my goal!! I even feel better than I did in my 20's and 30's and look much better too. I do kickboxing and log everything I eat...while it may take a bit longer as we get older - it can be done so don't give up!!
  • suecl4
    suecl4 Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me, I am hitting 40 this year and need to lose 60 lbs. I thought to join WW but decided to try here on MFP. I just need to do it!
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I'll turn 44 this year. I actually do feel better now than I did in my late 20s and early 30s. I lost the weight several years ago (in 2006) quick and easy, but it has been a struggle to keep it off. I stay active ... it's the eating! I joined MFP a year ago and lost 15 pretty quick, then another 10 pretty slow. Still have 15 or so to get to "goal" but I'd be happy with another 5 (just stay under 150 pounds). I started blogging about my journey and I think that has been helpful too (internet accountability).

  • bobbyguns
    bobbyguns Posts: 33
    I'm a fellow fitness fanatic and sugar addict. Just turned 49 and proof positive that old guys can hang with the young bucks! Definitely add me!
  • jennagirl73
    jennagirl73 Posts: 1 Member
    I am totally with you!!! I turned 40 last November and *poof* added 10 pounds overnight it seemed. I struggle to get it off, I do spin classes and weight training, and have switched to low carbs. I am hoping all of that will help spark some weight loss! My ultimate goal is to lose 20 lbs. So yes add me please :-)
  • dob49737
    dob49737 Posts: 64
    im 44 and want to drop the lbs too!...we can do it!!!!!!! being 40 isn't the end!