does runkeeper overestimate calories burned?

I don't have a HRM so i have to go by these numbers and i know that they aren't exact but does runkeeper have a good rep at estimating a reasonable amount?
I'm 5'4 and 114lbs and for example on yesterday's run i ran 3.1 miles in 30:12 seconds with an average pace of 9:41min per mile, would 280 calories sound accurate for this?

also has anyone compared their results to their HRM? thank you in advanced:)


  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    Nobody?? Oh okay I'll just sit here alone and be embarresed.
  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member
    My Runkeeper was wildly inaccurate both on GPS and on calories burned. Once I got my Garmin Forerunner 220, I compared results a couple of times, and it was not even close. Like, not even a little bit close.

    Granted, I weigh a lot more than you and run a lot your numbers may be closer than mine were.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    sometimes you have to "bump" your thread to keep it popping up on the "Recent Posts" tab, otherwise it gets buried in all of the other activity. Also, it's Sunday so a lot of people aren't on MFP right now.

    Anyway, it's hard to say...I've found runkeeper to be fairly accurate for running and walking but it grossly exaggerates calorie burn from my by 60% or so. 280 sounds a tad high for your weight...but it's probably not that far off...I always figured about 100 calories per mile at my weight of 180.
  • Katrina2778
    Katrina2778 Posts: 42 Member
    I utilized RunKeeper last night and according to it I burned 244 calories in 2miles. When I plugged the same pace (12 min a mile, don't judge haven't jogged in awhile ;) and minutes into Myfitnesspal it was calculated at 245 calories. Very close albeit I've heard Myfitnesspal overestimates calories burned as well. In the past, when i was jogging at a faster pace, the calories burned were always lower than that calculated by Myfitnesspal so I would always use RunKeeper numbers to prevent overestimation. But until we both get an accurate HRM we must do the best we can, workout and eat smart.
  • chloeealicee
    chloeealicee Posts: 204 Member
    i figured that the figures it gave me were a tad high, i'll just have to take it with a pinch of salt by the sounds of it
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    The estimate it gave me yesterday was half of what it should have been (according to my FitBit). So for me, I'm having the opposite issue.
  • projhex
    projhex Posts: 23
    Just about everything over-estimates calories burned.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    I think it sounds like its about right. I am also heavier than you, but I use a heart rate monitor, and runkeeper, and I usually burn about the same from the runkeeper and heart rate monitor, and I am also about 100 calories per mile. So I think that 280 for 3.1 miles and only 114 lbs is probably a pretty good estimate (nothing is 100% accurate anyway)... Good job!
  • Cullottawoman
    Cullottawoman Posts: 88 Member
    My HRM and run keeper are usually within 50 calories. So I find it pretty reliable.
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    My RunKeeper and HRM are heaven and earth... I think RunKeeper assumes that certain activities elevate your heart rate X% regardless of who you are. So, for example, I took it for a walk the other day and it told me that I burned 197 calories in 20 minutes walking. The HRM said low 90s. This might be because my resting heart rate is below 60, but still. I think it depends on how your body functions.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    About 100 cals per mile is a reasonable estimate.

    Personally I find Runkeeper to be more conservative than my HRM or Endomondo, and close to Strava.
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    My HRM and runkeeper are usually about 60 calories off from each other. (runkeeper is always too high)