Newbie here ;)

Hello guys!
I'm Erica, and I'm new. I had my son in April. Lost the weight almost instantly and gained even more back! Heelp!


  • Brandiscott1
    Brandiscott1 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! Im kinda new myself and really enjoy the tracking of activities and food. Good luch with your goal and keep in touch!
  • snazzycee
    snazzycee Posts: 61 Member
    HI- Snazzycee and I've been using MFP since Jan 7th and I lost 2pounds... give it time just be sure to drink plenty of water and fit exercise in your day even if its just a little bit. good luck :))))
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome!! Friend me!!
  • amethystprincess
    amethystprincess Posts: 14 Member
    I am alot like that, I can lose the weight really easy but I just as easily gain it back. I wish you luck.
  • Mizzporras
    I had my daughter last May. I lost all the weight I gained when I was pregnant with her but after coming to work and lack of sleep I seemed to gain weight back. Its definetly hard and I love this site. Its helping me keep track of all my calories. I recently went to a doctor and she put me on 1200 calories a day. I just haven't had much time to exervise so its been a little difficult. Just by dieting alone I've lost 10 pounds and I know I could lose so much more if I just exercised.