Starting Medical School- Looking for Freezer Friendly Meals

corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
Hey Everyone!

I am going to be starting medical school in August and am trying to plan out freezer friendly meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner). Luckily, I found some great recipes so far (Indian Lentils and Lamb, Oatmeal in cupcake form, Breakfast tacos, etc).

I would like to freeze approx 40 meals before school begins...tough task but it has to get done. Let me see your BEST freezer friendly meals!! My only request, no dairy (milk, cheese, sourcream...dairy allergy here) or a dish that could be substituted or done without.

Thanks again!!


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    For breakfast: egg, and whatever burritos. In winter my husband makes egg and squash and cheese and sometimes blackbean burritos. In summer, egg and whatever's in season burritos. He will freeze a week or so worth. VERY handy. And, of course, tasty and NUTRITIOUS.

    ps: good for you for thinking ahead!!
  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    Awesome work!
    I'm going into Biomedical Science next year, with the ambition of getting into Medical school. I think that pre-cooking meals is a wonderful idea!

    You could always try freezing lots of soups? They usually have a long freezer-life. :)
  • petitedemoiselle
    petitedemoiselle Posts: 69 Member
    Congrats corinneselene and Nerdphiliac! Med school bound too, but not for a bit though.

    Here for the great ideas. :drinker:
  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    Honestly, I would search on pinterest for ideas! I cant tell you how many posts ive seen with healthy, freezer friendly meals! if you search for healthy freezer meals you will come up with dozens of pages! good luck and congrats on starting med school!
  • RhysJones92
    RhysJones92 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there, congratulations on getting in! Sometimes that's the hardest part (Well that's what everyone says to you, but when you're actually here - getting in seems like a breeze)

    Whilst I don't really have any freezer meals for you I just wanted to say that sometimes it's good to take a break from working and cook a fresh decent meal, it's homely and if you're living with others is a great way to socialise!

    I'm pretty sure the system is different over in America (i'm in the UK) but good luck at med school, you're going to love it!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Cheese-Free Enchiladas
    Stuffed Peppers
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Here is a site to rely on, Read thru the index & see what appeals to you.
    Also, has many recipes & you can change number of servings. Both sites have nutrition data.
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    Thanks for all the well wishes and great ideas!!