I'M SO EXCITED! :D > Oh HI there

Hello Lovelies,

I'm new on here and when I found this website, I was like "What? There is actually a site for people to motivate each other to lose weight" Yes, I have been living under a rock. My family thinks that I'm being foolish by wanting to be healthy. They think i'm skinny enough but i am overweight and UNHEALTHY. I get so weak from doing nothing and I always want food. ALWAYS! My entire family is massively obese and I don't want to follow that pattern. I try so hard but fail most times to lose weight. My heaviest was about 167 and I lost 20lbs till date....that is after THREE SOLID YEARS!

Up, down, up down, up, down! And because I have no one to actually motivate me, it's an awfully lonely journey. Even my friends say "you're fine, you don't need to lose weight' but it isn't just about losing weight for me. Its about being able to run four blocks without my heart pounding out of my chest, feeling healthy and not thinking of food 24/7. I just need FRIENDS! I need people who are focused because I am not! Hahahaha. :D People I can bug on a regular basis. But I don't know anyone on this website....

Sooo....where do you go to add random strangers who wouldn't mind around here? :P


  • nerdchiq32
    nerdchiq32 Posts: 20
    Lol I reckon you just randomly add them! And I know what you mean, everyone brushes you off telling you that you're fine but not really taking a good look or even trying to understand what you're going through. My mom usually says 'God made you perfect!' and my reply was 'He sure didn't make me this big!' lol
    but I'm here to motivate you and we can do it, one day at a time, one step at a time for sure :)
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me. I can relate with most family being obese and am trying my best currently to motivate them one by one for a better change. Just always remember any progress is better than no progress
  • TeaSweets001
    Exactly! My mom says 'it's a sign if good living' haha! :D I'll take that as a 'you can bug me' free pass. Thanks :)
  • TeaSweets001
    That's a truly difficult task for my family :P Thanks :)
  • LittleTess2013
    See my mums the opposite always saying I've put weight on and my *kitten* is getting bigger - she had hardly talk! but im doing this for me to look pretty in a dress, not her.
  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    My whole family is obese as well and before I moved out of my parents house I had no motivation and encouragement from my family. I have a bit more now, but not as much! I'll friend you. :)