Body fat % question

cofakid Posts: 213 Member
Ok so ive been measuring my body fat % at the machine at the gym. But my partner just bought us a new scale that measures it as well so even though i know they are not as acurate i thought i would use that. But i have an issue. So last time i measured at the gym on the 6th may i was 38.3%. Now my home scale has body fat, body hydration, body muscle and bone. Under body fat it said i was something like 55% which is just no way possible that after losing 10kg my body fat% has gone up that much. But the hydration said about 29/31% which given my weightloss seems like it would be about right as body fat%. So i was wondering if with this at home scale the body hydration is actually the measurement i should be taking to reflect my body fat %.


  • supratt
    supratt Posts: 33
    Those body fat scales are useless, IMO. I have the Aria scale (by FitBit) and it currently tells me my BF is around 18%. I have had a DEXA scan and it came back at 10.3%. Using calipers on 5 body sites gives me an average of 10%. Buy some calipers, learn how to use them, and ditch the scale.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I really never trusted the high tech scales to know how much fat you have. How in the heck do they determine that by simply standing on it.

    Ignore them and use a regular scale.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    LOL @ the scale bf%. I have one too and it thinks I'm like 27% but other tests tell me i'm more like 10%

    Edit: the most accurate method I know of is the bodpod but you have to pay a lot to get it done
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just pick one and make sure you have the same hydration levels. That will be the most accurate. Don't worry about the absolute numbers just the trend.
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    If checking in morning before eating or drinking it will show pretty high. It depends on hydration. But even at best it isn't very accurate. I've been using omron 510 for 10 months for weekly logged weigh in, it has shown decrease in bf, but higher than I am (show ~15% even though I have visible abs and calipers I'm ~11%). But good for tracking.