Any 5'2" girls here?



  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm 5'1" and looking to get down to 125. Currently weigh 138. I'm older so those last 15 lbs get hard to lose. Lets lose together. Anyone can friend me.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    In for shorties
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    me!!!!! 144. Wanna be at 130.
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    5'3 I'd like to get down to about 135-140. currently at 195 lbs
  • Goofyrunnergirl
    I'm also 5'2", and 40 years old (young!). I'm at 113 and would like to get to 108, however, I want to start lifting so I know there is a good possibility that I won't lose too much more. Feel free to add me!
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    5'2" currently 178.6 lbs. Trying to get down first to 150 lbs then ultimately to 130-35 lbs.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I'm 5'2", started at 142 lbs in Sept 2013. Now down to 119-120 lbs but need to lose 4-7 lbs more.
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently at 155. My ticker says 130 is my goal because when I started, I wanted a ticker like all the cool kids!! But honestly, what I'm striving for is a leaner and toner body via weight lifting. There are a lot of women on here that weigh more than you think and are TINY! And they achieved that by lifting heavy weights. The number on the scale is just a number and nothing more.

    Here's to healthy and fit short girls like us!
  • nikkiworld2
    nikkiworld2 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm close at 4'11". Been small my whole life. Started gaining weight 7 yrs. ago from 102lbs. & in my mid 40's. At my heaviest I got up to 149.8lbs. And that is when I started dieting - again. This time I'm not giving up. Since I started up again on March 10, 2014 (weighing the 149.8lbs.), I am down to 140.5lbs. (as of today) in approximately 8 wks. I'd say it has been going well so far. My new goal is to get to 110-115lbs. Much luck to everyone!
  • ChrissieJH
    ChrissieJH Posts: 7 Member
    5ft 1in and 132lb. Older than you so goal is120 - 122 or thereabouts.
  • madi678
    madi678 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm 160cm (5'2) and 56kg (123lbs). I'm hoping to trade some body fat weight for muscle and see some more shape. I just really need to stop binge snacking. Feel free to add me as a friend to help me stay accountable to myself and everyone else.
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    5'2 3/4" Currently 205, looking to be at 125 right now.

    Feel free to add me. Need motivation to keep working out!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am a notch up at 5' 3 1/2." Planning to diet starting within the next several days (when the fattening food in the house is gone!) I weigh 121 and need to fine-tune my exact ideal weight. I am 36"-29"-34," thigh 19." I need to lose weight around the middle! Some of my size 4 jeans are too tight. I do not want to be a size 2 jeans though because I would be too small up top at a weight that low. So I believe my ideal weight lies somewhere between 112 and 116 pounds. A few pounds matters a whole lot on a small frame!
  • jaynerebecca1
    jaynerebecca1 Posts: 21 Member
    5'2 here! Started a few weeks ago at around 132. I gained a lot of weight at my desk job, I lost about 6 lbs so far sticking to the 1200 a day, with being less strict on weekends. I am trying to get to 116- 117 which is around where I used to be. Anyone is free to add me, my diary is open also. :) Good luck!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    'I'm 5'1.5" around 120 lbs. and want to get down to between 110-115. Have been stuck at 120 for a while. I stick to 1200 eating back exercise calories, but lately have been experiencing lots of challenges and temptations -- week-end dinner outs, barbecues, etc.
  • vickybabydoll
    vickybabydoll Posts: 13 Member
    4'11. 128lbs, trying to lose as much as i can in the next month before a wedding and then try to get to my goal of being under 110.
  • springbok___
    springbok___ Posts: 14 Member
    5'2" at 136.. sent you a friend request x
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    ok well im an actual giant! 5"3.5! lol
    at 72.5kg (158lbs)want to get to 63 (140)as a start! was 136lbs 2 years ago finally want to get to 130, feel free to add, i wudnt mind some help!
  • PhiloPray
    PhiloPray Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 138 right now. :( trying to get to my original weight of 105. which what i was a year ago.
  • baschifferl1
    baschifferl1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am 5'3". At my heaviest I was 243 pounds. I lost 43 pounds with weight watchers . Well I fell off track and gained back 25 pounds that I lost. Anyone is free to add me! I've been logging daily for almost 30 days with open food diary. I would like more friends with open diary as I like to get meal ideas.