lunch time success

beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
I have lived a year of counting calories for a few days then binging for a few days then repeating the cycle. I'm ready to make a change. I just have to share what happened today. I have been doing really well with food prepping healthy things to bring to work so that I am not hungry during the day. Last night I accidentally left my chicken out on the counter so I had no lunch. This morning I packed a peanut butter sandwich instead of the normal chicken with veggies that I do for lunch. My blender also wouldn't work so my morning smoothie was not an option. Talk about a day set up for failure! I work at a hospital with a yummy cafeteria just an elevators ride down. The "old" me would have binged out for lunch and continued the rest of the day, and weekend, until starting over on Monday. I did okay and ate my sandwich for lunch but was still hungry. My snacks weren't helping and all I wanted was fried food and cookies. I texted my husband about how I was struggling and was just going to go binge and then we could go out to dinner tonight, where I would binge again. He told me to be strong and I DID IT! I didn't go to the cafeteria to get anything and I plan to stick with my normal dinner tonight. I know it probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but for me, it was huge!


  • GonnaLoseIt50Plus
    That's awesome! Its a happy time when you realize that you more self control over what you eat then you did before. I had a coworker bring donuts today and it took a lot for me to not eat one because i LOVE donuts i new that if i did i would eat more than one and hate myself later for it. Im proud of you. its hard to fight the temptations and easy way out when its so easly in reach... Great job!
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    Good job! It's very hard I know.....I fight it every single day.....
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    That is great and it is a big deal. It is HARD to rein ourselves in when it comes to eating. I am happy for you and inspired by you! I have also had a day filled with food that will continue into the evening. I have done pretty well! I will still be higher on my calories, but not out of sight. Reading what you did, your strength, gives me strength to not overeat, as well! So thank you, and job well done!
  • 123losinforme
    123losinforme Posts: 73 Member
    It is a big deal, way to go! It's little victories like these that makes you a huge success. keep it up and your husband is a great support:wink:
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    That - my friend - is a HUGE NSV. Fighting an urge like that is the tip of the iceberg! Awesome job!
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    Great job! Small victories over time = big successes! Keep going strong!
  • chinook44
    chinook44 Posts: 55 Member
    One day at a time ... :wink:
  • ilenewilliams
    ilenewilliams Posts: 48 Member
    That is a huge deal, not just a big deal! WTG
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