Snacking, Coffee, and how to control it..HELP???

Jacpin Posts: 17
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, I have a serious problem with snacking late at night. After 8 or so...How can you curb or stop this? I find myself contantly hitting the crackers, cheese, or pretzels. I can't not have the stuff in the house due to others in the house...ANY IDEAS?

As for the coffee, I am more of a flavored coffee creamer person. Daily I will have three of these coffees, not a Starbuck thing, just a WaWa or 7-11 coffee with like 5 tablespoons of flavored creamer. Thats like close to 200 calories a coffee.

Any way of curbing that??? I feel like I need that coffee. I have tried strong teas..but that only lasts a few days before I hit the coffee again.


  • lisamt83
    lisamt83 Posts: 119
    Have you tried the "Skinny" flavored coffee creamers? Or low fat...I'm not positive on this but I think it is lower in calories....
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I changed from cream to milk but I do have
    flavored coffees with powdered cream or
    light cream. Just reduce what you are
    adding in your coffee and you should be
    okay. You do get used to it. I tried the teas too,
    I usually have them in the evenings to curb my snack
    attacks. You sound exactly like me. I
    go through the same things. Try nothing
    after 8:00 pm and have some green tea
    or just drink your water. It takes a little time
    but it works.
    Good luck
  • coffee is a most for me in the morning n i too need some type of flavor for it so i switched to starbucks n just have a venti coffee with a sugarfree syrup which has no calories n then ill add just a bit of half n half n a few splendas n its around 83 calories n it really taste great n if ur trying to cut back on the caffeine u can have them do half caf n it honestly taste just the same
  • also splenda now has flavored packets n they r really good i carry some in my purse in case i cant make it to starbucks in the morning
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I cut out the creamer altogether. I know I know, black coffee, yuck! I actually like it now. It was definitely a learning curve but so worth it. I get my coffee fix for 8 calories per day now. SWEET!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    also splenda now has flavored packets n they r really good i carry some in my purse in case i cant make it to starbucks in the morning

    THEY DO?????? I have to try these!
  • also splenda now has flavored packets n they r really good i carry some in my purse in case i cant make it to starbucks in the morning

    THEY DO?????? I have to try these!

    they r great u gotta look for them where they have the powdered coffee creamers tho cuz they dont usually put them where they have the regular splenda
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    I make my own coffee and use the sugar free caramel coffee mate. Yum! And 15? calories. I'm a night snacker, too, and I need to crunch. I buy Kix or Honey Nut Cheerios cereal to snack on. Crunchy, just little sweet, and you can have a lot for 100 caloeries or so!
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    There are alot of flavored liquid coffe sweeteners. D' avinci, Monin, even Starbucks. They're in bottles so I guess you could keep it in your car if you prefer coffe on the run. The added benefit is they dont taste as bitter as powder sweeteners like splenda etc. Then you can use skim milk or fat free creamer.
  • leti333
    leti333 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey there- I had a very similar "problem" and this is what worked for me. I would have a caffeine crash mid-morning and would feel sluggish thinking I needed more coffee. I saw a Dr. Oz show, and heard that a vitamin B complex would help with that. I replaced my morning coffee with my favorite decaffeinated hot tea (chai green tea) and Splenda and started taking 2 vitamin B complex pills and vitamin D pills. The vitamin B's have done WONDERS for my energy level and I no longer get that caffeine crash midmorning or have to stress about the empty creamer calories. I also know that the green tea has antioxidants and I have noticed my skin clearing up. It's been 5 months, and I'll still have the occasional coffee- but I don't feel like I'm missing out. As for snacking at night- I drink a cup of hot tea and then brush my teeth- sipping the tea gives me a satisfying flavor and then when I brush my teeth- it kinda seals the deal for the night. Anyway- just something to think about- it has worked really well for me.

    God luck
  • I understand about the coffee, I used to be a creamer/the sweeter the better was the only way, when it came to coffee. Now I drink it black and the stronger the better.

    First we have to learn not to punish ourselves, everything is baby steps. It takes time to make long term, adjustments.

