Looking for friends - 20's & 30's, looking to lose 10-25lbs

Just want to meet some people on here who are around the same age and weight loss goals as me!

I live in MA, am 33 years old, new mom, looking to lose about 20 pounds, hopefully a few more!


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
  • Asilann76
    Asilann76 Posts: 17 Member

    I am also from MA . looking to lose 20 lbs. too. Im 37 and a mom of one. I need to add friends and get motivated.. I will add you.
  • Hi,
    I'm not from MA, but thanks to the internet that doesn't matter! :) I am 28, mother of two kiddos (6 y/o son and 4 y/o daughter). I'm also trying to lose some real weight about 30-35 pounds. I weigh 155, and would like to get back down to my 2012-2013 weight of 120-125. I'm hoping that I can stay focused and committed this time around, and that it will motivate my wonderful (and equally overweight) husband to lose some weight also.
  • I'm with you Asilann76! I would love to have some online buddies to help keep me accountable and vice versa. I'll add you if you'd like
  • krmcbean
    krmcbean Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all,

    I am 21 years old, 5'4 and currently 152 pounds looking to get down to ~135. Excited to get to know people with the same goals!

    All are free to add!
  • abbyqs
    abbyqs Posts: 3
    Hi! I'm 26 and currently at 155. After my wedding 1.5 years ago, I stopped worrying so much about what I was eating and gained 15 pounds! After 6 months of feeling bad about myself I decided to take action by eating better and exercising regularly. My goal is to lose 15 pounds and learn some lifelong healthy habits. Nice to meet you all! :happy:
  • I created a group for us and anyone else who sees this post! LETS LOSE THIS CRAP AND LIVE BETTER. I would like to use a group so we can all log on and motivate each other. I would like to keep the group no bigger than 15 ppl, just for better accountability and intimacy. Good luck everyone! I've already invited some of you
  • Hey! I'm 24 looking to lose about 18 pounds and get toned up! Anyone feel free to add me!
  • ladi903
    ladi903 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm also in the same boat. I have a stubborn 15lbs that seem to be holding on. I am 33 yo and love working out and got into 5k's this year. I have a great active 8yr that keeps me on my toes and fierce all at the same time. My husband is very supportive but I think he doesn't really understand because he wants to gain weight. I wish I could just take a chunk from my hips and give it to him. But none the less- I strive to continue on this life change and be positive! So add cause I do need a lil encouragement along the way and definitely will encourage others!
  • WrenAlive
    WrenAlive Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 33 Too, (Don't tell anyone!) Usually working on the same 10-20 Lbs, right now have about 15 lbs more than I want. This time really also focusing on getting in better shape, not just losing pounds. Also looking for similar friends, I'll Add You!
  • WrenAlive
    WrenAlive Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 and currently at 155. After my wedding 1.5 years ago, I stopped worrying so much about what I was eating and gained 15 pounds! After 6 months of feeling bad about myself I decided to take action by eating better and exercising regularly. My goal is to lose 15 pounds and learn some lifelong healthy habits. Nice to meet you all! :happy:

    Hey Abby that is totally me as well! I got married Feb 2013, and then the process of settling and building a house, Gained 20lbs in 1 year! EEEK (Though about 10 lbs was weight I lost just before the wedding) I'm 8lbs down now from my highest. Looking for some friends to help me stick with it when I feel like getting lazy again.
  • rachaelchesterton
    rachaelchesterton Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm 23 and need loose about a stone in total! Not got a particular reason to loose the weight and think that's why I'm struggling. I would love some online friends if anyone wants to add me x
  • TMski1000
    TMski1000 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • esanford2
    esanford2 Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me.
  • May_Rose
    May_Rose Posts: 119 Member
    Hi! I'm getting married in 2 months and have 6 more pounds to lose before I'll allow myself to get fitted in my wedding dress. I'm trying to get back down to the 130 lbs I weighed when my fiance and I met three years ago. I started "cutting" two weeks ago at 141.5 and am down to 136 lbs. I put on a lot of muscle (and some fat) over the winter and and am trying to get my bf% down a bit so I don't look too muscley for my wedding ;).

    *Edited to add that I'm 32 years old and 5'8".
  • ConnieR
    ConnieR Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 33, I've lost about 30 pounds,but trying to release about 5 more. Always happy to gain more friends :-)
  • carolaANDjohn
    carolaANDjohn Posts: 1 Member
    HI there!
    I am about to turn 30 on Christmas Day- I have two toddlers born 13 months apart ( 2+3 years old), was a personal trainer and fitness manager for some years...and now..find it extremely hard to get back into shape.
    I lost both of my pregnancy weight gains, but just do not feel the same.
    Having been fairly fit before, this is just a sad situation lol.

    It would be nice if I could make some friends while on this journey-
    as I work from home,so don't get out much, but have all equipment at home that I can utilize.

    I am looking to lose another 20lbs at the very least, build muscle and tone to just feel healthier and in shape.

    Let's do this!!!
  • pyrokandlez
    pyrokandlez Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 27 years old from brooklyn.
    I am also looking to make new friends off this as well as lose the same amount of pounds
    anyone with the same interest can definitely add me and we can share tips and ideas.
  • Hi!
    I'm 31 from Montreal, and I'm looking to lose 15 pounds to begin with (my long term objective is 30 pounds). I'm looking for new friends also for motivation and support.