Daily Progress day 1 of 63 - pt1. update later this evening.

Hey Board,

So today begins my journey with weight loss (26/m/5'6''). I started this about two years ago with a personal trainer and I lost a ton of weight. I was 163 two years ago and over the course of a year through diet and exercise, I ended the year at 135! I was stoked! I continued to work out on my own and then picked up long distance running (hence the username). My lowest weight was 122! I was shocked to ever be that weight but I enjoyed it! I was more or less at 125 for the most part.

Now, about a year and change later, I'm at 140. Ugh. I started a new job that has me at a desk 95% of my day - my previous job had me on my feet at least 80% of my day. I just completed my first year and I felt stressed out for a long period of time, I gave into new co-workers when they offered me snacks (I had to kind of fit into the new group of people I was now working with), I had to learn new systems for work, and I got engaged and my fiance was stressed with my new job and the work requirements. My workouts prior to my new job and now fiance were in the evening as I could go to the gym as late as I wanted to and come home and be accountable for myself. Now, with the new job, I really don't know what my afternoon schedule might be and if I do go to the gym in the afternoon, I'm scared my fiance is going to freak out when I come home at 7pm - at that point I missed dinner with her.

I know. Welcome to real life kid.

So I have a plan. I want to go back to 127 pounds and I am going to give myself 9 weeks to cut 13 pounds. Now, I know some people might reply with "that's too much weight in such a little amount of time." I don't think it is and that is my goal to accomplish. I will be watching my weight, evaluating what I eat, and going to the gym. Now, I literally have a month vacation starting today where I have no responsibilities. With that free time, it will allow me to target my workouts at one hour and then allow me to do whatever extra I want to burn more calories - for example: Do my hour workout and then go for a fun swim afterwards. All my workouts will have to be at 5am because I need to get back into the routine of waking up early and completing the workout. I can not do any work outs in the afternoon because my schedule is unpredictable.

Yes, did I name excuses, yep. Was I in control? Yes. Did I give up control? Yes.

So my posts from this point onward will be in the following format (please forgive my anxiety for structure)

Daily Struggle(s):
Game plan for tomorrow:

I would love for anyone to cheer my on and also comment on their journey as well!

In good health,



  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I like your approach. That's a nice end of summer date for which to aim. I have a lot more than that to lose, so I'll target my loss as a multiple of yours to help with my motivation.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    5 yrs ago I was 125lbs with 1 son aged 7 and I was hairdressing and my life was mine then I met a guy had 2 babies via IVF and got engaged im a stay at home mum and my youngest baby is 15 months old and so im back on my quest too ive done reasonably well and then came to a halt so ive now held accountability and back on it so yes id love to join you on your quest
  • katnewk
    katnewk Posts: 27 Member
    My wt loss goals have always been 20# over and over again..... I finally after all these years have learned... you don't go on a diet ... you make dietary changes... and make ex a part of your life... that way it is permanent..... going to the gym at 5 am is a great idea then nothing gets in the way ... and the rest of the day is yours... I ex run and bike with my husband and swim on my own......and we love it and we're both becoming fit and healthy as well as quality time together... we actually plan our vacations at bike trails around b & b and wineries....
  • iruntx131
    iruntx131 Posts: 5
    Gym:.made it to the gym and did a few minutes of weights and 30 minutes on cardio
    Food: get this - I ate fast food all of my three meals!
    Breakfast - egg white delight from mcdonalds and black coffee
    Lunch - 6in wheat oven roasted chicken breast - spinach bell peppers onion salt pepper and regular mustard / lays baked chips
    Dinner - same thing
    Daily struggle: almost didn't make it to gym bc I was dog sitting
    Game plan for tomorrow: early morning wake up for gym
  • 98bikinisuitedlbs
    98bikinisuitedlbs Posts: 416 Member
    I need to lose the last 5 lbs. Let's see if I can make it for 5 days straight and then move forward...