How much can I lose in 2 weeks?

I know the larger answer to this answer - results come from long, hard work. And crash dieting is unhealthy.
But I'm sure we've all been in a situation when a beach holiday / big event is suddenly coming up. And, despite our best intentions, we just didn't have the time / energy to really start pushing months ago.

So, how much can I lose? I am a 5'1", 135-lbs woman. I'm pretty busy with work and children, but can usually squeeze in a few gym sessions a week.
This is already down from where I was when I had a baby less than a year ago.
Is it realistic to lose, say, 6-7 lbs in two weeks?
Or, at least, to tone up my middle?
Any suggestions on how to do it?
Any preferred diet or exercise?


  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    No advice other than good luck.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    6-7 lbs of fat? No. You can cut your carbs and sodium and lose some water weight, but actual fat....don't count on it. Maybe a couple of pounds.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Go low carb for two weeks and you'll drop a lot of water weight. It will come back as soon as you start eating carbs again, but it'll help in the short term. Good luck.
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    CleanUpWhatIMessedUp Posts: 206 Member
    If you lose 2 pounds per week (which I think is what is generally considered healthy), then you can lose 4 pounds in 2 weeks.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    You might drop some water weight but it'll all come back as soon as you start eating and drinking at the beach holiday/big event. Personally I just make sure to pick flattering clothes and enjoy myself; there's no point to putting in all the effort of working out and restricting just to gain it back, or to try to keep it up and go to the event or holiday and not be able to have a drink, or sample what I want from the local cuisine, etc.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    When I first went on Medifast, I lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    6-7 lbs of fat? No. You can cut your carbs and sodium and lose some water weight, but actual fat....don't count on it. Maybe a couple of pounds.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    You could lose 6-7 Lbs in a couple of weeks, but it won't be fat (not all of it)...most of it will be water weight. The human body can only oxidize so much fat in a 24 hour is scientifically impossible to lose 6-7 Lbs of fat in 2 weeks. To boot, the less fat stores you have, the more difficult it is for your body to mobilize that fat...which is one of the reasons why people with very little to lose have such a difficult time of it.

    If you really want to drop some quick Lbs though just low carb and you'll drop a couple Lbs of fat and a ton of water weight. Just be prepared for your weight to spike when you ingest carbs when you drink that beer or whatever on holiday...carbs require a lot of water to process so you'll put that right back on.
    If you lose 2 pounds per week (which I think is what is generally considered healthy), then you can lose 4 pounds in 2 weeks.

    this depends largely on how much weight you have to lose. 2 Lbs per week is not a safe rate of loss for someone with a handful of cosmetic Lbs to lose. 2 Lbs per week is a very aggressive calorie goal and is generally held for people who are substantially overweight.
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    Do the Jillian Michaels One Week Shred and it'll help you lose as much in 1 week (or 2 if you divide it like me) and at least it will help you get going on that workout journey... and try to eat clean (which should be happening now anyway)

    best of luck
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Depending on your logging and such, I'd say in 2 weeks you could lose 0.5-2lbs.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks, everyone!
    I hear that 2 lbs / week figure alot -- but it makes sense that that is only for some body types. Obviously, everyone can't lose 2 lbs / week indefinitely.
    I'll probably just keep to a lower calorie, lower-carb diet for 2 weeks, to lose some fat and some water. Maybe 6-7 lbs is unrealistic, as some posters said. Maybe 3-4 lbs is better.

    And I'll try to do more strength / toning exercises for two weeks. When I did Jillian Michael's Shred before, I did see toning in a few weeks -- so it can be done. I'll be happy if the waistband on my shorts is not quite so tight.

    I like setting these mini goals for myself. It helps focus and motivate me for the next two weeks -- gives me a reason to not get tempted into getting a latte and chocolate muffin on the way to work...

    But -- if you were in my shoes -- would you focus on cardio (calorie burning) or strength (toning) for a short-term project like this?
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Depending on your logging and such, I'd say in 2 weeks you could lose 0.5-2lbs.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    But -- if you were in my shoes -- would you focus on cardio (calorie burning) or strength (toning) for a short-term project like this?

    Neither are going to make a hill of beans difference in two weeks.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks for this.
    I hear that figure of 2 lbs / week bandied around alot.
    It's great to have someone clearly say that this is not possible for all people at all stages of dieting.
    You're right that I'm just slightly heavier than I should be -- and I'm looking for basically vanity weight loss.
    I'm not going to lose like those guys on the reality TV shows.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    But -- if you were in my shoes -- would you focus on cardio (calorie burning) or strength (toning) for a short-term project like this?

    Neither are going to make a hill of beans difference in two weeks.

    You're right.
    But I want to do something and not dismiss it and saying "it won't matter anyway." These short-term goals are good motivation for me.

    I've started doing 30 minutes of circuit every day, which is mostly weight-bearing. Then, if I have time, I add 30 minutes of cardio to my gym trip.
    Over 2-3 weeks, this will help me tone up a bit and lose a few pounds.
    I have seen some changes in the past with 2-3 weeks of regular exercise and watching what I eat. But, obviously, not tons of quick weight loss.

    So I will revise my goals. When I go on a beach vacation in a few weeks, I hope that -- at least -- my summer shorts will be a bit looser.
    I will then set another goal -- of another event I have in mid-August, which is 6 weeks from now.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    To be honest I would just be excited I was going on a big holiday I didn't know about in 2 weeks!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Here is a whole different way to look at it.

    Get a fitbit (one, flex, whatever) at Best Buy and just use it every day before you go on vacation. Try to get at least 10,000 steps in a day and you will just feel different going into the vacation.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Nobody at the beach will notice, everyone is too busy with themselves, how they think they look.
    Just relax and have fun, starving yourself now just to see the number on the scale go down a bit will not make your holiday more fun.