How much is too much?

yirara Posts: 9,569 Member
Hi all,
I'm wondering how much working out is too much.

I'm doing Bodyrock workouts at the moment mixed in with some things I make up myself and kettlebell workouts. This gives me a net workout time (without breaks) of about 35-40 minutes plus warmup and stretching. I try to do about two days with higher weights* and lower reps and the rest body weight only or lower weights with high reps. Yesterday I wanted to take a break after three days of working out but still went to the gym. Today I decided 4 days without break is enough, but I still have to tie myself to the bench so I'm not going out again. I'm just having so much fun and want to try out new things right away.

I had a previous experience with overtraining (from spinning and boxing fitness) and don't want to go there again. I really don't know how it started, and as I'm currently doing something different every day I'm not sure I'll notice it.

Thus basically: how much is too much?

* I don't use too high weights for exercises in which I might injure myself should I lose control as I don't trust the equipment and am alone in the gym. This might slow progress, but it's just the better choice.


  • thatsrontoyou
    thatsrontoyou Posts: 17 Member
    I think you have to listen to your body. I think that every day is fine, as long as your body allows it and is handling it well enough, and you are taking in enough food to keep your energy levels up and not depleting your body of nutrients.

    I think having one or two days a week of rest is a good idea though--to give your body some time to rest and re-energize. If you make it the same day(s) every week, your body will expect that and it wont be so hard to not go workout.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Personally, I think it's more about building your body up over time to the workouts. I know plenty of distance runners who workout 7 days a week, and plenty of beginning runners who cause permanent damage from running too much. Just have some patience, and start out slowly.

    What about going for a nice walk today? Don't focus on powerwalking, just stroll & smell the roses. It keeps your body a bit active without stressing you too much. I find walking helps loosen up my muscles and I actually recover better than if I'd just sat on the couch.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,569 Member
    Thanks a lot guys. I must admit, I just went to the pool to swim a few laps. Did 750 meters in 19 1/2 minutes (I'm really lacking technique!) and this site gives me 237 kcal for it. Sounds massively overestimated, but anyway.... I feel more relaxed now after getting rid of some excess energy.

    I went for a little walk in a park early this morning while trying to find some geocaches. Then it was only 42 degrees C/107.6F. Now it's too warm to do anything outside. And to be honest, the pool was too warm as well, being uncooled and with no shade. I need to find a head protection for swimming that doesn't slow me down. But I enjoy it, and with a (already long-time) injured foot it's pretty much the only classical cardio I can do.