
jenifer4 Posts: 57
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I am all of the above because of my weigh in this morning. I can't seem to lose any weight.
I requested I would like to lose 2lbs a week, of course they gave me a calorie count of 1200 a day, and said on average I will lose 1.3lbs because MFP does not suggested anyone go under 1200 calories. I'm 5'2, current weight is 164.8, and I work a desk job, I currently work out for 1 hour a night.
This is what I have been doing, eating 1200 calories daily, and working out at the gym to the point I am dripping in sweat every weeknight, I started C25K last week, and then I usually do ellipical trainer for another 30min's OR i switch it up with doing the weight circuit. I typically burn on average 400 calories at the gym. I then go home and eat a snack since I was told I should try to eat back 1/2 my calories that I burn off, I usually have a bowl of smart pop (260cal) or light laughing cow wedge and multigrain crackers (135 cal). I notice on my phone that it tells me that my net calories is usually under 1200, anywhere from 900-1200.
Does this mean I am not actually getting the 1200 calories I need to and I need to eat more? I cant imagine eating more, I just dont know. I am so confused over this and its really putting me down. All week I felt great, felt like I was "looking" smaller and looking foward to going shopping for new workout pants thsi weekend, but that all changed when I jumped on the scale this morning....and it totally makes me second guess myself, maybe I just think I'm looking better cause obviously the scale is not moving. I really need to lose this weight all of my family is supporting me and cheering me on, I need to be 135lbs by April for our trip, I am committed to work out every single day - do I need to workout more? Eat less or more? what am I doing wrong?

:( thanks.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You need to eat more. You should be eating 1200 calories NET which means 1200 calories plus the calories burned during exercise. If you eat 1200 and burn 400, it is as if you only ate 800 (1200-400) calories when you should be eating 1600 cals to net 1200 (1600-400)
  • don't always rely on the scales..... as women, we retain water and muscle weighs more than fat!! anywho..... you sound like you are doing great... if your buying smaller clothes then you ARE smaller!!! It is very important to measure!! sometimes you can loose inches and not lose pounds!!! I feel your is very discouraging...don't stress!! Also...there are plateaus we all reach...(scales don't move)... Your body can get used to your workouts so...switch it up!!! Keep up the good work...stay determined.... and go buy those new SMALLER workout pants!!!!
  • I would try to keep my calories at AT LEAST 1200, if I were you. Your body needs fuel to burn fat and you might not be getting quite enough. Try it for just a little bit and see if it works for you. Everyone is different, but I eat ALL of my exercise calories (sometimes a little more).
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    2lbs a week is also too fast. Slow down, take a breather and move it back to 1 lbs a week- eat all of your goal calories (including your exercise cals) as healthily as you can and you will see a difference.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Scales are not necessarily accurate or true measures of success. Out of curiousity, I weighed myself three times this morning and got three different (although similiar) weights. The time of day you weigh yourself will also make the scales vary. And most importantly, If you've lost some of your body fat and replaced it with an equal amount of muscle, the scale wouldn't know the difference -- but you will! Muscle is the ultimate goal (it'll burn fat even when you're sleeping!!) so while it doesn't look to the scale that you're any thinner, you would be.

    How do your jeans feel when you put them on? Do you feel more toned?

    1200 calories is good for weight loss, but don't go below that -- especially on days you're working out. If you starve your body, it'll just hold on to every calorie you give it and store it as fat instead of burning it. Measure your waist, arm, hips, leg & neck and check again in a week to see if those numbers have changed. Those are indicators of success -- not necessarily numbers on a scale.

    Good luck!!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I would say you need to eat your exercise calories up, as your net calories should never be below 1200. MFP gives you a deficit already to help you lose weight.
    Also, try measuring yourself. Sometimes the scales can stay the same while inches are lost!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think you should increase your calories a bit but also take your measurments. You may be gaining muscle and re shaping your body and that is why you feel so much better. Be patient with yourself and your weight. You didn't add all that weight overnight, you won't loose it overnight.

    Look at what you are eating too. Make sure you are spreading out your food so your body doesn't think it's starving and fighting your best efforts. 1200 calories isn't a lot, make sure you're spreading them our evenly.

    Best wishes.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    ????? Are you really eating enough? Body knows when you cut back then does something about it by storing cals & not burning them off. Need to eat to lose weight.[kind of thinking the reverse of what your trying to do].
    Expectations to high??? Your starting at the base level,1200 cals, this takes more time to see results.
    Stress???? Stress & excess pressure produces a chemical in the body to release[cortisol] which also works against you.[Google cortisol] .
    Could it be your body is changing even though you don't see it on the scale. How do clothes fit? feel better? sleep better?

