ED triggered! I don't want belly fat after recovery.



  • slightlydiminishing
    slightlydiminishing Posts: 20 Member
    well when you think about it, it will probably first go to the places that you most recently lost the fat from. It's because your body needs fat in these places and it was the most unhealthy place to lose it from. you can tell that people are too underweight when their face looks shockingly narrow and their cheeks are sunken in..so it s normal to gain it back in your face in recovery. But don't worry about it-its much better than people constantly thinking youre sick
  • Cartoobee
    Cartoobee Posts: 23
    I, personally, think you need help for your attitude as well as your ED. Your ED is no excuse to c*ap over the time people here have taken to offer heartfelt and genuine advice and help.

    in what way am i c*apping over anybody? someone suggested i don't listen to people on the internet and then my nutritionist just said the same thing. would you rather talk to her and tell her how much more qualified than her you are to give me advice? or maybe you're just snapping at people
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I, personally, think you need help for your attitude as well as your ED. Your ED is no excuse to c*ap over the time people here have taken to offer heartfelt and genuine advice and help.

    in what way am i c*apping over anybody? someone suggested i don't listen to people on the internet and then my nutritionist just said the same thing. would you rather talk to her and tell her how much more qualified than her you are to give me advice? or maybe you're just snapping at people

    No, you are rude. I have seen the name calling you did in your other thread. Get the real help you need, as obviously, no-one can help you here. You have had endless advice and evidently, since only your dietician/nutritionist knows best, it is them you should be talking to, and not the good people here.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    So, as someone who has been successfully recovered from an ED for 15 years, I can tell you that I've been there and that it gets better. You can find good and supportive people on the internet. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water here....

    Gaining weight in the initial months/years of recovery is one of the hardest parts to get through. It is worth it though and I promise that it all balances out in time. I was so ill that I pretty much screwed up my digestive system (in large part, because of laxatives). To this day I have IBS, although I've been able to manage it. In the beginning, though, I felt bloated a lot mainly because I couldn't regularly go...also, you are very sensitive right now and probably have some sort of dismorphia which will cause you to see things on your body that aren't really there. Give it time.

    I promise you, however, that this went away. Actually, today, my stomach is pretty flat. I attribute this to genetics (all my weight goes to my butt and legs) and lifting heavy. There is absolutely no need for plastic surgery.
  • munky_do
    munky_do Posts: 40 Member
    There's something amazing about recovery, and that is that it's worth it.

    At first you probably won't feel great about gaining weight. It's scary and hard. But you don't just gain weight - you literally gain an entirely new perspective on life. One where you're happier and able to go about your daily life without freaking out about what you're eating or what you weigh. It sounds too good to be true, but it will happen.

    You won't get there until you've gained weight, though. Right now is the fear of the unknown. You don't know what you'll feel like when you gain weight, and you're imagining it to be much worse than it actually is.

    The weight gain may happen unevenly at first, but there is literally no way to avoid that. It's what happens when you've been starving and you begin eating normally again. It would happen whether you had an eating disorder or were some sort of prisoner of war. But it passes. It goes away. Things become normal again.

    In the end you need to trust those qualified to give you medical advice, i.e. your doctors and therapists. Stop reading things online. In fact, I'd advise you to delete your MyFitnessPal account and whatever other fitness forum accounts you have. Everyone in the world will give you different advice, but this isn't a time to listen to opinionated strangers (even me, technically, although having had anorexia nervosa, I feel somewhat qualified to know what works).

    Things get better, and recovery IS worth it. Promise.

    I think I will delete this account because most of the 'help' I get is bull****. My dietician told me everything I read about fitness online isn't true, including this whole thing here.

    I only have to gain 10 pounds so it won't be as dramatic

    I'm not in any death danger just yet thats why Im eating more, so no in retrospect I probably won't get a fat stomach cause I'm not absolutely emaciated.

    **** it. No offense to those who gained a big belly and it redistributed later, but I think they were much more severely anorexic than whatever ED I have (physically, I mean). Cause I always have eaten a lot of food. I'm not feeling bloated. I just assumed I would instantly gain but you know what everyone is different and I'm not listening to these online forums anymore. No offense again, but I don't think i should expect to gain weight crazy cause 10 pounds is NOT the 30 pounds these other girls have to gain. Not to mention when I was 10 pounds heavier I looked exactly the same. i guess i answered my on question

    While I'm sure we both know that there is a lot of good advice from the people here. But I used to have an ED myself and I had to try and actively avoid searching for stuff on the internet, it's too confusing and the sources are often self-proclaimed "experts", often with unrealistic expectations of their own that can just make you end up ruminating over crap (not talking about members on here, but people with their own websites that advertise themselves as such, not to mention stuff that links to certain Tumblrs... ). Good idea to stick with checking in with your dietician.