Do I REALLY need to eat Breakfast???



  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I was unaware that our metabolisms stopped sometime in the middle of the night and needed jumpstarted

    Oh, my! This is so distracting.

    Oh, yes. OP's question. No, OP, you don't need to eat any particular meal. Breakfast isn't necessary. Meal timing doesn't matter, and if you're not hungry until lunch, that's just fine. If someone only eats breakfast and dinner, that's fine, too.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I love breakfast, and I don't know how people can skip it. I'd be so cranky and hungry by lunch, I'd probably eat everything in sight. However, if you're not hungry in the mornings, then you don't have to eat breakfast. If you're going hungry just so you can eat more later, it's your prerogative, but I think that's making it harder than it should be. My goal is to never be hungry because hunger sucks, so I eat quite often to prevent it. Whatever works for you.
  • JulieFinn
    JulieFinn Posts: 52 Member
    No, you do not have to eat breakfast. It doesn't kickstart your metabolism, it doesn't make you lose more weight, it doesn't do anything that blogs or magazines claim it does. It's just a meal. Some people like a big breakfast; others eat a small one. Some people like to eat as soon as they wake up, others aren't hungry until later. Some people find that breakfast keeps them from overeating; others find that the earlier in the day they start eating, the more likely they are to overeat, so they skip breakfast.

    Do what works for you.

    This is my way of thinking too - - - and it's what I do!
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm the same way, food early in the morning just isn't what I like. I tried to force some oatmeal down the other day and it made my stomach hurt. I eat when I am hungry, usually in the afternoon I'm ready for a big dinner because that's how I grew up eating, so it works better for me to just bring a protein bar along to class and eat it about 11am.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Waiting for the inevitable fallout of this thread
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I was unaware that our metabolisms stopped sometime in the middle of the night and needed jumpstarted

    These things need 'like' buttons on them!!:laugh:
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    I'm one of those folks that just don't have an interest in breakfast. A morning coffee and maybe a piece of fruit at some point before lunch if I get hungry. I would prefer to save my calories to split between lunch and dinner.

    I do this most of the time as well...

    Noting bad will happen to you if you skip breakfast...
  • jonlfischer
    jonlfischer Posts: 171 Member
    I workout in the mornings and some days i will eat a peanut butter sandwich and a protein shake, other days i wont eat anything. It all depends on how i feel when i wake up. I cant tell much difference in the gym on days i eat compared to days i dont eat.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You don't NEED to eat breakfast if you don't want too!!! But personally I think because your have been asleep for say 7-8 hours with no food, you would wake up and be hungry???

    But if your not hungry... Why eat???

    Maybe try having some fruit with yoghurt in a boxl

    2 x Weetabix with some milk

    Cereal bar/protein bar on the go etc!!

    Smoothies are great in the summer...

    How you eat your calories is down to you.

    See I love breakfast, and sometimes I have a big breakfast... No lunch, then dinner... Suits me and keeps me full for hours : )
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Do we have to answer this question every day?

    Came to ask this. Jeez.

    No, no one ever needs to eat breakfast. Eat your allotted calories for today any time you feel like it. In fact, you could look at it on a bigger scale and eat your allotted calories by the week instead. So if you wanted to eat more on Friday night, you could eat a little less M-Th and still fit your goals. Cray-cray, huh?
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    YOull loose all uv UR GAINZ!
