Advice needed to curb the weekly binge!!

Help needed! I feel like I'm hitting a brick wall!

I've stuck to logging my food for the past 3 weeks now (was using MFP previously but would miss a day or 2 here and there) and made sure I counted EVERYTHING (good and bad) but what I've noticed is once a week I'll have a 'bad day' where I cave and go bananas and it blows me out for the entire week. This week for example I am 1200 cals over thanks to Friday nights binge fest :(

I find it really hard to find low cal meals that I actually like - you will see from my food diary not a huge amount of salads or veges but that's because I'm not a fan and my vice is carbs! Another annoyance is I get sick of one type of meal after a while ie. right now for lunch its a roast beef subway but I know in a couple of weeks I won't want/enjoy that. I have a girlfriend who strictly eats the same salad daily for lunch and has for months and loves it!

I have taken to drinking a massive glass of water with a bit of lemon in it with dinner + a tiny tea teatox just to curb my 'after dinner apetite' - seems to work slightly

On another side note, unsure if relevant or not but within the last 2 weeks I have actually lost 1.5KG (3.3 pounds), have been exercising regularly (2KM+ walks 4-5 times a week) and eating healthier than I was for about a month and a half now but have only just started seeing results.

Another note, I'm now into my 4th week of not smoking (smoked half a pack daily for 11 years) and I SWEAR sticking to my daily cals (1430 - I eat back most of my exercise also) is HARDER for me than giving up smoking was!

I worry my days of calorie over-loading will set back any further weight loss.

Has anyone else had this happen in their journey before and how have you defeated?


  • swertyqwerty
    swertyqwerty Posts: 81 Member
    I have the same problem. Listening to suggestions.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Going only 1200 calories over for the week will still put you at a deficit for the week, you should still be losing weight.

    As fr suggestions, I'm sorry, I don't have any, I'm sorry. I tend to do the same thing sometimes....

    Good luck on your journey OP.
  • littlemissdrea85
    Oh really?? Sorry I am still fairly new to this - have been coming to the message boards more and more for advice (find everyone really helpful!) but how does 1200 cals over my weekly goal mean I'm still at a deficit? Sorry I know this is probably very much so a 'beginners' question but the whole calculation side of things I never really understood... Just tried to stick to what MFP told me to eat and also eat back most of my exercise. I've seen posts about 3,500cals being in a pound of fat but that really made no sense to me either to what that means to me on a daily/weekly basis..
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    If you are set up to lose 1 lb per week, MFP will have you at a 3500 calorie deficit, so if you go over your goal by 1200, you are still at a 2300 deficit, so you should still lose a lil over a half pound a week... not sure what you are set up for or how much total you have to lose..
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    1200 for most is way too few calories and is typically below most people's BMR .(calories needed if laying in a coma all day) ...let alone for somebody who moves around....

    So ... whilst you may have set yourself at 1200 as a GOAL .... it is still very much BELOW what you need to STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    Check out this :
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    If I was you if you tend to always go over on weekends Like i do then be prepared why don't you pick node day (mine is Saturday) we're you eat at maintenance which is what I do and I lose between 2-1.5lb, that way you know you have a treat night panned and won't feel guilty for going over. I follow tdee so I eat 1600 calories a day but Saturday I will eat around 2300 and this is more then enough for my vodka ect.

    I have had weekend were I have eaten 3500-4000 calories over and lost 1lb but I cut really back the week after which I would not recommend as not healthy, if you do go way over then I suggest forgetting about and starting fresh day after without punishing yourself. Or like I said eat at maintenance 1 day week.
  • littlemissdrea85
    1200 for most is way too few calories and is typically below most people's BMR .(calories needed if laying in a coma all day) ...let alone for somebody who moves around....

    So ... whilst you may have set yourself at 1200 as a GOAL .... it is still very much BELOW what you need to STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    Check out this :

    My daily intake is 1430 - I've unfortunately gone over for the week by 1200 cals, my intake isnt at 1200

    My daily intake a couple of weeks ago was set at 1200 until I was advised on here to re-work it (maybe thats why I've started seeing results?)
  • littlemissdrea85
    1200 for most is way too few calories and is typically below most people's BMR .(calories needed if laying in a coma all day) ...let alone for somebody who moves around....

