Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • hapicella
    hapicella Posts: 4
    I feel the same way :-( was afraid to say it to any one or post it .

    My surgery was June 17th & still feeling the same.

    Hopefully we can help each other.

  • hapicella
    hapicella Posts: 4
    What do you mix your protein powder with?
  • mstharpe
    mstharpe Posts: 1
    HI I'm having the sleeve done on 7/14 and I'm beyond nervous...I'm looking for advice because I seem to be doubting myself about changing my eating habits did anyone else have this issue?
  • Hi, I too am on my way to gastric sleeve, I am in the nutritional diet for 6 months, already spoke to the surgeon just going through the process, I am scared but anxious at the same time. good luck!
  • Hi everyone, I hear good things and bad things about the surgery, but if you don't try, you will never know how good this can get. I am in the process of my gastric sleeve, hoping and praying all goes well, I am in the 6 month nutritional diet phase, it feels like forever but I will get through it. once completed, then I see the therapist and should be able to schedule my date for gastric sleeve, I felt like I have tried so many times and I DO WELL THEN GAIN IT BACK... HYPOTHYROIDISM is difficult to, had cancer, now I am cancer free but heavier than before I found out I had cancer, well I am now throwing in the towel and want to feel healthy and feel good about myself. I will get there, excited but nervous too. anyone is welcome to friend me.
  • Hello everyone, my name is Shavari. On July 1st I will have the gastric sleeve done. I'm scared but I'm ready for a change.:love:
  • I'm new to this whole thing I'm searching for a group that I can ask question or maybe give answers. I don't know how to enter into this group would someone add me?
  • hoyachick
    hoyachick Posts: 2
    Hi there, I had the sleeve on June 18. So far, everything is going very well. Happy to share my experiences and stay connected.
  • zananna
    zananna Posts: 1
    Wow, I viewed your photos and read a little about you. You have done an amazing job with your weight loss. I am scheduled for my surgery 7/7/14...less than a week:) I am very excited and anxious as well. I am 43 with two children both autistic. My children are 8 and 9. My son is 9 he is high functioning and doing well here at home. My daughter is non-verbal and has been in a residential unit now for a year. It has been a long, very difficult road the last 6 years with this last one being extremely emotional having my daughter not home with us but she is doing great and making huge strides. I am focused now on getting healthier and being able to keep up with both of them. I applaud you for your hard work and wanted to let you know you have given me inspiration.
  • Hi my name is Dawn I am getting the sleeve on July 28,2014 i am a nervous wreck. Any tips i would grateful for!
  • tondrasmith3
    tondrasmith3 Posts: 1 Member
    I had my gastric sleeve surgery July 15, 2013, Ive list 65 lbs. I have about 20 lbs to go. I get hungry often also I have resentful joined a gym and work out 4-5 x per week. That had helped and I have went to GNC and purchased protein powders on various flavors. My body seems to crave these protein shakes. I stated working out at Anytime fitness about $42 per month. I also see a personal trainer once per week, $100 a month(or $25 per session) this had made all the difference in the world. I have lost 19 inches and increased my stamina tremendously, it's been also 18weeks, I feel like a new person. When I'm home I love to read on my kindle, that keeps me occupied so I keep my snacking to a minimum. Keep health choices in your house and temping stuff out. I do work and have a family, it can still be challenging, but I love the new me❤️
  • Christina_722
    Christina_722 Posts: 174 Member
    I had my sleeve just 4 weeks ago on June 2. I was terrified at first because it wasn't really what I was expecting. I was in more pain than what other people had said they had been in. The only thing I say for people who want advice is to listen to your body. I have gotten so much better every day and with each passing meal I feel like it is getting easier and easier. I am so excited to begin this journey. I have already lost 40 lbs (including the 2 week pre op liquid diet). I am hopeful to lose another 60 lbs over all. If anyone wants to chat privately about this surgery...feel free to connect with me. I am happy to have other people for support.
  • mcleank83
    mcleank83 Posts: 1
    I am 3 weeks and 4 days out from my surgery. So far I have lost 16 pounds (47 total from my pre-op diet). It makes me a bit nervous to see the weight coming off so slowly, but I know that it is normal and that I want it that way. I had a very uneventful surgery. No nausea or vomiting, and just a little bit of pain that is expected from abdominal surgery. I'm still nervous as to what the future holds. I have a very strong "I will be successful" attitude, but I am also very aware that it is easy to fail. I am looking forward to what the future holds!
  • raghav3101
    raghav3101 Posts: 18
    Hi I got my sleev done in jan 2014 and lost almost 80 lbs from my 300lbs im 40 year old male. Best advise will be keep your body hydrate and protien protien and protien. Do hit field for regular walk and hit gym after 2 mobths to tone your body. Yiu should connect with some old sleev people on mfp and make a group so u can check on daily routine if u have any problem, ican assure you it will help!:blushing: :laugh:
  • Hi there, I'm Bev and I had my sleeve op on Monday so just 4 days ago. I've found myself feeling really well and thought if be a lot worse! I thought I'd be miserable, in pain and thinking I'd made the wrong decision but couldn't have been more wrong. I was let home the day after surgery and have been taking it easy, getting used to all the meds at different times of the day. Have not felt hungry or had any cravings, just been trying to take as many protein drinks as poss and split a tin of Heinz soup yesterday for lunch and dinner - didn't even miss the bread roll!! Hopefully it will continue this way!! It's good to read everyone else's stories and for those of you about to have the op I was feeling exactly the same. Staying positive definitely helps!!
  • robdenhop
    robdenhop Posts: 1
    Had my sleeve done May 27,2014 and couldn't be happier! I am down 40 pounds so far, and started eating soft (real ) food last week. Supposed to still be doing protein drinks but they gag me, so I am trying to get more protein through food. The surgery was a breeze (no hiatal hernia) went home the next day and back to my desk job on day 10 after surgery. I don't have cravings and drink alot of water, but my main issue is eating slowly and chewing food well. I have always eaten on the go and in a hurry. Although I knew this would be a learning experience for me, I did not realize how painful it would be if I did not eat slowly. Ouch! Only done it twice and that is enough. For exercise, my doctor recommended water walking in the pool for 30 minutes four times a week because the resistance burns and tones better than plain walking. I love getting in the pool and started swimming 2 weeks after surgery. Unfortunately I have injured my knee and am back to just walking in the pool, but I am still moving so that's good. I wish you the best and hope that you are as pleased with your decision as I have been.
  • Hi I'm Alison and I was sleeved on 14th June, three weeks ago now. I'm disabled (non weight related) and use a wheelchair). I've really been trying to keep a handle on my drinking, I know I was drinking enough, but now I'm taking in more (including one protein shake for breakfast) I find I don't want to eat at all, I'm always feeling full.

