Looking for motivation & friends

centralvalgal Posts: 12 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am 43 years old I sit in an office all day long (on a stability ball), I am a married and I have a 7year old and I really can't seem to find the energy or time to work out and then when I do start working out I end up with a stuffy nose and sore throat. I mean really you have got to be kidding me.
I am new to the site. But not to weight loss and weight gain and loss and gain and loss and gain... again and again over and over.
I have been around this mountain so many times I lean to one side. I am looking for motivation. I know what to do I just lack the energy and motivation. My doctor says just stop eating the twinkie... (I don't even like twinkies) and he says my thyroid is fine. So I guess I can't blame it on anything but my lack of movement. Looking for some friends to help hold me accountable.


  • islandgirljane
    islandgirljane Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll do great!:wink:
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I'd love to be your friend! This site is full of encouraging, motivating people! You've come to the right place!! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi, there. I am also new to the site, but like you not new to the weight loss battle. I just turned 39 in December and have a 6 year old son. I am basically a stay at home mom, but I do work 16 hours/week in a medical billing office. I just couldn't find the motivation to work out after running after a little one all day long. But I am taking back my life and am determined to lose this weight and live a long healthy life. I will support you in your journey if you will help me with mine. We seem to have a lot in common!

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    You can count on me to be your friend. I am on this site all the time. Measuring your food is the key. I really started Sept. 2009 on MFP am still on it and only 5 to 6 lbs to go. :smile:

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    The only way to get motivated is to think about WHY you want to be healthy (to feel good, live longer, get more out of live, to fit into a certain pair of jeans, for your 7 year old, whatever). Then set some specific measurable goals (lose 1-1.5 lbs a week, work out X times, don't go over your calories, whatever) to achieve your goal. Write these goals down along with some motiving images and hang this up at your desk and on your fridge. I have an excel file that I check off my goals (work out and under calorie goal) each morning if I achieved that the day before and also keep a copy of this on my fridge. This file also has a graph of my weight loss progress to keep me motivated. You just have to find what motivates YOU. Read through some of the success stories on here- they are truly amazing.

    As for having a family and the time excuses...there are plenty of posts on that too (or read my blog to see how I deal with balancing a full plate)

    Good luck and add me as a friend!
  • I am with you girl! I am 27 years old but have always been somewhat slim. However, after my two pregnancies something happened to my body. It was like whatever I ate I might as well have just taped it to my tummy and walked around all day. I just signed up with myfitnesspal.com yesterday and I weighed in at 170lbs! (Two pounds more than what I was when I went into the hospital 9 months preggers). My goal is to be 130 lbs. Dieting has ALWAYS been hard for me, because I LOVE TO EAT. So, I am trying the South Beach diet. My sister inspired me because she lost 11lbs in TWO WEEKS. She exercised a little, but mostly just stuck to the Phase 1 rules for the first two weeks. Granted it will be a challange, but as she says, "You can do anything for two weeks..." Lets encourage one another together! Lets be healthy for our children!
  • BobL436
    BobL436 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me as a friend........
  • Hi and welcome. I just joined too, and I LOVE this site! The people are great, the tools that are available are amazing, and it's very motivating. Feel free to add me as a freind :)
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Welcome to the site.

    It is great that your using a ball to sit on. Now what you need to do is start using it to strengthen your muscles. Even if you are sitting still doesn't mean your muscles have to relax. Clench your tummy in an invisable crunch count and release, flex and clench all the muscle groups you can without being obvious and you can do that all day even while you watch tv or chat on the phone.

    It is not a gym workout but it might start you off on the path of gaining a little more engergy to do some cardio and burn a few extra calories as well.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck.
  • aagorden
    aagorden Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...I too am fairly new to this site. I have not been on in quite awhile. My goal is to lose 20 pounds and I know that it is going to take some time...but please email me with any advice or suggestions to stay motivated. Thank you.. :)smile
  • I am 40, with a wife and three children, and shared your struggle for many years. Finally, my children got ahold of my life in 2006 and gave me the motivation to change. I weighed in at 304lbs at the time. After 1.5 years of exercise and proper nutrition, I lost a totaly of 154lbs and have kept it off ever since. Motivation is one of the foundations for success. If you want to read more about my family's story, please go to www.fit4lifeministries.org. We love to share and help others realize that success is obtainable! You have started - that is the hardest part!
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