22 and slowly dying

Hello myfitnesspal community. I'm a 22 year old male and I can slowly feel myself dying. I have always been overweight but not to this severity. when I was 16 as a freshman in high school I weighed about 250lbs. I played football so I was pretty active for the year. Sophomore year I jumped upto 280lbs and I had stopped playing football. At the end of my sophomore year I had started taking a ADHD medication that had a appetite suppressant as a side effect within 1 month I had dropped down to 233lbs. Ever since then I had only gone up in weight reaching a high of 360lbs for over a year... in the last 6 months I've gone up to 400 lbs. I don't want to live like this anymore. I've tried every fad diet and some of my sister's training but nothing has ever worked for me. I would say my daily calorie intake is between 4000-7000. I know that is way above my means but I can't help it. If something is there to eat I will eat it. I feel disgusted with myself. I want to be fit and healthy for the first time in my life. Can anyone help me.


  • ingsing
    ingsing Posts: 1
    Have you seen a counsellor that deals with eating disorders?
  • No, there isnt really anything like that where I live...that I've seen. mostly drug abuse counseling.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I hope you get on track & back in control. I have no suggestions for you. Good luck.
  • I feel like my only options are gastric bypass, lapband or end it all.....
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Talk to a doctor and they will be able to tell you where you can go for help. Start by doing some research online and look at what you should be consuming and think about ways of moving more to burn extra cals.

    There are plenty of people who will support you here and not judge you. I lost 118lbs 6 years ago and it has stayed off, I know it is not as much as you want to lose but my weight was ruling my life.

    Good luck...
  • brayman1701
    brayman1701 Posts: 76 Member
    Just take things one step at a time. Make one small change once a week and stick to it for a week and the next week make another change forget about your end goal just concentrate on the changes you have made that week. When your ready start logging your food here and pretty soon it will be a habit and you'll wonder why it was so hard.

    I'm an emotional eater and I get that urge to eat something just because its there but what I have found has helped me and I know some people may think this is rubbish but I started meditating. When I started doing that I felt I could cope much better.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    There are people on this forum/site that have lost 100s of lbs. It is achievable.
  • staceynewbon
    staceynewbon Posts: 15 Member
    the best thing to do is not to do too much too soon. if your eating 4-7000 calories stick to 4000 for a few weeks so its not too much of a shock and gradually cut down by a few hundred calories a week there after. try trading what u eat and drink for a low calorie alternative i.e instead of cola have cola zero .Also don't eat what you don't like because its low cal . you'd be surprised how many calories you can cut out without even noticing . Ive struggled with my weight too and managed to lose it all although i have gained it all back and im trying to lose it again, but this time i don't see it as a diet but a change in the way i live . its hard i know but if you ever want to talk your welcome to add me as a friend .
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Well you're at the right place. I would suggest seeing your doctor first, to make sure you're okay.

    Second, start things here at MFP. Set your height/weight information as well as your activity level so MFP can suggest a calorie intake amount for you. Then follow that along with plenty of exercise and lots of water! Honestly, that's how I've lost my weight. It's totally possible for you to get down to a healthy weight. Don't lose hope. It just takes dedication.
  • rnctipton
    rnctipton Posts: 134 Member
    You have to make the very difficult decision that you want to be healthy more than anything else! Once you do that, you can follow MFP's guidelines for calorie intake to begin your journey to wellness. Only YOU can decide what to eat and how much. Portion control is the best first step. Don't limit kinds of food & drink, but DO limit the amounts you ingest. Stick close to your calorie goal and it will work. YOU CAN DO IT!! The hardest part is making the decision to be commited to it. Don't fret if you sometimes go over your calories, if you are making improvements overall. Exercise is great, but not absolutely necessary to begin with. If you can add in some walking, that will help. The whole point is...JUST DO IT! It's not easy, but can be done with some effort. Good luck to you! (You also may want to consider finding a counselor, as previously suggested!)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Welcome! You can lose the weight. It takes lots of patience and consistency but it can be done. Good Luck to you!

