New to this site...already disgusted with myself



  • DiveGal
    DiveGal Posts: 11
    Hi Mtate914,

    First let me say, I feel your pain! Some of us are in a place in our lives that make it more difficult to lose weight as fast as we used to. I, for example, am now 51 and if someone had told me that the older I get, the harder it is to lose weight, I might have started sooner! :ohwell:

    Is it possible that having type II diabetes also slows your weight loss, even if you are dieting and exercising? Have you asked your doctor? Most diabetecs are overweight - stands to reason it will be harder to lose weight if you are diabetec.

    Also, you say your caloric intake is well below. For people who don't have diabetes, eating well below a certain level will slow down your weight loss. I assume it is the same with diabetes.

    I would suggest that, if you haven't, you review your diet with your diabetes doctor (not just any doctor) with a goal of weight loss in mind. Be prepared because he/she will probably be thrilled with your 27 lb loss since October. Just stress how much you want to keep moving forward and be healthy.

    Please don't be disgusted with yourself. Disgusted is when you keep saying, I'll start tomorrow and you never do. You are way past that and doing GREAT! As a matter of fact, I could follow your example to keep ME on track!

    Best of luck and please add me as a friend if you would like. I'll try to be positive if you will! :flowerforyou:

  • I think the key to being successful at ANYTHING is a positive attitude. Something someone told me once, holds true. I didn't gain the weight overnight, so I shouldn't expect to lose it overnight. Losing weight is NOT easy.

    @ t7mitch- Wow! It's amazing, we were given the same words of wisdom. That's awesome :)
  • 1.9 pounds a week is fantastic! Don't beat yourself up so much. You are doing great so keep doing what you are already doing so well and you will achieve your goal. Good Luck and don't give up!!
  • 1.9 lbs in one week is great! If you lose weight too quickly it is most likely water weight, which you will gain back easily. Slower weight loss is a sign that you are doing it the right way! Good luck to you!!
  • AWESOME JOB! You should be so proud of yourself for loosing 1.9lbs in ONE WEEK. At the rate your loosing weight you are doing a great job. You want it to come off gradually so that it stays off. Anything thats a quick fix will always return plus some. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Don't be disgusted, everyday is a new chance to do it better:wink: and 27lbs???? That is wonderful that is equivelent to a small child :-)

    Ok here goes, keep in mind you probably have nutritional guidelines as well regarding your food. You won't believe it but you need to EAT MORE TO LOSE.....I know, crazy isn't it?

    This is a slippery slope you can sabotage yourself if you consume way too little. Staying under is ok occasionally but if you do this consistantly, this can cause our bodies to go into "survival or starvation" mode. At that point your body will hang on to the fat and use muscle to survive, and that is not good. Ideally we should eat all most of the calories we are allowed, and exercise so we end up in a negative calorie total.

    At first when I had extra calories at the end of the day, I thought it meant “Yippee! I can eat more! But that’s not true and I know it. Bottom line: I think we should consume our daily allowance, and then REJOICE if (by exercising) we have caused a deficit! Burn more than we Eat. So, as a rule do not eat the "extra burned calories" or you are back to the break even point.

    Last but not least, at the end of the day I think we should review everyone’s advice, pick through it and do what works best for you :-)

    Good luck you are on your way, you have already lost 27 pounds!!!
  • Don't be discouraged...always celebrate any loss, it adds up...if you did not gain it is a positive thing.....keep working on it.
    My mom always says...Anything worth having is worth fighting for...keep up the fight!
  • Please don't be so hard on yourself! I don't have that much to lose but I am a yoyo dieter back and forth about 10. I am 41 and am just now starting to figure out what makes it easier to live a healthier lifestyle. First thing - weigh every morning right after you empty your bladder. A tip I can give you is measure out your food and have it ready to eat. I normally always have broiled chicken (seasoned with anything except marinade, i.e. salt, pepper, minced onions, spices, etc), and ground turkey (lately seasoned in taco seasoning and make taco salads w/salsa, lots of lettuce, and hot sauce). I cook these meats and weigh them out into 4 oz servings, and they are in tupperwares in my refrigerator. I also eat every couple/ few hours so I don't let myself get too hungry. I eat lots of egg whites w/ salsa (scrambled using nonstick spray), and i snack on apples and strawberries. I also eat salmon a couple of times per week. Try this and see if it works! If you want more tips let me know.... good luck!
  • 27 pounds in 3 months??? I am sooo envious! That is fantastic!
    Repeating what some of the others have already said:
    The weight didn't come on overnight.....
    Doctor - and when you do.... show him your page on MFP... and ask him if you can email or snail mail
    a copy of your progress reports each month. If you snail mail him... include a self addressed stamped envelope
    and an index card; also include a couple days worth of diet and exercise.
    Put a note on the index card asking him to review your progress, your daily diet and exercise, and
    to recommend any changes. I guarantee your Doc will remember you and give you the emotional boost you need
    the next time you visit him.
    Friend - find a friend to walk with..... anyone. and WALK everyday that you can - have you ever seen an overweight long distance runner??? not LOL Walking should be additional to your daily exercise regimen! Even if you only get 10 min of
    walking in.....

    Now, if only I was this smart with myself lol. Have a great day!! Add me as a friend if you like, I have lots of experience at
    making goofy faces to make people smile (they also roll their eyes.... but)
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    im new here too and thought as far as the calorie intake i have done really well....granted, i literally JUST started this so i know im not gonna see much for awhile, but when i went and picked up a few pairs of jeans for myself, i too got disgusted...i have NEVER weighed as much as i do now....a size come on really? i just need support i think....what motivates you? is it a picture, a person, an idea in your head? Me, i know what i goal rite now is to loose 30 lbs...that will take me down to where i ideal weight (well, right now anyways) is 135, size 10-11 pants...maybe smaller
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    My caloric intake is well below what is required

    There's your answer right there.
  • Ok two weeks down..... and I have found out that what I eat matters, but calories matter more.
    We had a family dinner birthday cake get together this weekend. I tried to track everything I ate that day, was way over on calories, but was back on track Sunday.... and I still lost today. Keep the calories up including exercise calories, I did this 6 out of 7 days.... and it works :wink:
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