My first 5k



  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Just keep encouraging yourself....your out there running...youll be amazed at where youll be in a year from now...

    as the one poster said that mental thing is a pain and its something a runner always have to deal with it..

    usually when I hit the mental wall...i tell myself a)ive done this before or b) ive gotten close to this before, whats a little more.

    but dont give up, good luck and see you at the finish!
  • MarshallLuke as I am reading your post I am getting very motivated. I am in training myself to "run" my 1st 5k. I have registered for mank 5k races but ended up doing a walk/run but I can't wait for the day to do the entire 3.1 miles without walking. Is it better to get a running partner or just some great music/book and go off alone? I really need some motivation.
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    MachineFit, you got this! You'll get to the full run before you know it! Then one day you will run five miles and feel like a god (seriously, my first five-mile run made me think I was invincible). Personally, I can't run with a partner because I am so determined and focused when I run and I don't like to talk to people while exercising. But my wife has a running group she goes running with every Tuesday and Thursday, and they run races together and keep each other motivated. So, whichever you feel would be better for you.
  • emkelsall
    emkelsall Posts: 39 Member
    MarshallLuke, you are an amazing motivator!!!! Like I said, finishing is my only goal, walk or run. I look back and see how far I have come so I know there is so much further that I can go!
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    Run if you can
    Walk if you need
    Crawl if you must
    Never give up
  • emkelsall
    emkelsall Posts: 39 Member
    Patrickfish7....This just became my mantra!!!!!!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Don't underestimate the power of a crowd. The mob mentality usually cuts at least 30 seconds per mile off my run time compared to solo training runs.
  • katiebenson12
    katiebenson12 Posts: 80 Member
    I am also doing a 5k tomorrow. My goal is to finish with a better time than the last one I did, which was 57 minutes, not the fastest time by any means, even 30 seconds faster and I would be happy. You will do fine!! This is a big step for anyone and you are taking it!! Good luck tomorrow. :)
  • katiebenson12
    katiebenson12 Posts: 80 Member
    I completed a 5k today and beat my previous 5k time by 7 minutes!! :happy: How did you do???
  • all good advice
  • njlicht
    njlicht Posts: 1 Member
    I just ran my first 5K today. I trained for about 3 weeks. Ran it in 27:01 (8:42 min/mile).
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    ive been running for 4 years and had to walk twice during the komen race 2 weeks ago. I was pushing myself so hard my lungs started shutting down. I sprinted to catch back up and still came in at under 27 mins, and in 7th place for my age group. Having to walk a little is okay.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Have you tried going a bit further??
    I really struggle with the 5k distance, it seems to take me 30min to warm up and hit a stride, once I get to about 4.5miles I'm good to go and can keep going, but those first 3miles are hellish, I mump, I moan, I *****, I argue (outloud) with myself.
    Can't remember what made me first go past the 5 k distance and discover that I'm better on longer distances than I am on shorter distances, I got really quite down about my time not improving, not being able to run the full 5k (I've done a marathon and a half marathon this year with another 3 half marathons entered before the end of the year), to this day, I still walk/jog the first 3 miles before I can get going.

    Just remember you're out running everyone that's still on the couch just by trying, making mistake's and even failing is ok, it mean's you are trying.

    Try once,
    Try Again,
    Fail better!!
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I have run into the same issue. Thus far, what has helped me is to run slower, check my posture regularly, and remember to breathe. All of these things have helped my endurance tremendously. And don't forget: you can totally do this!
  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    My last 5K was completed in 26 minutes and I still did some walking. Walking is OK.
  • gardengirl40
    gardengirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    I used to punish myself for not extending time/distance, in between beating myself up for hurting myself! These days I set myself a rough goal, but mainly I just focus on the joy of being outside and moving around. Also, I comfort myself that an 8 minute run is 8 more minutes than a lot of people ran today!
  • emkelsall
    emkelsall Posts: 39 Member
    I completed a 5k today and beat my previous 5k time by 7 minutes!! :happy: How did you do???

    I do my 5k on July 13th. Congrats on your awesome time!!!!!
  • emkelsall
    emkelsall Posts: 39 Member
    Run if you can
    Walk if you need
    Crawl if you must
    Never give up

    I literally chanted this in my head during my run this morning!!! It helped A LOT!!!
  • emkelsall
    emkelsall Posts: 39 Member
    I did my 5k today....whew!!!! I finished and as far as I'm concerned that is a win :happy: We (my son and I) are already planning for our next run. Hopefully this one has WAY less hills!!!!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I did my 5k today....whew!!!! I finished and as far as I'm concerned that is a win :happy: We (my son and I) are already planning for our next run. Hopefully this one has WAY less hills!!!!

    Train on hills then the races get easy.