    Two suggestions,
    1. Put the scale away ,weigh yourself 1st of the month. Its only a number,but can put excess pressure on you! If your exercising[intervals & intensity],sleeping 8hr a night straight, eating right foods,portions control & drinking enough water...your body makeup is changing, you just don't see it on the scale!
    2. If you haven't seen my 3 blogs please read them.[by experts]
    3. Forget about weight loss, as long as your living a Healthy Lifestyle you will lose the weight! Promise!:wink:

    P.S. A site called "" is excellent [free] Believe you can do it, you will!!
  • Thanks everyone!!! I'll keep at it, Im not giving up!!! I will make a point now to make sure my net calories are at 1200 and fingers crossed I will see results with that.
    Thanks for the support
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Hi, I am all of the above because of my weigh in this morning. I can't seem to lose any weight.

    Are you saying you can't lose weight on your current routine on the basis of one weigh in this morning or a number of weigh in over the last few weeks?

    If it is simply one weigh in I wouldn't worry too much. It could be a number of things including water retention. I don't think it is because of added muscle given your calories deficit and exercise routine. Weight loss is not a linear process for many people, especially women. One week they lose nothing or gain, the next week they lose something ridiculous like 3lbs. What is important is establishing a trend over a sufficient period of time to draw solid conclusions from not a knee jerk reaction.

    If this has been happening for a number of weeks you will need to reassess your plan. 1,200 calories is a guideline not a fixed limit. Some people can go lower than that with no ill effects. Some people need more. You will only know what your limit is after keeping a track for a sufficiently long period of time.

    You say you have been feeling upbeat this week which doesn't indicate that you are suffering from metabolic shutdown. If you were feeling lethargic, sluggish, headches, irritable etc then you would need to be concerned. There is no harm in ramping up your calories a little though at this stage and seeing what happens. However, any change could be purely coincidental.

    Personally, I think you exercise too much like many people on here. If fat loss is your goal it is better to work in harmony with your body's natural processes until you get to lower levels of body fat. When you get to that stage you literally have to force your body to place it doesn't want to be.

    Too much exercise over stresses the body. Steady state cardio at a reasonable level is fine to do everyday if you don't over do it and eat enough calories. However, if you are working at high intensity or are lifting weights then you must give your body adequate rest time. That isn't mentioned enough on here I think. Rest and adequate sleep are essential components in this process.

    In short, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I have no doubt you will reach your goal if you are consistent and stick with this. Take a deep breath, smile and relax. Life is good.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When you eat more to hit the 1200 NET, go for the protein rich foods. Two reasons for that, 1. most protein foods are calorie dense, you don't have to eat a lot of it. 2. after all your exercise your body will need the extra protein to "repair" itself. If you try to up your calorie intake by eatting vegies you will have to eat a TON more. Don't be afraid of some fats in your foods, your body needs those too.

    It will be a bit of trial and error to find where your body loses the best. I stopped losing using the 1200 net a day. I slowly bumped my cals up and found that I lose best between 1350 and 1400 net a day.

    Good Luck!
  • Personally, I think you exercise too much like many people on here. If fat loss is your goal it is better to work in harmony with your body's natural processes until you get to lower levels of body fat. When you get to that stage you literally have to force your body to place it doesn't want to be.

    Too much exercise over stresses the body. Steady state cardio at a reasonable level is fine to do everyday if you don't over do it and eat enough calories. However, if you are working at high intensity or are lifting weights then you must give your body adequate rest time. That isn't mentioned enough on here I think. Rest and adequate sleep are essential components in this process.

    Very well said. I see so many people that are trying to work out 6-7 days a week without giving their bodies sufficient rest. I recently saw one person that says he works out 7 days a week. He's doing two-a-days and says he never misses a work out and then posed the question, "Do you think I'm addicted to exercise?" How many personal trainers do you see recommending a 7 day work-out plan? It's absolutely ludicrous. Anyway, sorry to hijack your thread. I had just wanted to say how impressed i was with msf74's post.
  • I would do measurements and follow that more than your scale. You could be gaining muscle while losing fat. I also think that you may need to eat a little more as others have suggested as long as it is clean calories.

    Keep your carbs for early in the day and do protein and a vegetable at night as well.

    Small tweaks add up. Take the stairs at work and maybe do 15 minutes of stair climbing at lunch to give your metabolism a midday boost too.

    Good luck
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