Juice bar at the gym?

You know the juice bars at the gym where they make really yummy smoothies and whatnot? I never know what to order. I do tough workouts on Monday and Wednesday before dinner, and I never want to eat when I get home (even though I know I have to.) Could I drink one of those to replace my dinner? What should I get in it? Help!! :)


  • beccaboo33
    Those bars also serve protein drinks, one of the trainers at the gym should help you figure out what drink to get depending on the workout you do.
  • kmahly
    kmahly Posts: 39 Member
    I would first check to see what ingredients they are using. Check to see if it's just plain 'ol healthy raw fruit (not fruits in heavy sugary syrups) and make sure they aren't adding a bunch of sugar. Then I would think about adding either some protein powder or some peanut butter (natural peanut butter preferred over the regular kind). If they have creatine, that could be helpful, too (although it might already be included in the protein powder).
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    There's a juice bar in my shopping centre. And when ever I walk past it, I walk past a cookie place and always without a doubt want a cookie. When that happens, I get myself a smoothie and never know what to get either...I found that I tend to go for the berries :)!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    They've got all kinds of vitamins and protein and god knows what else....it's really overwhelming. It's all fresh fruit, no syrups, I think you can add yogurt and stuff....I will ask the bartender guy, I just thought i'd ask here first. :)