green tea

I love my hot green tea, but does it count as drinking water.. I have heard both ways and I am not sure how to count it! help would be amazing!


  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    People are going to groan because they hate this question, but yes, I personally count any and all fluid as "water" because I am measuring my level of hydration.

    EDIT: I don't drink alcohol. That would be my only exception. I would NOT count that as hydration.
  • Calm_Lotus_06
    Calm_Lotus_06 Posts: 104 Member
    great ty!! I appreciate the help!
  • GettingFitGirl83
    does green tea work to loose water weight... n can i just add organic honey instead of sugar
  • decayng
    decayng Posts: 3
    Not sure about losing water weight, but if you add honey instead of sugar it's pretty good! Just make sure you log the honey!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Yes green tea is the same as water.
  • gizmo_2014
    gizmo_2014 Posts: 37
    I count any liquid as water (minus alcohol). Even if there is caffeine the drink still hydrates you as you would need a lot of caffeine for it to start to dehydrate you and even then there is more of a hydrating effect then dehydrating.
  • poetgirl115
    poetgirl115 Posts: 45 Member
    I personally don't count mine, as I tend to drink several glasses of water while exercising, but I see no reason why it can't. As it has no inherent sugars, sodium, or carbs, go ahead and count it. I drink it both hot and cold, with a little honey and even a drop of milk (though many think that's awful). Green tea is great for metabolism, energy, and helping your digestive system to work more productively after a meal, not to mention the disease fighting properties!

    Count it as water or not, just keep on drinking it! :D