New scales so annoyed

So today is day 5 and I last weighed myself at my sisters house and was 346lbs. Ordered some new scales they arrived yesterday so went to weigh this morning admittedly in carpet and they said 15st the first time then 20 the next so annoyed would carpet make that much difference??


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yes. Don't weigh on carpet. Stick to the same scales, now that you have them. Weigh on a hard, flat surface, at the same time of the day. A lot of people prefer first thing in the morning after using the bathroom and before eating, wearing as little as possible. If you're unsure about the accuracy of the scales, weigh several times in a row and see if you get the same result. If not, change the battery. If it's still not accurate, take them back!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I'm 140 pounds and when I weigh on carpet it has me around 105....which probably last happened when I was about 10. lol
  • bextas
    bextas Posts: 12
    Thanks guys will try on a hard flat surface now got to find one whole house is carpet lol!
  • ConnorS879
    ConnorS879 Posts: 47 Member
    yeah carpet makes a huge difference! as you've just found out, like Jester said, a hard, flat surface, weigh yourself in the morning every few days/week to confirm that you are making progress, makes sure you do it at the same time ever day, i.e. as soon as you wake up in the minimum amount of clothes after using the bathroom, if you weigh yourself everday you will be in for disapointment, your weight will fluctuate daily because of water retention etc.
  • bextas
    bextas Posts: 12
    Thank you everyone weighed again on a flat surface looks like I've lost some but will officially weigh in tomorrow b4 breakfast and with minimal clothing!