    I follow orders, stop drinking at least 45 mins before, never drink during and I'm on puréed foods, but I'm luck to be able to eat more than two tablespoons twice a day. I never feel hungry and I don't enjoy food anymore. I take all my vitamins.

    I know I need less calories because I can't walk, but is this a normal amount to be eating at this stage? I was considering adding another shake but then I'd want to eat less. I thought I'd be transitioning gradually by now.

    Part of me is glad I have such great restriction, I've read on here and elsewhere about those who graze all the time at 8 weeks or can eat normally, I don't want that!! I guess it's very early days yet and I'm still learning how to live a new way.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • hapicella
    hapicella Posts: 4
    Hi my biggest problem is weakness. I haven't heard anyone else talk about.
  • 1jennyarnold
    1jennyarnold Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Jenny and I am 48 I had my sleeve done on Dec 24 2013. I am six months out. It has been a long road and my recovery was very slow and I had a lot of stomach issues which made eating painful. I am finally starting to feel normal or should I say the new normal. I started my journey at 303 and I am at 230. My weight loss as slowed which makes me frustrated at times, but I just tell myself that I have already came a long way and I just keep pushing forward and stay focused on my goals. I use to take five medications for various issues before my sleeve and now with my weight lose I only now take stomach medication when I need it which might be 2-3 times a week. After surgery I purchased a pro-form hybrid cross trainer. I started slow and now I use it for 20 mins. fast pace and then I do my strengthening bands and exercise ball for 30 mins. each day but Sundays. I try and stay busy throughout the day. My total calorie intake for each day is around 1000. I try and keep my carbs at 100g or less, sugar at 28g or less, protein at 60-84g and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is hard sometimes but I use water when I want to graze in the evening I just drink water and some times I will eat dry cheerios. I eat very little breads or potatoes because my main focus is protein. I do protein shakes, eggs, lean meats, cheese and lots of fresh vegs and fruit. I eat only whole foods. I don't do processed foods or fast food which is a BIG change for me and I really don't miss it or even want it since surgery. I just do one day at a time and using my fitness pal to track my food intake and exercise has really made eating so much more easier for me. My one thing that I have to really watch and keep track of is my fiber. I have had a problem with constipation so if I think I need more fiber I use fiber gummies. I had this same problem after surgery and it really slowed down my recovery and at time was very painful so please don't wait use prune juice or fiber gummies if you need more fiber, drinking lots of water will help also.
  • I'm new to this site. But I am getting my sleeve on July 9 which is two days away and I'm excited.