    Just start off by cutting back slowly, that's what I did. I used to take my coffee with 4 heaping spoons of creamer and 2 - 3 sugars. I started first with the creamer, I went from 4 the first week to 3, waited until I adjusted to that and then,.. each week I dropped some thing.

    Such as you said you take 5 spoons of creamer. Try all this week to cut back to 4. Then the next week try 3, and so on and so on... Allow your taste buds to readjust. Also try flavored ground coffee. I am addicted to the French Vanilla Ground Coffee. I love it black.

    You may never be able to take your black but even the little adjustments make a big difference.

    As far as snacking at night, the best advice I can give for that, is stay busy until bedtime and pre-make your choices. I have a basket in our pantry that has snack sized bags of what I like. You can still have pretzels, cheese, etc, just in moderation. I cannot and do not deprive myself of anything. I just don't consume it in the large quantities I used to. Another reason the food journaling helps.

    But we eat a lot our of boredom. Also, when you are feeling snacky, have a glass of water first, wait 15 minutes and if you are still wanting to snack try and go for one of your pre-mades. I use the little snack baggies, from Walmart, it's cheaper to fill those on your own than buy those 100 cal packs. I also try and have apples laying out on the counter in the basket.

    Eventually you will get to a point it doesn't bother you anymore and you won't feel the need. It took me a year,.. to make mine.... I had lost 68 lbs 6 years ago, I had some health issues and gained a LOT of weight. I had been successful in keeping it off, with the exception of a few lbs (sucks being a woman and hormonal) and then I had a motorcycle accident, last year and gained back 15lb of it, while being laid up. So now my goal is to get that 15 off plus 5!
  • I cut out the creamer altogether. I know I know, black coffee, yuck! I actually like it now. It was definitely a learning curve but so worth it. I get my coffee fix for 8 calories per day now. SWEET!

    Me too and I NEVER thought I could drink coffee black but I did it a long time ago, and it's the only way I can drink it now. Coffee w/Sweetener makes me feel sick, now. Unless............. it's the occasional Baileys shot, on a cheat day :)
  • Jacpin
    Jacpin Posts: 17
    thats a great idea...I have done this at home. I jus have to try and find them at the local places. I wonder if I could keep them at work???
  • Jacpin
    Jacpin Posts: 17
    OK so a question for the black coffee drinker...does it mess with your stomach???
  • Try cutting what you add into your coffee by half.
  • OK so a question for the black coffee drinker...does it mess with your stomach???

    Not that I have noticed -- actually even less than some of those sweet coffees I used to get at the local Circle K..... my husband nick named those Poopuccino. Because if either of us had a 20oz, within 20 - 30 minutes, one of of us was giggling at the other because we could get home and in the door fast enough!
  • lisamt83
    lisamt83 Posts: 119

    They sale this at HEB and I think Walmart...
  • Jacpin
    Jacpin Posts: 17
    Hey there- I had a very similar "problem" and this is what worked for me. I would have a caffeine crash mid-morning and would feel sluggish thinking I needed more coffee. I saw a Dr. Oz show, and heard that a vitamin B complex would help with that. I replaced my morning coffee with my favorite decaffeinated hot tea (chai green tea) and Splenda and started taking 2 vitamin B complex pills and vitamin D pills. The vitamin B's have done WONDERS for my energy level and I no longer get that caffeine crash midmorning or have to stress about the empty creamer calories. I also know that the green tea has antioxidants and I have noticed my skin clearing up. It's been 5 months, and I'll still have the occasional coffee- but I don't feel like I'm missing out. As for snacking at night- I drink a cup of hot tea and then brush my teeth- sipping the tea gives me a satisfying flavor and then when I brush my teeth- it kinda seals the deal for the night. Anyway- just something to think about- it has worked really well for me.

    God luck

    Great! I am going to check this out....thank you.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you are really stuck on the flavored creamers then try They have tons of sugar free flavors and then you can use what ever type of milk/creamer you like. I like to use a little of the vanilla or chocolate in smoothies.
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