Quinoa flour in morning oatmeal

I was wondering if anyone has tried adding quinoa flour to their morning oatmeal. My breakfast every morning is always 65g of oats with two egg whites. I just bought some quinoa flour and was thinking about adding it in with the oats. Has anyone tried it before?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I have not done that exactly. i have had quinoa cereal: http://www.vitacost.com/ancient-harvest-organic-quinoa-flakes-gluten-free-12-oz-9
    Here is something closer to what you are talking about:

  • rebelkbex
    rebelkbex Posts: 7
    I tried it for breakfast this morning. I brought 2 1/2 cups of water to a boil and then whisked quinoa flour in it and let it simmer for 5 minutes constantly mixing it so it wouldn't clump. I them added the oats and let it cook until it thickened. It was different. The flour coated the oats kind of so it was like tiny dough balls. It didn't get thick and creamy like I was hoping it would though.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Right. Use regular quinoa (not flour) or since you already have the flour you could try toasting it the day before kind of like this in a low oven. This recipe is easy because you do not have to check on it very often. Or cook/toast in a frying pan and stir it and watch it.



    1 pound quinoa (see instructions above on how to make your own quinoa flour)
    You can also use store bought quinoa flour, but I prefer to freshly grind my flour, it is fresher and the nutrients remain in the flour when freshly ground.

    Preheat your oven to 220ºF
    Place the freshly ground flour (you can also use store bought quinoa flour) onto a rimmed pan. You do not have to measure, just make sure that it doesn't reach the thickness of more than 1/4" deep.
    Roast for 2 1/2 - 3 hours. I know it might seem like a long time, but you don't have to turn the flour or anything, just pop it in the oven and in 3 hours it is done! How simple is that?
    When you start roasting your quinoa flour, you will have a very earthy, grassy smell throughout the house. The smell will change over the course of the cooking time.
    Remove from oven and allow to completely cool.
    Once cooled, place in an air tight container and store in the freezer.
    Quinoa can quickly become rancid. Just like with any freshly ground or roasted flours, it is best to freeze them so that the flour remain fresh and doesn't turn rancid.