Why do I still hate my body?



  • AdvocareChamp1
    Maybe you should start thinking more about how much better and healthier you feel instead of what the mirror shows. Results come with time and if you get down on yourself when you look in the mirror then change it. No matter your weight or how you may feel remember its always whats on the inside that counts. If you feel thin and beautiful then you will appear thin and beautiful. Just keep doing what you're doing and maybe change the way you look at yourself and see how that feels. I wish you the best of luck
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I'm about to go philosophical on you. So, from what I understand from your post, doesn't this mean that your body's appearance isn't what will make you happy then? Sure, get into shape to be healthy and to live long free from diseases but in the end, happiness comes from something that the eyes can't see. IMO.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    I've been there before. I gained weight and lost weight. Even when I was at my smallest, I still had issues. It was then I realized it had nothing to do with my weight but with my poor body image. No matter the progress, I always saw flaws and fault, and saying to myself, if I only had x, y, and z, I'd be a much happier person. So even though with all the flaws and work I still needed to do, even though I looked great, my body went back to the place my mind never left, a place of heaviness, and here I am, overweight again.

    I am here to tell you that weight loss is not the answer to loving your body. You have to fall in love and be in love with you today, unconditionally. It will be a journey and a long path, but it's worth it. Getting fit builds confidence, but it's not the foundation of it. Find your foundation in confidence and in love of self, no matter how much you weigh. You are fly regardless. I don't know where your faith is, but mine is anchored in the Lord, and I've tapped in to who I am in HIM and how He sees me, and not the world. That's whats helping me tap into and understand the foundation of my confidence, my image, and my being. Me getting fit, becoming healthier, more joyful, and a better person is building upon that foundation.

    So lady, all I can tell you is to find your strengths, find your beauty, and find your confidence no matter where you stand on the scale or the measuring tape today. Once that's there, the rest will fall into place. Be blessed. \o/
  • Chelsea_Marinos
    Chelsea_Marinos Posts: 62 Member
    I want to love my body. Any tricks on learning to love yourself? Thanks for listening <3

    Consider volunteering in a nursing home or hospital. You'll see people of all ages who have bodies that don't work. You'll realize you love having a body that is able to sustain your life. It's your body that sustains your life. Hating your body is hating life. Your own in particular. I know this sounds glib and simplistic, but if you spend some time in either of these settings mentioned above, you'll realize this.
    That is a fabulous idea!! Thank you!
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    I'm about to go philosophical on you. So, from what I understand from your post, doesn't this mean that your body's appearance isn't what will make you happy then? Sure, get into shape to be healthy and to live long free from diseases but in the end, happiness comes from something that the eyes can't see. IMO.

    True this! Getting in shape, living a healthy life, and feeling good is important on one level, but you have to look beyond that level to find true happiness.
  • Chelsea_Marinos
    Chelsea_Marinos Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you :) your perspective really really has made an impact. I never thought about that. I mean I have always though "you should be greatful for what you have " etc etc but it feels completely different when you put a face to it. I am going to call around my area this week! I just got a new job that leaves me with an extra day off :)
  • Destinie30
    Unfortunately we are bombarded with images of beautiful women who are photoshopped to look even more beautiful, and we see the way men respond to those 'perfect' women. It does make it hard to see our own beauty, and to be happy with our bodies. I wish I had a better response, but since I currently can't stand to look at myself in a mirror for long, I don't have any tips on how to love your body.
  • SheenaInvincible
    I know know how u feel... :( some years ago I suddently realised that I was fat, so I lost 10kg reaching a BMI of 17. I was freaking skinny bit I still wanted to lose weight. Now I understand that the problem was in my mind. In the last 2 years I gained those kilos back and now I hate my appearance, I hate my legs and my tummy and my cheeks, I hide myself in baggy clothes band I avoid to go out. I'm so insecure about myself band my body image...
    I don't know what to say to help you, sorry! But I read the comments and the people here gave you fabulous suggestions :-) Anyway, I think we should do things that makes us feel a better person (such as volunteering) and we'll feel beautiful in the inside and the outside!
    NOMORECARS Posts: 156
    we see the way men respond to those 'perfect' women.
    I think women would be a lot happier if they stopped worrying about how men think and respond.
  • RebeccaLockwood78
    RebeccaLockwood78 Posts: 12 Member
    Lift weights. I ignored all of the tips on here about lifting weights in conjunction with the loss ( as it was coming off so easily) and now I feel the same about the baggy areas I now have. At least they were plump when filled with fat!

    Seriously though the only thing that is getting me through this is a stubbornness to see my body change shape and become strong, the focus has shifted from being 'thin', to now being toned. Its only going to come through hard work, which is boring I know, but the only way.

    I assumed Id feel better thinner and I don't massively. What I know will make me feel amazing is when I can see my stomach muscles and have definition.
    Good luck hun.