Why do I always feel so weak?



  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Not eating enough. You can't build muscle eating that little.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Have you addressed your issues with food yet? (ex. wondering if cereal is considered a cheat meal? or eating nothing but fruits and veggies for a month?) If you have not addressed those issues, that may be your problem of feeling weak.

    ^This. I have lost too much weight too fast before, and experienced muscle weakness.
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 5'4, 130 pounds. I eat 1200 calories a day (I don't think I feel weak because of my calories because on this BMI calculator it told me to lose weight I should eat between 1135-1300 calories a day or something like that, and I ate 1700 yesterday and still feel extremely weak today), I eat protein with every meal pretty much except dinner because I prefer really light dinners. I eat a good amount of carbs but maybe I'm a little low on fats. I exercise everyday but I don't think I overdo it really, I never have complete rest days though where I just don't do anything at all. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong though, I feel so weak everyday,

    I don't know if I should take some vitamins? I only take biotin right now for my hair and nails but that's it.

    Try having a refeed day. One day this week eat a fair amount more, mostly carbs. Take it up to your maintenance calorie level, don't go over, that way you won't gain any fat. See if it gives you an energy boost. I know for me when I am low cal the day after a refeed day I'm strong as hell! It's amazing!

    Maybe get more rest/sleep, supplement with magnesium is excellent for improved sleep.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Without a doubt, you should see your physician and have some bloodwork done. A deficiency in a number of vitamins or minerals can lead to fatigue and are an easy fix. Recently I kept feeling exhausted and would fall asleep on the couch every night. I had bloodwork done late April/early May and learned my iron was really low (which is a new thing for me). I HATE taking iron supplements as they make me sick to my stomach. However, I've learned if I take them at night they don't bother me. So that's my new plan and I feel SO much better. Again, take your concerns to your physician. There could be a very simple answer. :) Good luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Many vitamins are FAT SOLUBLE meaning they need fat to be transported and stored and used in your body. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble. If you are not getting enough fat, you could be vitamin deficient. Up your intake of healthy fats, and have a blood screening done.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    You're trying to be 110lbs at 5'4", that's why.

    This was my first thought as well, especially after I saw your age and the fact that you dont have an open diary. Someone with ylur stats and exercise should, in theory, be able to consume many more cals than 1200. So, seems like a few things are potentially going on. 1. You have to evaluate why you are loomi g to lose 20 lbs when you are right in the avg range of your bmi. You are NOT overweight. 2. No one here can really see how much protein, iron, fiber, fat, carbs etc you actually eat. My suspicion is it isnt as hjgh I protein as you think. 3. There is a possibility that something else is going on, though slim. If you still think you should continue eating 1200 cals a day and losing 20#, then make an appt with your doc for bloodwork. And tell her your current plan. I suspect she, too, would ask why you have this goal. Good luck to you!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Is it possible that you could be pregnant? being really tired was the only symptom i had for the first 8 weeks of me being pregrant and I had light period which i should have known was not normal for me but I never thought i was pregant but all the sleep and food wasnt making me feel better i just randomly took a home test
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    You most likely need to up your intake. You mention that you exercise every day, are you eating you exercise calories back? Also, you should have a rest day, some people can get away without one but for the most part it’s a good thing. And say yes to a multivitamin.
    If you want any truly productive input you should either make you food and exercise diary open so people can judge you, I mean make more informed recommendations. That or pick a few people that you feel comfortable with and make your diary open to them.
    Good luck I wish you the best.
  • dulceproductions
    dulceproductions Posts: 19 Member
    If I were you, I would get bloodwork done. You could be anemic. I would take a multivitamin and extra iron/folate.

    I agree.

    OP, I would strongly suggest you see a doctor and get blood work done (to check for anemia). In my case, I was found to be very anemic and was put on a large dose of prescription iron. It takes a while to build up your iron levels (months), so if this is your issue too, you are better off addressing it now rather than later.

    Also, when you are on a low calorie diet, it needs to be well balanced, not just low calories. Taking a multiple vitamin supplement will help, but eating the right foods help with energy and blood sugar spikes.

    That's my two cents.
  • tamwins
    tamwins Posts: 22
    I agree with the calories. When I started trying to lose weight, I strictly only ate 1200 calories, but that obviously was not giving me enough energy. I thought maybe I was just worn out from school, which did play a part, but also not eating enough did as well. I wasn't eating enough servings of grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, etcs. I went to go see a nutritionist because of how low in energy I always felt and she gave me a checklist of food groups that I should try to fulfill in a day. I tried that and my energy shot up. It was so bizarre! I did gain a little more weight, but eventually found my happy medium and lost that weight and more.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    If I were you, I would get bloodwork done. You could be anemic. I would take a multivitamin and extra iron/folate.
    Try a true rest day without exercise and see if it helps. If not you may want to go to the doctor for blood work. You may be lacking in iron or vitamin D.

    I say this every chance I can get.

    Never assume that you are anemic because you feel tired/fatigued. Something called haemochromatosis (iron overload) makes you feel the exact same way. NEVER take any supplements with iron in them unless you have been to a doctor and you have made them give you both an iron and a ferritin test. I have haemochromatosis and it means that my body takes the iron that is in my blood and deposits it around my organs. If it is not treated it is extremely dangerous so never, ever try and fix what you perceive to be an anemia problem on your own. This condition is in every 1 - 200 people yet hardly anyone is aware of it.

    Do not follow advice of people who suggest that you take supplements without thorough examination from your doctor.