Study Abroad Weight, will it ever go away??

Hey everyone! First time posting here. I am coming to the end of a 5 month study abroad program in South America. I came into it being in the best shape of my life and had high hopes to continue my fitness and health journey throughout my time here. However, the inevitable happened and I put on about 8 pounds. I'm not quite sure about the number because my host family doesn't have a scale, but I can see it in my body. Since I've been here I've exercised 4-5 times a week and have eaten fairly well, but as most people can guess, I WANTED TO ENJOY MY TIME HERE! So yes I indulged myself and relaxed on my diet (hellloooo empeadadas and pisco sours). I'm feeling a little discouraged because I eat fairly healthy and am active but still managed to put on weight. Has anyone else studied abroad and experienced this? And how long did it take you to get it off? Any tips or advice would be great, thanks!


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    8 pounds? Relax, exercise, log your food, and it will be gone by the end of the summer.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you've got 8 lbs to lose, you shouldn't have a big problem with it. When you are able, tighten up your nutrition and get back to consistent exercise. It'll come off. It just takes time and consistency.

    Also, how are you doing for support, encouragement, and accountability? I help to run support groups through Facebook. We have lots of people in there that are improving themselves and helping everyone else to stay accountable. We teach about proper nutrition and how to exercise. I'd be happy to chat with you about it if that is something that you're looking for.

  • mselihar
    mselihar Posts: 13 Member
    8 lbs? ha! yes of course you'll bounce back with the right discipline and routine.

    Don't mean to laugh, but I studied in london and after averaging 4 pints a night I came back 20 lbs heavier and that included playing pickup soccer and belonging to a gym - you'll be fine!
  • abby_h93
    abby_h93 Posts: 1
    Hi! I also studied abroad in South America and have about 14 lbs to lose before I'm back at my GW/happy place. I've really been struggling to lose it too and want it all off before school starts. Would love to talk to you as maybe a buddy?
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Just keep track of how many calories you're eating, stay within your MFP calorie goal and you'll be fine.
  • kmhgetsfit
    Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice. I know 8 pounds (I think it's more like 10) doesn't seem like a lot to lose but I've always found that last 10 is always the hardest. And abby_h93, I don't know how to tag people on here so I hope you see this haha, but yes that sounds great!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    8 pounds? Relax, exercise, log your food, and it will be gone by the end of the summer.