Hello My chubby buddies , Looking forward to being slim with

Janfit Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All
I joined a couple of days ago in hopes that I will lose about 30Lbs, I look forward to encouraging you all and looking for some of your encouragement too ... Together we can do it !!! Say you can and you can , say you will and you will ... I can I will !!!


  • Welcome aboard & I’m glad to see that you want to do this for you. I started MFP in September 2010 & I really love this site & the people who are a part of it. I’ve only lost about 8 lbs or so but it's because I stopped at one point logging what I was taking in. But I’m back on track & I would enjoy encouraging you in any way that I can. Friend me if you want us to stay in contact. A toast to you on your weight loss journey.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I love the positive attitude! =) Im looking to lose about 45 lbs and I love having this site for support.
  • yeah think posistive, it'll be worth it in thed end! im looking to loose a stone atleast!! xx
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome, I too am looking forward to being slender. Friend me if you wish!!
  • cookcs1984
    cookcs1984 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm glad to see everyone is so looking forward to this fitness journey. I've been trying to lose weight and get fit for YEARS now, but for the first time in a long time I'm really EXCITED and LOOKING FORWARD to what comes with losing this weight, thanks to this site. I LOVE IT! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!
  • Janfit
    Janfit Posts: 7
    Just a fun story .... My aunt is from England and One day she was on the phone with me I asked her how she was she said she was fine however she lost 14 stones in her garden ... I was thinking perhaps she had decorate stones and some thief came along and stole her precious stones.... She continued to talk about how thin she was getting and what great exercise it was to garden but kept talking about her stones lol ... Little did I realize that LBS are stones in England lol ... Just a fun story
  • cookcs1984
    cookcs1984 Posts: 5 Member
    I had no idea that they referred to pounds as stones.
    That's hilarious.
    I would have eventually started to think that maybe she meant health-wise like gall-stones or kidney stones.
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