Yoga uggghhh



  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Nope that's one of the reasons I won't do a class. Prefer to do my yoga at home, I have a half hour routine and I hold each pose for 30-60sec. Has really helped with core strength, flexability and improved my balance. I tried doing it with my wife from a TV program, but I kept hurting my neck trying to pose and see what pose I was supposed to flow into.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member has tons of videos,free, and you can select style, level, and length. They have "power" & "vinyasa" options, though maybe not as vigorous as you'd like.

    One thing to keep in mind with the "glacial" pace (it does feel that way sometimes!)...holding those poses for longer has real benefits, and if you can think of holding poses as something active and not passive, that might help. Don't just hold it and wait for it to be over...check in with all your body parts individually for proper alignment. Can you lengthen your spine, deepen a bend, relax a tight area? and it's do this by breathing into your stuck areas...really, try to direct your breath to a specific, tight part of your body and it will start to open. At first it might be metaphoric...imagine your breath moving from your lungs to your muscles...but eventually, you can really feel it. If you're someone who suffers from attention problems...this practice can help you develop focus that stays with you off the yoga mat, too.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Try DDP Yoga. It's for people of all ages and all fitness types. I hear a lot of good things, and quite a few athletes do it.
  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    Yoga makes me angry! I understand that this is good for my body, but I just can't stand how slow it moves. I have tried pilates and like it much better.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    My goal is to be able to do this at some point:

  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Honestly, I felt a little bit ridiculous when I began practicing yoga at my studio but it's been almost a year and I've fallen in love with it and my body has improved in many ways. I don't use online resources since I prefer going to classes, but here's a site that my instructor recommended:
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    This reminded me off the time I went in search of a flow to help PMS and it was going really well until about 20 min. in when the lady said, "breathe deeeeeply....into your your cervix..." and I was all,
    :huh: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Smile into your cervix, wtf does that even mean?!
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    My goal is to be able to do this at some point:


    That's pretty cool.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I love doing yoga and it has benefited me in several ways. It helps that I am very flexible so poses are not a huge struggle for me. But, even if I were not flexible, I'd still love it and continue to pursue it.

    You just have to go at your own pace, honor your limitations and not feel like you have to compete with anybody.

    OTOH, if you truly dislike it don't waste another hour of your life on it. Find something you enjoy doing instead.


    :heart: :heart:
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Yoga makes me angry! I understand that this is good for my body, but I just can't stand how slow it moves. I have tried pilates and like it much better.

    Lol, I get that totally, I love to run, I even love lifting now, but I don't think I will ever actually think yoga is enjoyable, but I do understand the benefits, maybe doing it with some angry chick music, like another poster suggested.
  • okfitmom
    okfitmom Posts: 8
    Try Power Yoga (Baptiste Yoga) It's a quicker pace, without a lot of the fluff. Even some sun salutations when you wake up in the morning are great, you can You Tube how to, then bust them out on your own with music you love.

    Before I had kids I was (still am) a Yoga Teacher, I have heard it all. Flower your buttocks is my personal fav, I have yet to figure out what it actually means.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    I said I hated yoga for a long time, but I've found an instructor I really like, and happily attend her class now. I don't mind the "breathe into your back" so much. I just try to stretch a little bit there. You know like when you lift if you think about the muscle you want to use? It's like that, more than anything.

    What I really like is the focus on accepting what your body wants you to do. All week long I make my muscles work and I make my body submit. At yoga I do the scan and find "this is a little tight" or "that feels spent" or "over here is stronger than last week". It's neat to see what changes have happened during the week.

    And it used to be hard to completely clear my mind, but I've got a subject I like to "meditate on" now in the final pose - and once or twice I have fallen asleep for a minute or two. Luckily it's not an out cold kind of asleep and I come right back when the lights go on. But. Still. lol
  • Gingergal12
    Gingergal12 Posts: 64 Member
    I fell in love with yoga 2 years ago. It has helped :love: with my body flexibility and my ability to not sweat the small stuff mentally. I equate it to a really, really good glass of wine!
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    I really want to start yoga but I am not flexible at all. Can't even touch the floor with my legs straight lol. Traveling at the moment so can't really join a class. Any one know any useful online resources I could try for yoga and to improve flexibility? Thanks :)
  • okfitmom
    okfitmom Posts: 8
    Yoga Glo and My Yoga Online have tons of online classes, lots of different instructors and types of Yoga. I think you have to pay a monthly membership but I think they usually offer 2 weeks free or something like that, or You Tube. So if touching your toes is a goal you could search Yoga for tight hamstrings etc and you should get loads of tips.
    I really want to start yoga but I am not flexible at all. Can't even touch the floor with my legs straight lol. Traveling at the moment so can't really join a class. Any one know any useful online resources I could try for yoga and to improve flexibility? Thanks :)
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Ah brilliant thanks very much for your help :)
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Good info on here!
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    I bought a yoga book too which has all moves from beginers to advanced :)