Diet soda, yay or nay



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    Yay from me.

    I drink around 4 - 5 glasses a week, has not hindered my weight loss at all nor caused cravings or any other side effect.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Nay for me. If I'm drinking soda, I'm having a real soda.
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    Nay, I am trying to stay away from processed foods as much as possible and putting something in me just full of artificial sweeteners and colors seems counterproductive to trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Personally, I just gave up soda unless it's one of the fancy all natural ones, which are super expensive so they are a rare treat.

    If i want something carbonated I just have seltzer water.
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    I've been drinking more water recently but i still enjoy having a diet Mountain Dew once in a while. It's like a treat.
    Me too!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I drink it. I know the arguements against it and I will agree it is not good for my overall health to what extent is yet to be seen but I enjoy it. Yes I drink too much.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    in terms of weight control, because diet sodas have 0 calories they do not add to your daily caloric intake, obviously. They may be a welcome variety from water. The claim that they make you gain weight is due to the fact that they are high in added sugar. Sugar makes you crave more sugar. So it is normal for people to consume a diet soda and then want to snack on a non-diet bag of chips. Oftentimes people sees this effect as "I'm craving chips, I must be hungry, therefore I must fulfill the craving". If you can recognize what is happening in that your body is just on a sugar high and doesn't want to come down, then you can resist the craving for more sugar.

    There's no sugar in diet soda.

    technically there is


    You can tell if something is a sugar by whether or not it ends in -ose. Fructose, sucrose, dextrose, glucose etc. Aspartame isn't a sugar its a modified dipeptide.
  • ChrisUK70
    ChrisUK70 Posts: 54 Member
    I have kicked the diet coke habit for a couple of reasons First it is a cocktail of chemicals and I am trying to jack processed crap,
    also the other thing is when I look around and notice people drinking diet soda I have noticed that the majority are overweight :smile:

    Not a great selling point, but I suppose they could be looking to lose weight hence they drink it but often in the other hand is fast food or some other calorie dense treat.

    Losing weight for me is not just looking good because I am no longer fat and bloated but also feeling better because I am not eating or drinking toxic crap.

    But hell if it works for you and you lose weight drinking it then fine but I would monitor your weight lose over a week while drinking it then do a week without and see if there is much of a difference.

    I have one coffee in the morning, drink lots of water all day, Juice Masters Super Shute Juice in the evening and when in a Pub OJ with soda water. I would normally drink it every day but do not miss it once I broke the habit.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    EVERYTHING we eat is a cocktail of chemicals.
  • CharleneM723
    CharleneM723 Posts: 80 Member
    I have a Diet Coke every once in a while, maybe weekly. Sometimes it's a refreshing treat from water without reaching for a sugary, high calorie drink. I find it keeps me satisfied and doesn't lead to strange cravings. I also use Equal in my coffee, the occasional morning I drink it. All things in moderation are fine, IMO. But if you find it causing cravings, then don't drink it.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    But hell if it works for you and you lose weight drinking it then fine but I would monitor your weight lose over a week while drinking it then do a week without and see if there is much of a difference.

    I have, for several consecutive weeks in fact, and there was no difference at all in my weight.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    I have kicked the diet coke habit for a couple of reasons First it is a cocktail of chemicals and I am trying to jack processed crap,
    also the other thing is when I look around and notice people drinking diet soda I have noticed that the majority are overweight :smile:

    Not a great selling point, but I suppose they could be looking to lose weight hence they drink it but often in the other hand is fast food or some other calorie dense treat.

    Losing weight for me is not just looking good because I am no longer fat and bloated but also feeling better because I am not eating or drinking toxic crap.

    But hell if it works for you and you lose weight drinking it then fine but I would monitor your weight lose over a week while drinking it then do a week without and see if there is much of a difference.

    I have one coffee in the morning, drink lots of water all day, Juice Masters Super Shute Juice in the evening and when in a Pub OJ with soda water. I would normally drink it every day but do not miss it once I broke the habit.

    re the people drinking diet soda being over weight - hmm, I am not.
    Neither is my son or his GF or my other son - just to name a few people off top of my head.

    Anyway that is a bit like saying most people on MFP or at Weight Watchers or in the Plus size store are over weight - therefore those things make you overweight - flawed logic here, I think.

    I cant be bothered tracking myself for a week with diet soda and a week without - one week alone wont show much anyway - but I have steadily lost weight and then maintained weight drinking a moderate amount of diet sodas throughout the journey.
    No need to change my drinking habits.
    yay for toxic crap! :drinker:
  • jbing07
    jbing07 Posts: 46 Member
    I say you're good with diet soda, in moderation of course. It took me 2 years to get off all the weight that I wanted and I drank diet soda through all that time. Again, in moderation, but you don't have to take it out completely. That's my opinion. Good luck!
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    nay, cant stand the taste ... also I am trying to cut out processed foods as much as possible
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    For me that would be nay, but just because I have never found a diet soda that didn't taste completely disgusting (as is pretty much every other thing that contains any kind of low/no calorie sweetener, including things like aspartame and stevia - wow was stevia a disappointment). But if you can stand the taste I say go for it.
  • wildbec
    wildbec Posts: 1
    only in moderation like if i go to a restaurant. The way i did switch many years ago was to mix regular and diet till it was all diet no more regular and you never have the after taste. The sweeteners they use in diet soda can trigger some to want surgery treats that is why they say not to drink it, but every person is different. I my self go to crystal light many flavors and no diet after taste.
  • Alice_in_VVonderland
    Alice_in_VVonderland Posts: 67 Member
    I needed something for my Kraken, so I bought some Zevia to try.

    To the unaware (as I was until a few days ago), Zevia is a 0-calorie soda that is sweetened with stevia (a sugar substitute made from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana) and erythritol (a sugar alcohol that naturally occurs in peaches, melons, pears and grapes).

    I'm pleased with the cream soda. It's almost a little too sweet (as cream soda tends to be, depending on the brand), but the flavor is spot on and I think that will complement my rum rather nicely while keeping me from the old habit of drinking soda nonstop. I also bought their ginger root beer, but I haven't tried it yet.

    Definitely a good product, and the price isn't too bad ($3.30 for a 6-pack of 12oz. cans and they have coupons on their website as well).

    Thanks to those that mentioned it!
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Yay! I have never drunk (drank?) any soda but diet, one can a day at work is a nice little boost, I also drink a lot of water
  • hayleyinshape
    hayleyinshape Posts: 8 Member
    yay! i've given it up for diet purposes, but when I start drinking it again it doesn't affect my weight loss.