    So ... whilst you may have set yourself at 1200 as a GOAL .... it is still very much BELOW what you need to STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    Check out this :

    My daily intake is 1430 - I've unfortunately gone over for the week by 1200 cals, my intake isnt at 1200

    My daily intake a couple of weeks ago was set at 1200 until I was advised on here to re-work it (maybe thats why I've started seeing results?)

    Love the website by the way - thanks am reading through it all now after putting in my data
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    I was struggling recently until I lowered my carb ratio :/ carbs are awesome but I think they really don't do us too many favours in the satiety/cravings department. I was struggling at 50% carbs but recently lowered it to 40% and I feel a LOT better and satisfied :) just a thought
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Oh really?? Sorry I am still fairly new to this - have been coming to the message boards more and more for advice (find everyone really helpful!) but how does 1200 cals over my weekly goal mean I'm still at a deficit? Sorry I know this is probably very much so a 'beginners' question but the whole calculation side of things I never really understood... Just tried to stick to what MFP told me to eat and also eat back most of my exercise. I've seen posts about 3,500cals being in a pound of fat but that really made no sense to me either to what that means to me on a daily/weekly basis..

    Yep you're on the right track , 3500 cals will burn a pound of fat. This means when your account is setup to lose 1 lb a week, what you're given is a deficit of 500 calories everyday. If you hit your daily target everyday except one, you have successfully achieved a 3000 calorie deficit for the six days. If you then overeat by 1200 calories on one day, rather than the full 3500 calories, your deficit is down to 3500 minus 1200 = 2300 cals. Still a deficit. Some people take advantage of the weekly thing, actually intentionally eating a bit less on some days and more on others, or exercise a bit more to create more of a deficit, etc

    If you go to the app, Nutrition --> weekly, it has a bar chart showing your net calorie intake for each day of the week as well as a weekly average and how many cals you have left for the week. There's a setting to lock down which day is the first day of the week, rather than a running average of the last seven days

    Your original post read a bit like a success story to me lol. You made some changes, scale starts dropping, you're eating a bit more, you quit smoking and some other good stuff

    I too get bored of the same foods, though. I get lazy sometimes in not properly stocking the apartment with my staples so that I'm down to too few meals and snacks in rotation and make poor choices. Or when I'm inspired to try a new meal or recipe and don't follow up quickly , the existing ones wind up going boring/stale in my mind, and again , poor choices. Even running out of the right water enhancer in the house affects me. As far as going out Friday nights, you could either accept that you'll eat a bit more or maybe come up with some lower calorie items you could enjoy when out with friends
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I was a binge eater and had to find ways to control myself. The best way for me to eat and not want to binge is many meals a day. Just small ones :) I eat probably about 7 times a day 2 breakfasts one is 1 egg and 2 egg whites another is 3 turkey sausage links and I space them out by 2 hours. I usually have two lunches. Soup or a salad and then 2 hours later a yogurt and some fruit. Then I have filling dinner usually protien, veggie and some type of card. Then I have a nightly snack. :) I fit it all into my daily allowances and if I am eating a lot throughout the day then I don't feel the urge to binge because I have something on my stomach :) as far as going over by 1200 calories only 1 day a week that is not awful. My binges could easily put me 3-4K over. I woud say maybe include a long extra run during the week and don't track or to account for that day you go over :) Maybe that will help offset it.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Just from looking at your diary, here's what I'm seeing:

    - I think your macros might be part of the problem. A 40 carb/ 30 protein/ 30 fat ratio might work a bit better.

    - You have quite a few entries with 0 for different macros and just a calorie count. Choosing better entries in the database will give you a better picture of how you are eating and where the problem might be. You can't tell if you are going over on carbs or fat or protein if there is no data there for reference.

    - You seem to get a lot of calories from beverages such as coffee/tea drinks. I know those help with the "not strangling other people" macro but they aren't doing a whole lot for you in terms of filling you up.

