


  • I gained weight out of the blue and it turned out I had an underl active thyroid. There are sometimes some other syptoms like really dry skin, very sparce eyebrows and no half moons in the nailbead. I would add sleeping a lot but if she is anything like my sons were at that age sleeping is what teenagers do best LOL.
    Are you sure she is not eating other things while out of the house as sometimes pepole can lie even to themselves when it comes to weight loss. I have a friend who swears blind she eats nothing but fruit and salads and yet when we spent time with her and her husband one weekend they do nothing but eat the whole time and it was something like 3 chinese meals each in one sitting and that was just one meal, yet she still denies eating anything but fruit and salads. Some people think if you diet some of the time the rest does not count, for instance dieting all week and then overeating at the weekends and think they will not gain weight as they have been (good) all week. The other way prople fool themselves is by dieting at home and not counting (little snacks) they have outside the home and these are usually the ones that have most calories. I would definately get her to the Docs and have her checked out first before you do anything.
  • She has been checked by the DR. Her thyroid is fine. Everything is fine, except she has PCOS.

    maybe the PCOS is the root of it all and the metformin is the key. Maqybe she doesnt realise how much it DOES impact her.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Make sure your daughter packs her own school lunches. I always thought they were healthy until I watched a documentary on how schools receive grant money. Basically, each meal needs to be at least 600 calories.... but there's no cap to it! Our school lunches are usually one color: beige, which to me is an indicator, that it's really not as healthy as it should be.

    The documentary showed that school lunches can actually end up being 1,200+, especially if she mixes and matches unhealthy options.

    Also, make sure she really wants to lose the weight, not just make mom happy. I have a loving relationship with my mom, but I know she pressured me at times to keep my weight off and I often dieted to please her more than I did it for myself.

  • My friends daughter has PCOS and it is definately harder to lose we ight than other people in fact weight gain is one of the symptoms and I think it is wonderful that she has lost so much already.
    It is so depressing not to be able to lose weight as easily as other people due to a medical problem and she deserves a big cheer for losing so much already and if she can just stick with it she will lose more maybe she needs bigger treats than the rest of us for losing the pounds in such a difficult situation compared to the rest of us and I think she must be a very dedicated young lady. I hope they come up with a cure for PCOS as I know how it can affect the lives of so many women in so many ways.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    As someone who struggled with infertility, PLEASE encourage your daughter to take her metformin! Please. It was prescribed for a reason, and saying she "thought she knew better" is not an acceptable reason for yuor daughter to discontinue use. I am not a doctor, but if a doctor prescribes you a med, its usually because your body NEEDS it.

    Also, please check both of your BMRs. 1200 calories may not be the right amount of calories for either of you. You should both be eating your BMR (check it using the Tools section).
  • I also was diagnosed with PCOS as a teen. The thing that helped me most, which I discovered in my 30's, was to get off white sugar, white bread and candy of any kind. If she can get off all carbs that are not slow-burning, I think it will help her progress immensely. There are some great books about how sugar affects insulin levels, which in turn affect hormones which mess up menstruation. Someone just recommended the book "This is Why You're Fat" to me, which is about sugar and how it affects the body. I haven't read it yet, but she swore that it changed her life.

    I would not recommend the Atkins approach for weight loss, but I can tell you that the summer that I tried it, I had regular cycles like clock-work. Never before in my life had that happened, so I know there is a connection between carbs and hormones.
  • As someone who struggled with infertility, PLEASE encourage your daughter to take her metformin! Please. It was prescribed for a reason, and saying she "thought she knew better" is not an acceptable reason for yuor daughter to discontinue use. I am not a doctor, but if a doctor prescribes you a med, its usually because your body NEEDS it.

    Also, please check both of your BMRs. 1200 calories may not be the right amount of calories for either of you. You should both be eating your BMR (check it using the Tools section).

    The cals i should be eating and my daughter were calculated by using the tools section here. 1200 is before exercise

    I have encouraged her to take it, I cant exactly force it down her throat. She either listens and accepts, or doesn't. Much like I cant force her to eat right, or to exercise. I can encourage, I can explain, I can talk till I am blue in my face, the rest is in her hands.
  • I also was diagnosed with PCOS as a teen. The thing that helped me most, which I discovered in my 30's, was to get off white sugar, white bread and candy of any kind. If she can get off all carbs that are not slow-burning, I think it will help her progress immensely. There are some great books about how sugar affects insulin levels, which in turn affect hormones which mess up menstruation. Someone just recommended the book "This is Why You're Fat" to me, which is about sugar and how it affects the body. I haven't read it yet, but she swore that it changed her life.

    I would not recommend the Atkins approach for weight loss, but I can tell you that the summer that I tried it, I had regular cycles like clock-work. Never before in my life had that happened, so I know there is a connection between carbs and hormones.

    Thank you, will look in to this.
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