Best ways to help sore muscles?

One of my biggest issues is my muscles stay sore for a long time. I just did a 13 mile hike and my body is sooooo sore. I try massaging them but it usually only provides really brief relief. Suggestions anyone? :)


  • newmom_2012
    newmom_2012 Posts: 96 Member
    Stretching properly after a workout makes a big difference in muscle soreness for me.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Foam rolling and stretching help quite a bit.

  • Inechan
    Inechan Posts: 21 Member
    It is yoga for me .
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Foam rolling, massage, stretching are good.

    I like heat myself. Heat pad if its localized or hot tub or bath if its full body.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Making your own magnesium oil and using that on the sore spots can help.
  • LeopardSpottedWombat
    I definitely stretch... never tried foam rolling though. Thanks!
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Foam rolling is great! For now hot bath with Epsom Salts will work.
  • smetka01
    smetka01 Posts: 99 Member
    Stretching and massage helps. Unless if I am doing squats. Then nothing helps but time :)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Foam roller is great!
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    Alongside the previous great suggestions, I would get some protein in your system to rebuild your muscles and make sure you're getting lots of potassium :) Also Water!
  • eaglelakebill
    eaglelakebill Posts: 120 Member
    Wow that was an impressive hike!
    I did a 16 mile hike 2 Sundays ago and my lower
    back and butt cheeks were sore as hell until Tuesday!
    Stretching and a few ibuprofen helped make it bearable!
    Where did you hike?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Stretching, tart cherry juice (good for inflammation) and protein. Ibuprofen if it gets really bad.
  • 3774920
    3774920 Posts: 1
    Maybe you'll notice it gets better after you have been moving a lot. For example when you go down some stairs it's horribly painful the first storeys but then it gets better. Using your sore muscle seems to me the best solution. The movement will help eliminate the lactic acid accumulated during the hike in your muscles and that makes them sore. I always do this when doing a new activity or increasing intensity. In 3 days you won't have any soreness anymore, and your muscles will get much less sore when you exercise next.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    1 - Pre & post stretching

    2 - Fish oil.... helps alleviate some muscle inflammation

    3 - Foam roller.... helps break up muscle adhesion's and relaxes muscles on any body part.

    4 - Eating for repair. IE; a person cutting is going to be recovering longer than a person who is bulking. The extra food / nutrients will help repair any damage done.