    Read this success story:

    Log your food accurately and honestly. Go for 80% good choices the other 20% don't worry so much about. I eat lots of delicious food and have consistently lost. Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal


    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:

    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I'm no medically trained expert, but my opinion is that you have to want to help yourself. As far as I know we were each given one life to live - do you want to live yours or do you want to continue the way you are (which you already realize where that will eventually lead)? It's a daily struggle for many of us here - but that is why we are here - to help ourselves and each other. Yes, you have a lot of extra weight, but you would not be the first person to have lost it - if it's really what you want to achieve. There are many who have used MFP to accomplish big goals. The thing is - it's not going to drop off over night. One day at a time... I do not agree with the surgical "solution" - EVER. But that's just me. I wish you all the best on getting your head on straight - which will enable you to work toward success. P.S. Ditch the word "can't." :flowerforyou:
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member

    You have less to lose than he did. And just look at him today.
    All the best. :flowerforyou:
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    You don't have to start out eating 1200 calories a day. In fact, I wouldn't recommend it. You can go with the calorie goal that this site tells you or you can search around and find your own number. You will still be able to eat a lot of food with the calories you will be given and sticking to that number will be your first small step. Try to make better choices for food (baked over fried, homemade over eating out, etc). You don't have to do it all at once, just make small steps and you will get there. You don't have to cut anything you love out completely, you just have to make sure it fits in your daily goals and that you are getting enough healthy food to balance it out. One year from now you are either going to be heavier or healthier and that happens one step and one bite at a time. Just because you are not going to wake up 120lbs lighter tomorrow doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do your best today.
  • Nuttynutnuts
    Nuttynutnuts Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck! You can do this. You already made the decision to join Myfitnesspal and you know you need to change, and that's a good start.
    I've tried every fad diet and some of my sister's training but nothing has ever worked for me.

    Stay away from fad diets. Losing weight is about changing your habits for life, not going on a diet. You have to make changes you can stick with. You can still eat the foods you enjoy, in sensible portions. I would suggest don't make any huge changes right away, start with logging what you're eating, and then figure out ways you can reduce your calorie intake. Try out new recipes and make substitutions that you can live with and enjoy. Most importantly be patient - you might need to log at a deficit for a few weeks before the weight starts coming off, but if you log food accurately it will come off.

    Exercise is good but again you have to find something you can enjoy so it's sustainable. I find walking while listening to music or a podcast really relaxing and not too hard to start with.

    I sent you a friend request if you'd like support along the way. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • justlosingtheweight
    justlosingtheweight Posts: 51 Member
    I am 302 lbs I suffer with chronic anxiety, depression and insomnia. I know its so hard to get the motivation to do things. You burn calories at rest. Try taking 1000 or 2000 cals off first and drink plenty of water. I lost 14 lbs with basically no exercise apart from some mild arm exercises
  • justlosingtheweight
    justlosingtheweight Posts: 51 Member
    Once you start losing weight you will feel better, be healthier, more confident and more motivated :D
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    We are all here to help. Don't give up. Happy to help in any way. Send friends requests to us all. This is honestly an amazing website. You an do it. It's not too hard and no need to starve at all.
  • peonycarol
    peonycarol Posts: 12 Member
    You have made the first step! Congratulations! That is a HUGE victory! I`ll tell you what...my friend just had done what they call the "Sleeve". It is a new procedure. She had it done about the same time I started with MFP. I have lost 45 lbs working my a** off and she has lost over 80 without any exercise and just modifying her diet because she could no longer eat the way she used to. It was an absolute GOD send to her! Her story is much like your own. Talk to a doctor and do some reasearch on it! WAY less invasive than anything else out there and, I believe, she was back home the same or next day! GOD LUCK TO YOU! I wish you all the best and KEEP THE FAITH!!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Welcome! You can lose the weight. It takes lots of patience and consistency but it can be done. Good Luck to you!

    Read this success story:

    Log your food accurately and honestly. Go for 80% good choices the other 20% don't worry so much about. I eat lots of delicious food and have consistently lost. Keep it simple find a REASONABLE deficit:

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal


    Find an activity you enjoy doing - I found I love to ride my bike and lift heavy stuff :)

    Here are 2 more threads that will help take the time to read them:


    ^^^ THIS^^^ and especially these two links, repeated for emphasis......

