100 to go

My whole life I have struggled with my weight. Through high school (Although very active with sports) I just could never get my diet under control. I would binge on fast food late at nights. I'm at the point where I'm sick of struggling with my weight and always being the big guy. I want to lose the weight so I can gain back the self confidence and energy levels to enjoy the park with my kids and not be such a buzz kill. I've tried numerous times and I'm ready to finally make a permanent change. I'm 24 years old and I think it's time to stop making excused and get it done. I look forward to hearing about your weight loss journey and any tips you may have to keep on going when it seems impossible to do....LD


  • Hi eldee you have taken the first step and that is the important one. I have lost 30 lbs since April 19 2014. I have 25-30 more to go. I went to the dietician and the best piece of advise that you can have is to eat about 6 small meals (stopped me from bingeing) Make sure you have some kind of protein with each of those meals. I also got a fitbit flex (can see the items of fitbit.com) It connects with myfitnesspal and between the 2 of them feel all the bases are covered for a successful journey. (you can go on their website free as well but with the flex it monitors your steps (the one will also monitor stairs) check them out. Good luck and hope to see your success story.
  • ELDEE613
    ELDEE613 Posts: 3 Member
    Appreciate the words of encouragement! Congratulations on your progress as well.