    Also, congrats on quitting smoking. I know how tough that is.

    ETA: Is the "weekly binge" really a binge or is it a night out with friends? If it helps, some people count calories weekly, you could rearrange your calories to account for extra food you eat when you go out.
  • littlemissdrea85
    Just from looking at your diary, here's what I'm seeing:

    - I think your macros might be part of the problem. A 40 carb/ 30 protein/ 30 fat ratio might work a bit better.

    - You have quite a few entries with 0 for different macros and just a calorie count. Choosing better entries in the database will give you a better picture of how you are eating and where the problem might be. You can't tell if you are going over on carbs or fat or protein if there is no data there for reference.

    - You seem to get a lot of calories from beverages such as coffee/tea drinks. I know those help with the "not strangling other people" macro but they aren't doing a whole lot for you in terms of filling you up.

    Also, congrats on quitting smoking. I know how tough that is.

    ETA: Is the "weekly binge" really a binge or is it a night out with friends? If it helps, some people count calories weekly, you could rearrange your calories to account for extra food you eat when you go out.

    Majority of the time it is more of a binge - me by myself with a pizza :/ Usually after a long week at work when I'm buggered and in the mood to relax

    The 'macros' part I have been looking at but haven't gotten to the detail yet as I'm still trying to get a hold of just sticking to my calories - once that's done I'll be looking more into the splits.

    For example I've done well today but even after dinner (you can see my diary to see what I had) and 2 bottles of water during the day and a huge glass of water with dinner and waiting half an hour for my food to 'settle' I'm still hungry and going to give in and have some porridge at 9PM at night :/ Usually wouldn't be too bad but I haven't done my morning + evening walking today because the weather is so bad.

    The hunger/carb/sweets cravings are killing me - tiny tea teatox works for about half an hour to curb my appetite but no entirely
  • littlemissdrea85
    Does anyone have any tricks or secrets ( apart from big glasses of water ) that help curb appetite (natural only please - steering clear of any pills at this point)

    To be more specific.. That help curb the un-necessary cravings for food after you've already eaten over 1400cals that day as an example
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't know what to encourage because I don't know what you want.

    If you want a pig-out day, have one! Go crazy. I don't eat pizza or red meat, so slurp down some extra cheese and meat for me! And some sugar Pepsi with real sugar!!

    If you don't, stop that! Get a grip. Tell yourself No and then focus on other things because, you know, you can't have everything you want. You have to have some willpower.

    You have to decide what you want and then do that.

    There are no secret ways to deny yourself. You just have to get used to not having what you want. It gets easier as time goes on. :)
  • redwoodbsq1
    redwoodbsq1 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same problem! If I really can't handle sticking to my diet, which happens I try to make it the best snack I can for my calories depending on what I'm craving. I think going over by 100 calories is ok, if it stops me from falling off the bandwagon. Mainly because falling off the bandwagon for me usually means consuming 700+ calories. (Ever log a milk shake?? It's easy to blow 700 calories very, very stupidly)

    I usually do one of three things to sate my Achilles heel, depending on craving, and keep it mostly above the board:

    1) OMG I"M SO DAMN HUNGRY craving: Air Popped Popcorn. Sure, it's a carb... but I can eat as much of it as I can stuff into my face until I'm full. And it's usually under 300 calories for a huge stinking bowl. And I will totally sit down and eat a whole bowl. It's better than falling totally off the wagon and I get to eat and eat and eat. (Just watch the salt)

    2) CHOCOLATE: Fiber one brownies. They're 90 calories, get me slightly full, and are very very chocolately. Not awesome for you, but WAY better than the ice cream I was going to break down and eat. :)

    3) SALT: Green Olives, Jalapeno stuffed ones if I can get them. Not a whole lot of calories, but a whole lot of flavor. Also, it's really easy to just pop one or two when I'm doing my stare into the fridge binges. It helps me but I realize some peeps might not like green olives. If that's the case, my backup is pickles. Lots of salt so don't over do it, but it helps with my craving and doesn't involve potato chips. :)

    Hope this helps.