high protein + high fat

My doctor recently suggested a high protein, high fat diet. She explained that the fat metabolizes the sugar (I am diabetic). She says under 100 preferably under 50 carbs. Today is only my second day. I did great today and I am way under my carb count HOWEVER I am going high on calorie counts. My question for anyone and everyone.....if i am counting protein and fat are calories that important??

On a personal note the migraines are killing me, stopping/changing anything cold turkey triggers migraines for me, but I would rather fight a migraine for 2-3 days then drag it out for weeks by slowly changing things.


  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    Sounds like Adkins.
  • Justin_SD
    Justin_SD Posts: 2 Member
    I’d say they are less important. How much you going over, on average? I am trying to eat macros of 20% carbs (about 120g), 30% protein and 50% fat. I target 2400 calories but I don’t fret if I go over; but eating that much fat and protein, I find myself rarely going over. Typically I only go over on a day when I decide for a nice steak and potatoes dinner and then it’s just a few hundred calories and my carbs are usually pretty close. Overall, I end up under my target for the week by a thousand or two calories.

    As for the headaches, I had them for about a week. I attributed mine to drinking far too many sodas (caffeine) before starting.
  • it is very much like the adkins diet. according to adkins website calories dont matter but the average person following that plan consumes about 1800....anyone else have any experience?? :ohwell:
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    that is exactly the food plan my doctor gave me ... high protein, high fat and low carb. I too suffer from migraines. But I take meds daily for them and take Imitrex when I get one or feel one coming on, so that takes care of them. I eat around 70 grams of protein each day and try to stay around 50 grams of carbs, but definitely under 100. friend me if you'd like and you can take a look @ my food diary.

    Edit : oh and I noticed no change in the migraines when I started the diet either. but everybody is different.
  • startheory
    startheory Posts: 63
    I'm on the high fat high protein diet too. I personally love it since I'm always full. But yes, calories are still high for me too. When I was calorie counting it was 1600 a day. I range between that and 1700 a day doing this plan.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Calories still matter. Be careful with nuts like cashews - they're both very caloric and relatively high in carbs when consumed in excess.